
"CoinGecko is a cryptocurrency ranking chart app and website that ranks digital currencies by developer activity, community, and liquidity. "

If you are familiar with CoinMarketCap, another cryptocurrency ranking chart popular for ranking cryptos based on their market capitalzation, well CoinGecko is kind of like that but has an added filter and sorting for developer activity, community and liquidity.

Developer Community - For big time potential investors, one thing to look at is how active the development team of the cryptocurrency is. CoinGecko displays how many forks, issues, pull requests, etc have been done. Making it easier for potential investors to see how commited and reliable the development team is.

Community - It goes without saying that the more people holding and talking about the coin the more it will be worth. If a crypto have a decent amount of community support then investors are likely to invest on that coin.

Liquidity - CoinGecko tracks all coins available on exchanges and sums it all up. The more liquid coins is on the market ready to be traded and exchanged, the more the cryptocoin is considered growing.


I didn't know about the developer pull-down info. How long have you been using CoinGecko yourself?

Coingecko is a cryptocurrency ranking site. The default site settings rank cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalisation. However, you can select other criteria's by using the filter option.

You can select the All hashing algorithm to display certain cryptocurrencies based on different algorithms such as Proof of stake, Delegated proof of stake and so on.

You can also filter tokens according to the coin platform they leverage on. Platforms such as Ethereum, Waves can be selected and their respective tokens can be seen. The website can be visited at

Coingecko is a cryptocurrency website platform that shows cryptocurrencies information and rankings by value, charting, market capitalization, and liquidity of the tokens.

It is the same as coinmarketcap that lists all of the cryptocurrencies created. With coingecko, a user can check on his preferred :

- Coin prices , the current price of the coin (in USD, YEN, EURO, PHP, or currency in your country).

- Chart / Graph / History , it provides a thorough history of the prizes along the days, weeks, months and year. A thing needed for price analysis.

- Percent Change (%), provides you the changes of price a specific coin has. A "green" indicates increase in value and "red" indicates decrease in value.

- USD/BTC pairing, provides you the current demand/supply price of the coin in BTC (Satoshi) or USD.

- Market Capitalization, provides you the current Market Capitalization of the Coin.

- Liquidity, Developer, and Community.

- Ranking, they provide you ranking of the token performances.

Here's a quick view of the site.

So between CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, which one do you use?

CoinGecko is a crypto currency rating site that bases its assessment on the quality of developers. Variables assessed can include activities, community reach, and liquidity. This source of information is useful for those of you who want to know the potential for the survival of a crypto currency in the future.

CoinGecko is a Cryptocurrency ranking chart application that sorts digital currencies based on developer, community activities

Well every family fights and the way to handle it depends on which members of your family are fighting, but talking things through is almost always the best way to go about it.

If your parents fight alot then it's doesn't necessarily mean that they hate each other or are planning on getting a divorce, but if its bothering you so much then the best thing to do would be to sit them down and have a talk with them on how their fighting is making you feel. Even if parents fight alot, they'll almost try and make things better if they see that it's affecting their kids negatively.

If your parents are fighting with your siblings then the best way to go about this is still to have a sit down with the affected parties and have them talk out their issues with you as the moderator. Often times it can be difficult to get parents to see a child's side of the issue as anything but youthful exuberance, but if you can manage to get them to sit down and talk then it'll go a long way.

If your siblinfs are fighting amongst themselves, then sometimes it's good to actually let them be at first. It's called sibling rivalry and with time they'll eventually get over it, but if you feel it's something serious, the, stepping in and making them talk it out is always a good option. Moreover, they're siblings, no matter how they fight and argue, they still love each other.

If you happen to get into an argument with any member of your family then how bout you maintain a cool head and try and talk it out without raising your voice. If tempers are flaring at the time of the argument then give it a few days then revisit the issue again, but this time, do it when both of you are less angry.

I hope this helps.

Leave the country and don't take sides unless you want to lose one side or even possibly both.

Families fighting is an absolute nightmare for the family member(s) who isn't part of the disagreement.

At some point, one side or maybe both sides will drag you into the disagreement to get you to side with them and this is when the problems start. Side A will accuse you of helping side B, Side B will accuse you of being disloyal, hence you fall out with everyone over an argument which has nothing to do with you and you were not involved in.

I seriously feel for your predicament as many families seem to have this problem. I know mine has been a nightmare in the past. It got to the point where I don't really want to know any of them. Throw money and wills into the equation and the problem multiplies infinitely.

My answer is to never forget to send cards at Christmas and Birthdays. Call everyone once a week and stay as far away from them as possible.

My original advice was leave the country, I am English. I live in Thailand. 'Nuff said.

Hope it all calms down and you get out of the line of fire, its an awful position to be in, so my best wishes to you :-)

Are "comments" included on the Reverse Auction Voting Penalty?

Before HF20, all upvotes before 30mins goes directly to the author of the post(linearly).

If one voted at the 0th minute, all curation rewards goes to the author.

If that same account upvotes at exactly 15mins, 50% of that accounts curation rewards goes to the author and 50% goes back to the upvotee.

If that same account upvotes after 30mins, all curation rewards he will get from the post goes to him.

Now with Hard Fork 20 this have been changed. Instead of going to the author, it goes to the reward pool.

Question is: does this apply to "comments" too?

Yes they are. It is calculated the same way as a post these days. I found out the hard way and realised soon enough that it is wise to wait the 15 minute period before upvotting a comment.

Not everyone has realised this and have done a post the other day highlighting our bad habits and ignorance towards this. If you vote immediately after receiving a comment you have basically just thrown your vote away handing a majority of the curation to Steemit.

What does a good Sunday morning breakfast include for you?

Time for a cosy breakfast. What has to be part of it?

A full Irish which is 3 sausages , 2 rashers . A black and white pudding, a poached egg, mushrooms , beans , waffles toast and coffee. You will not need a lunch !!

Eggs, bacon, sausage links, sourdough toast - heavy on the butter.

And a nice cup of hot tea.

Pretty much my standard weekend breakfast.

I always have few different cereals mixed together, with hot milk. So Sunday morning breakfast is no different as any other :) But in sundays (in afternoon) I like to make myself a milkshake with lot of different fruits, honey, and little bit of cinnamon 

Egg and bacon! That's a great way to start the Sunday. 

I have never been a breakfast sort of person and my normal day would just be a cup of coffee.

Sundays however we normally have a special mid morning breakfast which would include coffee and fruit juice. Eggs ,bacon and sausages with toast is our normal Sunday breakfast catching up with the family. It is one of the only meals of the week that we are all together these days as our lives are so busy doing other things.

Family time is important and should make the effort at least once or twice per week. We are not getting any younger and having family in the same town let alone the same country is rare these days.

There are plenty of things we do in morning including breakfast as I am not able to get time in morning for breakfast many time as I am a lazy persons and cannot able to get up on time and I get late for my college and I miss some days my morning breakfast. Some day if I got up early and then I prefer to have a light breakfast in the morning due to sleep. I often eat some pasta, Maggie, Bread jam or some fruit dish. I prefer to eat this dish at morning between 9-10.

The breakfast I eat is less in weight because there are plenty of reasons behind it, One is sleep. As we prefer light weight breakfast we get our day a boost and we may work some more time because heavy food may get us to sleepy whole day. It from our precious time we lost out one day because of some food. 

Some day when I am traveling somewhere early morning then i eat some fast food as my mother is not able to wake up early morning and cook for me so i usually prefer some dish like Samosa, Vadapav, Dabeli as my morning breakfast.

My best trade was UKG (Unikoingold). It was having a very low satoshi price. I bought a lot of it then few days later it pumped! It went nuts (500% in increase) and I got a profit of around $2000 that time.

My worst trade was SRN (Sirin Lab Tokens). It was having a momentum before, being the first cryptocurrency to produce Smart Phones, Laptops, and tablets having Blockchain technology their protocol. It was getting listed on Bittrex (and endorsed by Lionel Messi), so I immediately bought worth $5000. I went all in seeing my fundamental and technical analysis on it.

But it went down. It went down to 30% of my investment and I lost around $3500. Crypto is very unpredictable.

Funny enough bitcoin for both


Bought at $125, sold at $1,000

Nice 800% profit



Bought at $125, sold at $1,000

Only 800% profit vs 8000% or more I could have gotten

Starting selling majority of my holdings around the 1K mark, sold up until about $1300 when I decided to keep the rest and see if anything comes of it.

Can't complain really, those sales did pay off my mortgage and buy a new car but man if I would have held for another 14-16 months. Oh well

Looks like HODLing is the key to tens of Xs and that requires a lot of patience. I'm curious how much patience will I have with my crypto holdings when another wave comes.

Yep and that is a very difficult thing to do year after year lol
I held for many years, and finally said 8X my investment is not bad for something I considered a gamble when I started it
Plus, I really needed a new car
Still have a couple kicking around, but this time it needs to break $100K or they are going to the grandkids lol

hahaha. There are a few that were bad.

I purchased Verge and it has lost about 1000%. i haven't sold them as the price will com back at some point so not a total disaster.

The pluses are I purchased Cardano at 0.09 c and and EOS at $2.60 a while ago. The only thing is my account was hacked so they have all gone. I will get back into it eventually but I suppose the best thin that ever happened was the hacking as I found Steem straight afterwards and have been here ever since.

Right now my worst trade so far is Bitcoin. I purchased it when it was around 14k and it hasn't been anywhere close to that since.

I also purchased a decent amount of EOS when it was around $8 and it has been hanging out around $5 for quite a while now.

I don't really count my Litecoin investments because those have just been great even when the price is down.

I’ve the worst one by a mile. In november I got into exchanges so I bought 5000 kucoin at 45 cent. I held for two weeks until I heard a rumour that COSS exchange was the better bet. I sold for at a profit 60 cent and bought into COSS at 1 Euro. A couple of days later Kucoin exploded . I bought and sold too early. It went to 16 Euro at one stage . That would of been the mortgage paid! COSS increased to 3 Euro but I still held and now it’s 5 cent a coin. What potentially was 70k is now around 600 quid. You win some you lose some.

Oh and my best trade was buying a bag load of iota and verge last October . It cancelled out my worst trade but I still hold .

There were quite a few by the way. 

To name the top most trade that I did was of SBD when it was around USD 14 and I was able to get quite some profit from them. and those were the first most profits that I was able to get in my cypto trade ever. There were others with  profits but this was the most memorable one.

While I remember the one coin named Copytrack this was the worst I bought it at probable 100 Bucks and I sold it maybe at 10 USD at the end. It was the worst one til the date of today that I had.

But yeah ups and downs are there in our life. We learn from them and use those knowledge to avoid mistakes in our future.

Hahahahahhaahahaha....... I would put on some gibberish styles. First of all I'm going to wear my bra and make sure it capture only one side of my breast. I will put on a round neck then fix a tie to my neck. I have one old skirt just on my knee level.I will wear that and put on my socks. On the left leg there will be a bathroom slippers while a covered shoe will go with the right leg. That will make me walk like a wounded cat. I will put on some funny make ups that will make me look like a local champion. Finally I will carry a big nylon bag and hang it on my shoulder. I'm good to go.... LWKMD..

This reminds me of rag day back in the universities. In Nigeria there is a day known as rag day for new intakes where they dress up in rags (funny wears) and walk round the town begging for money for orphanage.

If I wanna get the most laughs with an outfit from my clothes then what I'll do is this, I'll put on my black leggings and tear just one side of my buttocks making it visible then put on a red gstrings pant the wrong way with the front at the back. I'll fold one leg of the leggings and let the other down then put on long white socks and a school sandals. On top, I'll put on a sweater and wear my red bra on it and then tie one end of the sweater so it doesn't cover my butts. Then I'll bring out my Brazilian hair wig and help my head look trendy and of cos beautiful make up to go.

More like she looks so beautifully facially but dressed like a mad woman. Lol.

Yes, according to many leading news papers and reports its said that Steve job left million of dollars for her daughter  Lisa Brennan-Jobs.  According to website wikiclebinfo. com - The present net worth of Lisa Brennan Jobs is estimated to be over $10 billion. So, we can conclude that Yes Steve Job left billions of dollars for his daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs.

Jobs really became more generous when his daughter grew up. He then bought Lisa a house for $ 400 thousand and two cars. But that is nothing compared to what Jobs gave his wife Laurenne Powell and their three children. Almost all of Jobs's assets were inherited to Laurene who is now one of the richest people in the world with an estimated asset of USD 16.8 billion.

Her daughter Lisa received an unspecified inheritance, but still far less than what Laurenne received. Lisa, who had not recognized Jobs as his son, said his father was very stingy about him. Shortly after being recognized as his daughter, Jobs only gave a monthly fee of USD 500.

Steve Jobs is famous and wealthy, but many consider him stingy. Rarely is it heard that it contributes to humanity. Likewise what his biological child told him,

DISTANCE...! That was the issue that tore my 7 years relationship apart. I was staying in the same city with my girl before I was transfered by my company to the head office ,(9hours journey by Bus). She also got admission into tertiary institution and since then,we occasionally meet. I made sure I call her always, I send her money and made sure she didn't lack anything. I also visit her anytime I'm less busy at work but all these worked only for some time.

I began to notice changes in her. She was caring and loving but her sudden changes gave me huge concern. I asked her what was going on but she kept saying nothing. She knew the kind of person I am. I don't take things too seriously especially when I know that force won't work wonders. I kept enduring her attitude. She picks my calls when she likes. I didn't still pick quarrel with her because I already knew what could be fishing. I patiently dealt with her until she open up one day. She called me and said she was sorry.

"Please ckole, I can't pretend anymore. I'm hurting you so much and I won't like to continue this way. The reason I've been acting strange is because I'm already dating another person. I want someone close to me. I don't like the distance and I can't cope any more. I'm sorry".

I tried to convince her but all to no avail. I loved her so much. I felt empty when she left me. She told me I'm not always there when she needs my presence. Though I call daily and cater for her needs, she cherish the physical union. Talking on air isn't enough. She wanted to be true but she couldn't hold on. She's a reserved young lady. I couldn't blame her, I just learnt a lesson.

My next relationship didn't suffer just 2 kilometers distance. I never gave it a chance and it worked out fine.

Distance in a relationship is not what should be encouraged. Companionship really matters. The more you get together, the more you build the relationship. There are temptations every where. our spouse goes through series of it from attractors. We are not the only one that wants them, there are others out there that cherish them just as we do. Keeping away too far can cause the unexpected to happen.

Even a lot of Marriages has broken just because of this eight letter words "DISTANCE". Everyone has his or her manner of approaching things but all the same, If distance can be avoided, its better to stay clear of it and enjoy life with your partner.


A total lack of Communication and respect.

Always communicate. Communication is one of the most important things in any relation, especially between lovers. Communication is the thing that takes away doubts, incertainties, grieves and annoyances. Communication is also the thing that tells the other you love your partner, that you care about your partner and that you want to be with your partner.

Communication and respect need to go hand in hand. Otherwise, communication can become a weapon.

So respect is the other part of the foundation to build a relationship upon.Always respect your partner, always treat your partner with the utmost respect. A relationship where one of both partners doesn't feel respected, is bound to fail.

Respect means, treating your partner with respect. Respect in a relationship means, also treat yourself with respect, and make sure your partner treats you with respect. A relationship where you respect your partner, but your partner totally disrespects you is an unhealthy relationship.

In my previous relationship, I was totally disrespected, in many ways (the woman still disrespects me). And, there was no way of communicating on a normal level, so at one point in time, I had to stand up and demand respect for myself. That's when the relationship ended, on the first occurence of me not blindly following and pleasing her demands.

Infidelity. I was with a man who looks at everything on skirt. At first when we met he was charming and adorable and he made me laugh so much I fell in love with him. Through the years while we were together I discovered he was in the habit of cheating and lying. Once I saw different pictures of naked women on his phone, other times his conversations with them. He was such a good liar but not good at covering his tracts.

I knew he was cheating but I never got the strength to leave him. I loved him so much. I felt I have invested time, money and energy and shouldn't let another woman come in and reap where she didn't sow. I saw myself as the rightful owner of the vineyard even though it was producing unhealthy fruits and soured juice, I believed he would change, of cos he kept promising to change. Once he got a lady pregnant and promised to fix it by getting her to terminate it.

Although I never supported that but I felt maybe this time he would change for real not until another pregnant woman came to fight me in his house. At this time I knew that I was never gonna have peace of mind if I eventually marry him and i was going to because he had proposed some weeks back so it was a shock finding out he is still cheating even with marriage plans on the way.

I had to take the easy way out which was a break up and turns deaf ear to all his please. Infidelity is bad and it destroys relationships. Do not look at how much time or money or effort you have put in, if a man or woman cares enough to cheat on you, they will never respect you. Besides walk away and save yourself before you get infected by the serial cheat. It's heart breaking and hurts real bad but your mental and physical health is worth more than one person who can't control his or her libido.

PUBG aka  Player Unknowns Battle Grounds  is a  Battle Royale  game. The way it works is that there are 100 people playing free for all. You have a minute before the game to adjust your tactic. Then you get picked up by a plane and you get to decide where on the map you want to land. 

Landing on the ground you have literally nothing. Weapons, shields, med kits and everything else can be found on the ground and in nearby houses. The next couple of minutes players loot the houses and try to find the best possible gear while killing enemies and trying not to die. 

The best thing you can do is to land on a car and use it to travel to other locations faster. It's much more efficient to loot  with a car, as it's faster than walking. 

After 2 minutes the storm starts creeping in. There will be a safe zone on the map and if you don't get inside on time, you will slowly but surely start losing HP until you die.

The zone starts shrinking a little bit again after a couple of minutes and this process repeats  until there is no place on the map that is safe, or until there is only one player left.

Last man standing wins!

It is a game called Player Unknowns Battle Grounds. It is a game that has taken the concept of Battle Royale (or H1Z1: King of the Kill, or The Hunger Games) . A number of people are released onto an island and basically last man standing wins. A simple concept where you have to find weapons and kill people.

Every game has about 100 people fighting against each other so it is a serious game and there is danger at every turn. There seems to be two different tactics being played out. Go and kill as many as you can in mad dashes or hide away until there are less players to fight.

Hiding seems to be the smartest tactic at the moment but is still tricky trying to get to the safe zone. The game hasn't been released yet but is expected within the next month. There is a test version which everyone is currently using but is expected to be a big hit when it finally arrives. 

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67010.34
ETH 2604.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72