
My username was developed over a long period of time with a few different alterations. When I was younger, I wanted to be a horror writer. (I still do). I didn't want to necessarily hide my identity but my real name is hard to pronounce and I wanted to kind of surprise people with it. What I mean by that is, I wanted to get something published, and then kind of joke around with my friends like "yeah I wrote that" and then slowly make them realize it was actually me. 

So I had to come up with a pen name. 

I started playing with different names. I think when I was young I was under the impression that I was going to try to be some like serious, macabre horror writer so I wanted the name to pay tribute to people from horror's past. So, I started thinking of ones that may work. 

I wrote a few stories under one name that preceded Herbert Holmes, I believe it was Herbert Doyle. Herbert was taken from Dr. Herbert West, the doctor of H.P. Lovecraft's Reanimator. I absolutely love the Reanimator story and for some reason Herbert just kind of stuck. It was also somewhat of a nod to Lovecraft- but only his character and writing- not him as a person. In case you didn't know, as amazing an author as he was; Lovecraft was a piece of shit. 

I don't fully remember where Doyle came from. I believe it was from "Tommy Doyle" of John Carpenter's Halloween. Halloween is my all time favorite movie franchise series and without a doubt my favorite day of the year. It's just like.. my life. 

Anyways at some point I got bored with the name. I didn't like it as much as I originally had. I may have just entirely forgotten about it as well, because as I'm looking through my stuff Herbert Doyle went to Herbert Holmes without any transition and after a period of time I hadn't written anything for awhile. 

I kind of became proud of Herbert Holmes. Holmes was derived from the name of America's first serial killer, H.H. Holmes. The first H stood for Herman, but that was lesser known, so it just happened to fit together so perfectly that it just kind of made me smile a little bit. My real name's Erik, haha. 

Anyways, I'm not as scary as I sound. I just like to write about dark and weird things so it seemed fitting to have an appropriate name to go with it. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to talk about it, haha!

Cheers! :)

There was actually a steemit tag #steemitnamechallenge a few months ago that went viral and we had many many steemians joining and sharing the story behing their username. The rules include

  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  2. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  3. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  4. Nominate 5 people for this challenge

And here is my story

@jrvacation is owned by both of us. J writes the contents and R manages the technical and financial aspect of the account. Back in 2013, when we wanted to start blogging on our Japan Travel experiences, first thing we needed to do was to obtain a domain name. We decided to choose the first letter of our firstname, forming JR. Next, we tried different combinations like,, but all of those were already taken up. We absolutely wanted a .com domain, and in the end was chosen. The name stucked and we had been using it on our website, FB, instagram, and now Steemit!
JR also sounds like Japan Rail (the national railway in Japan) which is synonymous to our blogging topic.

My username was born during highschool. My nickname is adel and I have this crush on one of my classmate and his name is blair. He was a gentle guy and I always have fun when we hang out with friends.

Then I told one of my bestfriends about me liking him, so they made this merged name of ours - - adelair.

One time while my family was talking about reunion with relatives, they mention the family of my crush and I was like, "wait, we're related to this family?????" oh dear, my world just booooom.

So yeah, I still keep this name. This is something special to me. I told himas well that I "used to like him", it doesn't matter anymore. There's nothing I can do about it now.

And then everyone was calling me this name from then on. Hahahahhaha

I have always wanted to answer this question lol. Well my username is trojan.. When anyone hears it, the first thing that comes into mind is trojan virus most will think trojan condom but the fact being that no one ever thinks of the real one which is trojan horse.

Well back in secondary school each and everyone had a nickname either given to them by their friends or they had one for their self. They just had a nick name expect me. I struggled and struggled to come up with a nick name but nothing came to mind so I ended up calling myself Da Don. Yeah I know it sounds awful but I had no choice simply because I wanted to feel among . As sec school ended so did that awful nick name, I had plans on going to learn a bit on my field of study before venturing into the University so I found myself in Calabar.

Well Calabar is a nice place but am not talking about that now. While I was in Calabar, I met a girl and we became friends. During one of our normal discussions, she said something taht made me laugh and it was "you look like a chinese man ooo, are you sure you are from this country? " That was how that one spread amongst my co-workers and friends (Chinese). For a second there, I liked it but as soon as left there to start school, the name remained with them. So there again nick name less.

How I got the name trojan

A friend of mine in school was saying something that he doesn't know what might happen tomorrow that am unpredictable. People might think I will go right but then I will end up going left.

As I heard this, I then thought to myself that it's true I just like being unpredictable (I hate someone dictating my next moves). Although I knew the story but I still did my research to be sure. The story of the trojan horse which the Troys used to deceive the Greeks. Whereby Greeks didn't predict that the Troys would do something like that .

That was what wanted something that goes well with my personality. Well there you have it the meaning behind my name Trojan. Not trojan virus nor trojan condom but trojan the act of being unpredictable.

I shared it in my introductory post. Feel free to check it out.  

My username is my nickname offline,,i got the nickname by my friends because i love to eat a local food in my country called “boli”,boli is a kind of food made with a roasted plantain....

It's the latin name of a plant - just take a look at my avatar. It's one of the first colorful flowers in springtime and I love it :)

My name is temilade but most people call me lade, so a friend of my started calling me ladiva because according to him I like to do like a diva and I love the name Ladiva but the word diva was all over town then, so there was alot of ladiva, I wanted my nickname to be unique, so one day playing scrabble I came across the word peachy and I loved it so I added it to the ladiva and that's how peachyladiva was born.

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