
No. Arbitrary (casual) sex happens regardless. And have been happening for as long as we can remember. If anything, finding a cure for AIDS will make for a better society since there wont be too much stigma towards people with AIDS, which I think is a much bigger issue than the disease itself. Sex will happen without encouragement, it's coded in our DNA. It helps everyone more to educate one another to practice safe sex as well as the respect of consent as that will make for a better society than making it a taboo subject. 

Don't get me wrong, I come from a conservative South East Asian society too. But I know that allowing conversation on "sensitive" matters like these are far more helpful. People will have sex no matter what, trying to stop other people from doing it is futile. It's much more damaging to keep it under the lid than regard it as casual. Education spells the difference between 2 teens trying out safe sex and teen pregnancy which damages the society in the long run.

On another note, your question represent a logical fallacy called the Slippery Slope fallacy, which is one of the errors on logical reasoning, Where you assert that "If A happens, then Z will happen too. (Therefore A must not happen)". You can learn more about Logical Fallacies to help yourself be better at reasoning with yourself and others. Don't worry, we all commit logical fallacies sometimes.

Yes. People will still have sex. And do. Google "swinger clubs" or "seedy bars".

Attempting to stop people from doing such only drives such behavior more underground and reduces chances for testing and prevention of STD transmission.

(Just as an aside, condoms are not 100% effective)

The biggest issue right now is that there is not enough stigma in regards to being a non-tested person. Everyone even if only occasionally having any type of encounter (condoms or not) should be getting full and correctly done STD screenings every 3 to 6 months. (Where full means multiple diseases checked for and correct means including both throat and anal swabs)

In regards to the statement about "a cure for HIV" I would like to point out that at this time we do have a major weapon against at least HIV type 1 spread called PrEP. There is a pill which if taken once a day, (and you can't skip doses), which is effective > 99.9% at preventing infection. If this were made more widely available, in combination with much more regular testing, while the disease wouldn't be cured or eliminated, the rate of infection could be dropped dramatically. See Note: PrEP is recommended for either sex and for any sexual orientation.

In case you want to know about PrEP:

No, I don't believe that the fear of getting AIDS is really stopping anyone from having arbitrary sex anyway. It's super easy to get not AIDS: just wear a condom! Even if the condom breaks, the chances of getting AIDS is extremely low; the virus-infected sperm would have to make its way to the blood of the recipient in some manner. This means that you would have to get a small cut in your skin that is interacting with the sperm. 

The only common way to get AIDS is by having unprotected anal sex with someone that is infected by AIDS/HIV. So just wear a condom, and maybe don't sleep with people who have AIDS, and you will be fine. 

So I don't think a treatment for AIDS will chance anyone's behavior towards arbitrary sex. 

As a side not, why would more arbitrary sex be bad? Why should we care about how many people other people have sex with? 

Herein lies one of the cultural difference between the more progressive West and the conservative East.

There are still cultures that exist where sex is regarded as something dirty taboo. And as a person who comes from such a culture, I can say that technology is not the main driver of cultural change because a person might have the latest smartphone and the fastest internet connection, that does not directly make said person more progressive and open minded...

There's a saying here in my country in English, "The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

Yep, there's definitely a huge culture clash between the East and the West on certain parts of the Internet. We have a lot of different views on some "taboo" matters, especially things like sex, homosexuality etc.

"The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

That's a great saying!

I don't think it would anymore than birth-control or antibiotics did.  There are more ways to contract AIDS than just by having sex.  If sex were the only way to contract it, maybe, but again, that doesn't seem to be the case with other STD's and the ability to treat/cure them with antibiotics.

Well in my own opinion i think that if the cure to HIV/AIDS is discovered then it will be a good news to the world but also it would make some certain people to engage more in arbitary sex because they now feel that even if they are infected they can easily get cured unlike before when they were very careful when having sex because they do not want to get infected with a deadly disease like AIDS that has no cure...

On a serious note i don't think so. Why do i say so? I don't believe there is a normal person out there that likes to be confined in a hospital because he or she is sick. Even with the availability of drugs for so many diseases nowadays, how many people will deliberately engage in activities that will predispose them to picking up diseases? None.

From a personal level, being sick is a terrible thing and i hate it. So even if there was a cure out there for AIDS, I will not go about messing up just to be cured later. Not for someone that knows what it is to be sick and the feelings and restrictions it brings. So i don't think a treatment for AIDS will encourage arbitrary sex, i mean safe measures of preventing cross transmission are already available and people use them daily so on a higher note, it is these safe measures that have will and have increased arbitrary sex for me.

I was about to answer but I first read the previous answers. There is one thing I can conclude: the STEEM blockchain will be around for all eternity. I've never read so much sensible answers on the STEEM blockchain in a 24 hour period. Long to read but definitely helpful for those in need of answers. 

I praise the creator(s) of Musing of using the STEEM blockchain the way it should.

Now, to answer your question I'm going to ask a question: "What would happen if Cannabis would be made legal all over the world at once?"

Everytime i shut down google chrome it signs me off, telling me the syncing is paused. why?

it tells me to sign in again and offers me to open guest window, manage people or close all of my windows.

This usually happens when you sign out of your Google account in a Google-owned website, such as Gmail. Are you signing out every time?

Nope all i do is shut down the browser. I believe it has something to do with syncing as it points that out, that the syncing is paused

I think it exists in some places but not everywhere. I can only give my perspective from my country, Singapore.

In Singapore, people are given equal opportunities regardless of gender. Gender discrimination is uncommon at workplaces. For occupations that are traditionally done by males (e.g. army and police), we also see a good number of females. In fact, we just got a female head of Criminal Investigation Department in our police force.

Well I want to think it exists in a modern world where we live, there's now franchise to vote, democracy has made it very easy to enshrine gender equality.

In some situations and traditions people still practice gender inequality because sometimes they believe it's the custom that a gender is more special or better than another.

But because of modernization and the system of government practiced we now see men and women in positions of authority, this shows and proves gender equality

I think, it does exist at many places, especially at least in developed and most of the developing countries. However, personally, I do not like the fact that, women are asking for an equality, where they should be actually treated more than the male counterparts. Because, they do have more patience, more capability and everything else compared to male counterparts, except may be strength. So they deserve more than equality. 

Gender equality exists in many countries,,but the only problem i have with some women concerning gender

equality is that some of them only remember “equality” when it favours them and when it does not favour them they start reminding you that “you are the man othe house” and that is when they pretend not to believe in

gender equality,,for example such women when it comes to factors like finances then that is when they suddenly remember you are the

man and you should be the one to pay the bills and they forget gender equality at that point,i believe such act is hypocrisy and should be totally condemned...

I don't think there can be a black and white answer to this.

There are ofcourse positive things feminism has brought and will bring, but also strange hardliners with weird opinions. Sadly often the later are the ones shouting the loudest(online) and claiming to represent feminism. At least this is my subjective feeling about this topic in the last few years.

To conclude: you should think carefull about everything you read and segregate bullshit from valid topics. E.g. racism against white men that came up lately is clearly bullshit while topics like women rights are often valid for some countrys. 

Well feminism is supposed to be a positive thing that enables our society to become better but i realized that there are some feminists that have hidden agenda and

they use feminism to carry out their own evil agenda and it is such feminists that makes many people think feminism is having more negative impact in the society

than the positive aspect...but i still believe that we should look at feminism in a positive light but we should be beware of false feminists...

If a project holds that many tokens then it is difficult for me to trust them. This is not necessarily due to the fact that they might dump it in the future. Who knows that these tokens might actually be planned to be used for a newer project....

My reason for distrust come from the fact that the this kind of percentage holding is against the core philosophy of decentralization. Historically it has been shown that too much power concentration in one area will breed trouble for later. 

This is one of the areas where I am not comfortable buying in the project even when I see that it has a sound team and technology. Another factor is the fear of these tokens being scammed away from the project. Even if the team is good but they are still susceptible to scams and phishing and hacking like all token holders. One percent tokens getting stolen might hurt the project but thirty percent might kill it.

I would not necessarily distrust it; the amount of tokens held by a single organization or individual could potentially cause havoc to the coin/token, but in most cases this won't happen. Steemit Inc. holds a huge amount of Steem, so I guess we are kind of in this situation here. Luckily it will take them 13 weeks to Power Down all of it at least. 

So I can definitely trust such a project, but it will be a bit more difficult to get my trust compared to if this was not the situation. 

Why is STEEM worth more than 5$ on Bithumb?

I've seen the same old situation play out so many times now and it's getting boring. Deposits and withdrawals of Steem on Bithumb are blocked, all while the price is skyrocketing (currently 5,15$). This has bothered me for the longest time and I even asked about it through a post on Steemit a couple months back but, no one seemed to know what is really going on other than the obvious, that the price is being manipulated.

So, for my first time using I would like to ask you the following questions:
How is it possible that on one exchange Steem is worth 7x more than anywhere else?
Who is responsible for the massive price increases on Bithumb?
Why are they doing it?
How is it affecting the overall price of Steem?

I'm looking forward to getting your opinions and finally getting to the bottom of this!

Oh, yeah, and tell me please if I'm doing this wrong. Maybe I shouldn't ask more than one question or I'm using the wrong format. If so please notify me about it.

Your question is detailed and needs a complete answer. I believe that I can answer a part of the reason why Steem prices are trading at 7x times the market price.

The thing is that at the moment Bithumb has 85 percent of the trading volume of steem but at the same time you cannot deposit or withdraw Steem from Bithumb.

This has lead to a complicated situation, where speculators are taking advantage of the situation. This means that with high volume of tokens are being traded at place where the supply is low (due to wallet lock down). This has resulted in jacked up prices and higher price volatility. The speculators are feeding this volatility make day trading gains, which in turn is pumping the price.

Bithumb probably uses some asian-only markets to tell steem's price.

It's just wrong.

My answer could not answer your specific questions, however I will express my opinion.

In a decentralized system I believe that this is possible to happen, manipulation of supply and demand to affect prices for specific purposes. I do not think it affects the value of steem globally. I do not look with good eyes either. Transparency should be the premise to follow.

I think that with SMT steem it will be able to rise again and stay.

Mosquitoes are one of the disturbing animals that often disturb everyone. This type of animal can easily be found in various places, even in abundant conditions, so that it can cause outbreaks of diseases such as dengue fever and malaria.

Then, this is what causes everyone to attempt to kill and even kill the cycle of the life of the mosquito. killing animals that are similar to them is equally disturbing as ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, and wild animals. All animals can be killed if they interfere.

Whereas ants that do not interfere are not killed

There are hundreds if not thousands of real use case scenarios of cryptocurrency. What we sometimes forget is that some cryptocurrencies are already being used real life. Although we might not be using them but hundreds of thousands of people are already using them. 

Let me list some of real uses here:

1. You asked this question on, which is a basically built on the Steem Blockchain. Steem is the native cryptocurrency of this blockchain and we all get to earn Steem tokens as we use dapps built on top of the steem blockchain. We are basically getting paid for our time, on this social media - As real as it gets.

2. Smart contracts are basically digital contracts that are written as pieces of self exciting codes that follow a uniform protocol. Thus you are now able to make deals with even anonymous parties based on predefined terms of your contract. Thanks to smart contracts we are able to so without the fear of  miscommunication or misinterpretation or even cheating. Many cryptocurrencies have this feature built in and is used daily by many people.

3.  Border-less and faster payments: This means that you don't really need to wait for you transcations to be cleared by banks and government officials. You can use cryptocurrency to make peer-to-peer payments with any dependency on a third party like a bank (I have personally used it many times)

4. Tokens like BAT tokens are being used to incentive your work on internet. You create content on internet and use the built in functionality of of the Brave Browser to monetize it. Basically you get paid in BAT tokens for your work.

Thanks for your answer. But I hope it can be widely use for our daily purchase like foods, groceries and more but because of the unstable price, Most of the people still won’t consider of using it.

We discuss this topic on that web site now. This platform  (Steem ecosystem and is absolutely real I think. You should not search your answer far away.

Yeah... this is the only one I’m using now.