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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I don't. There is always a time when I'm all out of ideas but I do a couple of things to prevent the dry spells. 

#1 Have a post or two that is always the same, something like a contest

This will help  ease the stress of having to write so many original posts every week.

#2 Leave the PC/laptop

Being by it 24/7 never helps.

Stop trying to produce. Give yourself a break. 

#3 Don't be so hard on yourself

That's the worst thing you can do to yourself. Stop judging yourself so hard.

#4 Read others blogs to get inspired

That's one of my favourite ways to get inspired, and it almost always works!

#5 Change things up

Write about something you never thought you would write about. Creating content daily tends to make us do/write the same things every day. 

 In order to escape our creative funk, we   need to shock ourselves out of our routine a bit. 

#6 Get physical

Work out, run, walk. Don't just sit, waiting to get inspired. It won't come on it's own and just sitting there, looking at your PC won't help out alot. WHat will help though, is to get the blood pumping through phisical activity. 

Go out and work out for an hour. You will be surprised to see all of the ideas that come flowing in when you come back home. 

#7 Relax

Never get tensed up. It will only destroy your motivation. Go out for a walk and on the way, as soon as you get relaxed enough, try to think about what to  write about next.

#8 Watch a  movie

This one has always heped me get inspired as it both relaxes me and my mind, and gives me a lot of new ideas.



Don't be put down by not being abale to think off an idea to write about. It will only bring you down further. Follow my steps and you will inevitably get inspired.

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