
No. Arbitrary (casual) sex happens regardless. And have been happening for as long as we can remember. If anything, finding a cure for AIDS will make for a better society since there wont be too much stigma towards people with AIDS, which I think is a much bigger issue than the disease itself. Sex will happen without encouragement, it's coded in our DNA. It helps everyone more to educate one another to practice safe sex as well as the respect of consent as that will make for a better society than making it a taboo subject. 

Don't get me wrong, I come from a conservative South East Asian society too. But I know that allowing conversation on "sensitive" matters like these are far more helpful. People will have sex no matter what, trying to stop other people from doing it is futile. It's much more damaging to keep it under the lid than regard it as casual. Education spells the difference between 2 teens trying out safe sex and teen pregnancy which damages the society in the long run.

On another note, your question represent a logical fallacy called the Slippery Slope fallacy, which is one of the errors on logical reasoning, Where you assert that "If A happens, then Z will happen too. (Therefore A must not happen)". You can learn more about Logical Fallacies to help yourself be better at reasoning with yourself and others. Don't worry, we all commit logical fallacies sometimes.

Yes. People will still have sex. And do. Google "swinger clubs" or "seedy bars".

Attempting to stop people from doing such only drives such behavior more underground and reduces chances for testing and prevention of STD transmission.

(Just as an aside, condoms are not 100% effective)

The biggest issue right now is that there is not enough stigma in regards to being a non-tested person. Everyone even if only occasionally having any type of encounter (condoms or not) should be getting full and correctly done STD screenings every 3 to 6 months. (Where full means multiple diseases checked for and correct means including both throat and anal swabs)

In regards to the statement about "a cure for HIV" I would like to point out that at this time we do have a major weapon against at least HIV type 1 spread called PrEP. There is a pill which if taken once a day, (and you can't skip doses), which is effective > 99.9% at preventing infection. If this were made more widely available, in combination with much more regular testing, while the disease wouldn't be cured or eliminated, the rate of infection could be dropped dramatically. See Note: PrEP is recommended for either sex and for any sexual orientation.

In case you want to know about PrEP:

No, I don't believe that the fear of getting AIDS is really stopping anyone from having arbitrary sex anyway. It's super easy to get not AIDS: just wear a condom! Even if the condom breaks, the chances of getting AIDS is extremely low; the virus-infected sperm would have to make its way to the blood of the recipient in some manner. This means that you would have to get a small cut in your skin that is interacting with the sperm. 

The only common way to get AIDS is by having unprotected anal sex with someone that is infected by AIDS/HIV. So just wear a condom, and maybe don't sleep with people who have AIDS, and you will be fine. 

So I don't think a treatment for AIDS will chance anyone's behavior towards arbitrary sex. 

As a side not, why would more arbitrary sex be bad? Why should we care about how many people other people have sex with? 

Herein lies one of the cultural difference between the more progressive West and the conservative East.

There are still cultures that exist where sex is regarded as something dirty taboo. And as a person who comes from such a culture, I can say that technology is not the main driver of cultural change because a person might have the latest smartphone and the fastest internet connection, that does not directly make said person more progressive and open minded...

There's a saying here in my country in English, "The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

Yep, there's definitely a huge culture clash between the East and the West on certain parts of the Internet. We have a lot of different views on some "taboo" matters, especially things like sex, homosexuality etc.

"The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

That's a great saying!

I don't think it would anymore than birth-control or antibiotics did.  There are more ways to contract AIDS than just by having sex.  If sex were the only way to contract it, maybe, but again, that doesn't seem to be the case with other STD's and the ability to treat/cure them with antibiotics.

Well in my own opinion i think that if the cure to HIV/AIDS is discovered then it will be a good news to the world but also it would make some certain people to engage more in arbitary sex because they now feel that even if they are infected they can easily get cured unlike before when they were very careful when having sex because they do not want to get infected with a deadly disease like AIDS that has no cure...

On a serious note i don't think so. Why do i say so? I don't believe there is a normal person out there that likes to be confined in a hospital because he or she is sick. Even with the availability of drugs for so many diseases nowadays, how many people will deliberately engage in activities that will predispose them to picking up diseases? None.

From a personal level, being sick is a terrible thing and i hate it. So even if there was a cure out there for AIDS, I will not go about messing up just to be cured later. Not for someone that knows what it is to be sick and the feelings and restrictions it brings. So i don't think a treatment for AIDS will encourage arbitrary sex, i mean safe measures of preventing cross transmission are already available and people use them daily so on a higher note, it is these safe measures that have will and have increased arbitrary sex for me.

I was about to answer but I first read the previous answers. There is one thing I can conclude: the STEEM blockchain will be around for all eternity. I've never read so much sensible answers on the STEEM blockchain in a 24 hour period. Long to read but definitely helpful for those in need of answers. 

I praise the creator(s) of Musing of using the STEEM blockchain the way it should.

Now, to answer your question I'm going to ask a question: "What would happen if Cannabis would be made legal all over the world at once?"