
Well every family fights and the way to handle it depends on which members of your family are fighting, but talking things through is almost always the best way to go about it.

If your parents fight alot then it's doesn't necessarily mean that they hate each other or are planning on getting a divorce, but if its bothering you so much then the best thing to do would be to sit them down and have a talk with them on how their fighting is making you feel. Even if parents fight alot, they'll almost try and make things better if they see that it's affecting their kids negatively.

If your parents are fighting with your siblings then the best way to go about this is still to have a sit down with the affected parties and have them talk out their issues with you as the moderator. Often times it can be difficult to get parents to see a child's side of the issue as anything but youthful exuberance, but if you can manage to get them to sit down and talk then it'll go a long way.

If your siblinfs are fighting amongst themselves, then sometimes it's good to actually let them be at first. It's called sibling rivalry and with time they'll eventually get over it, but if you feel it's something serious, the, stepping in and making them talk it out is always a good option. Moreover, they're siblings, no matter how they fight and argue, they still love each other.

If you happen to get into an argument with any member of your family then how bout you maintain a cool head and try and talk it out without raising your voice. If tempers are flaring at the time of the argument then give it a few days then revisit the issue again, but this time, do it when both of you are less angry.

I hope this helps.

Leave the country and don't take sides unless you want to lose one side or even possibly both.

Families fighting is an absolute nightmare for the family member(s) who isn't part of the disagreement.

At some point, one side or maybe both sides will drag you into the disagreement to get you to side with them and this is when the problems start. Side A will accuse you of helping side B, Side B will accuse you of being disloyal, hence you fall out with everyone over an argument which has nothing to do with you and you were not involved in.

I seriously feel for your predicament as many families seem to have this problem. I know mine has been a nightmare in the past. It got to the point where I don't really want to know any of them. Throw money and wills into the equation and the problem multiplies infinitely.

My answer is to never forget to send cards at Christmas and Birthdays. Call everyone once a week and stay as far away from them as possible.

My original advice was leave the country, I am English. I live in Thailand. 'Nuff said.

Hope it all calms down and you get out of the line of fire, its an awful position to be in, so my best wishes to you :-)

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