
What single feature or addition would you like to see on musing?

Personally I would love to see comments from the curation team as to why they thought certain answers were good and deserved the upvote they got.

Were they humourous and made the team laugh? Was it informative but not dry and academic? Did it simply touch them and make them feel happy or sad after reading?

A lot more work on the already over-burdened team I know, but man it would be great to know their thoughts

As already suggested on Discord I would love to see an option to debate over specific, important questions. Currently, the questions asked on Musing usually get around 2-3 answers each which is good but, nowhere near ideal if we truly want to get the best possible answers and a good factual evidence based debate going on. Appart from that, the main issue I see with Musing is that questions are very short-lived and the motivation to answer them quickly withers away when the Musing hands out the upvotes to the best answers.

The way I envisioned the debate function to work is that each week curators select 10 of the best questions and present them in the debate section. Users then have a full week to debate over the questions and try to bring up some worthy claims in an attempt to truly answer them in the best way possible. After a week, curators decide which answers brought the most value to the debate and upvote them accordingly.

This way, the best questions would last much longer, they would get much more constructive answers and users wouldn't lose motivation to try to answer them throughout the week. The answers would be of much better quality as users would have more time to think about them and  in end, it would bring about a much needed change of dynamic to our current Q/A's

I think it would be beneficial for them to have some way to weed out some of the duplicate questions that are getting posted.  For example they might have to institute some form of white-listing like some other services have to cut down on some of the abuse that is starting to take shape on  I think it is a great service and a great idea.  It has so much potential to be helpful to so many people.  

I understand it is probably hard to determine somethings worth.  A question that may seem trivial to one person might be super beneficial to another.  Without having to get their hands too dirty though, there should be a way to get rid of some of the bloat and fluff that is showing up on the main page.

The one feature I would really like to see in is the ability to sort and filter questions. 

At the moment, it's still easy to navigate the questions based on when they were posted, but as the platform grows, it's going to need a better way for users to navigate these questions. So, improving the way that users can sort and filter questions can really help improve the platform's usability.

For example, I would like to be able to filter out answered questions, so I can only see the unanswered ones right away. Or sort questions using other criteria aside from tags. For example, view questions posted during a certain time period, in case I'm looking for a specific question. 

I think it should be possible to flag questions or answers that are spam.

To me it seems like a lot of people are spaming questions here just becaus they hope to get upvotes. 

Also I already requested this feature a few weeks ago: When creating a new question musing should show you a selection of similar questions. Maybe you will already find a answer there so you don't have to publish a dublicated question. StackOverflow for example does the same.

Oh I like that similar question drop down idea

Obviously this question has been asked for but when I scrolled down a few days looking for one I didn't see it so I couldnt post my answer, hence I started a new one

I would definitely want musing to have lots of new features. I personally am a big fan of statistics. If musing can come up with good stats to display how many questions people have asked and how many answers people have made along with total earnings from musing etc can really be a good addition to the platform.

People easily get attracted to the stats. The top musers will also be a good addition. People will then be able to compete with other musers in asking and posting answers.

I personally feel there are lots of development opportunities for musing to become a good competitor for Quora. The UI can also be made a little more fancier than it is now.

One thing I really love about Musing is its minimalistic and simplistic UI and I hope that they won't overdo the future changes they are planning for the site as I am pretty much content about it at the moment.

I however would like to see Musing have an option for a "Night-Mode" or dark-theme. As someone who has somewhat a sensitive eyes, the white background on is sometimes just too bright.

And if you consider these a feature, it really would be good if they can release a mobile app before the year ends. A mobile app with a "night-mode" feature would be more than perfect. :)

I would like to see plagiarism disappear. I see lots of copied and pasted answers all over and not being written by the person themselves. Surely that is only fair and the only way to improve it. You shouldn't be able to answer and leave a link to an extra source either.


Some form of spam-reduction. As in: people who post too many (similar) questions on a (short) period of time. Similar questions that are asked over and over again, with only slightly different wording. That kind of stuff.

Besides that, I would like a “similar questions” section when you’ve answered a question (or viewed one).

Hi @ancientknowled3

I have often wondered myself how the team judges "value" in a question or answer. I'm certainly not complaining though, musing is very generous with rewards, and IMO use their delegation for all the right reasons! It would be nice to see a little feedback in the comments from them, but I am sure they are heavily taxed with development and manually curating, so of course I am understanding in this aspect! 

A feature I would really love to see, is a dark mode. The white background bothers my eyes, and I find I need to take breaks from musing because of the intensity. Other than that, I don't have any complaints, the platform is clean, and easy to use. No need to make things complicated. 

Convert the URLs in my answer into hyperlinks (or give me a way to insert links directly.)

Have you ever cried in your dream?

I have noticed few times where I have cried in my dreams. Morning after I wake up, if I think about it, it can be kind of silly or awkward to imagine what happened in the dream. Have you ever experienced anything similar like crying over something in your dream?

Yes I have. 

It happens, not often, not a lot, but sometimes. Sometimes I dream very vividly that something terrible happens to my loved ones, like my children or my wife. When I dream such a dream, I sometimes I cry. Sometimes I wake up crying, during my dream, and sometimes I wake up, remember my dream and how real it was, and start crying then.

Yes I have experienced it so many times. I dream about something bad happening to someone dear to me and I then cry so bitterly and wake up crying. Most times when I wake up crying, the dream feels so real and I 'remember vividly what happened.

Crying in a dream is an expression of negative emotion. It is an overwhelming but it doesn't really mean a bad thing happened. It could be a release of negative emotions held back or a cry of joy for relief. I really don't think it's such a bad thing but if it is, you can always pray about it.

I've no idea. The tears would have dried up and I can rarely remember my dreams in any case.

Wet dreams however are a different proposition.......;-) 


Even though I have dreamt about some crazy and heartbreaking situations like witnessing my syster and mother die from  a car accident I caused yet, I haven't cried in that nor, any other shocking or sad dream.  Which is streange, and I must admit I have never thought about it before. Hmmm..... Is something wrong with me? I don't know.

I'm quite emotional and emphatetic irl so, I'm unsure of why I can't cry in my dreams.  

Yeah of course, I cried in my dreams suddenly when I wake up tears will be there in my eyes. Most of the time those heartbreaking situation will be the exam results and going late for exam. I don't really think I will cry for going late for exams but in dreams its very hearbreaking sometimes I even wakeup in fear and realise a heavenly feel like thank god im not a student anymore and I don't have exam tomorrow. Then those tears will become happy tears.

How does musing profit?

Does musing profits from the service it provides and if so how

To understand how musing would earn a profit you have to look at the bigger picture of the distant future.

For now, Musing has a delegation which it uses to upvote posts and earn Curation rewards. 

In future when SMTS are launched Musing could launch its own tokens or coins to gather more capital. They could even go ahead with receiving funds from various venture Capitalists who are always on the lookout for good,promising and disruptive projects.

But all of the above steps are simply capital formation its not revenue generation. For any project to earn Profit it has to generate revenue and generating revenue is an easy task when you have traffic on your site. Advertisers are always on the lookout to place their ads on the most visited sites. 

The token/coin could be used as prerequisite condition for an Advertisement to be displayed. That is, a certain amount of the token/coin would be mandatory for an advertising company to hold, to display its Advertisement, in addition to some fiat payment that would be needed. This would provide a use for the native tokens of musing and also generate revenue in fiat, which is necessary as well. 

But at the end, this is all approximation,speculation and imagination, nobody apart from the designer & owner of musing knows how he plans to generate revenue.

 Musing makes profit from curation rewards on upvoting questions and answers. Musing has a large delegation and this is the only way they can make any income. Over a period of time this can be very fruitful and their account should grow considerably. 

I don't think they have any beneficiary on either questions or answers at the moment, but surely they could add that to get a lot of money. However, they also have a huge delegation, so they likely earn a lot of Steem Power from curation rewards alone. You can see that they earned 150 Steem Power in the last week alone:

Absolutely, if I loved them. 

Why do people feel such a need for catagorisation of others though, or even of themselves?

I think all humans have the capability of loving a fellow human no matter their gender identity, if that happened to be someone who identified themselves as transgender, no matter. Love is love and its no one elses business.

Lets all dump the boxes though, see humans as just that, humans and simply usenour names as identifiers. This would create a much more tolerant and non judgemental world I feel, without religious or cultural prejudices.

My name is Martin, nice to meet you and thanks for a really interesting question :-)

Why should I in my right senses consider marrying a transgender person? That will really be very stupid of me. Why should I marry someone that wasn't proud of the way he or she was created? Why settle for fake or artificial when you can have the real thing? Marrying a transgender will be very very stupid of me. I can't even imagine it.

Absolutely not. It is just not right and nothing that I would even consider frankly.

Me personally, I would not, but I would not judge those who wish to!

Me personally,
I would not, but I would not
Judge those who wish to!

                 - futuremind

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


I LOVE YOU! @haikubot

What proof do you have to show that there is a God?

> Show me pics or it didn’t happen.

The problem with this question is that it departs from the angle that there must be a God. Yet, an analytical approach to the problem would have to start from the angle that the existence of such, since not tangible nor visible, must first be proven.

You're answering a question with another question that has nothing to do with the question asked. Why don't you ask your question in a different musing post. This question is "what proof do you have to show that there's no God?" If you believe that there's no God

They’re actually more related than you make it sound.

If there is no proof of the existence of a God, then there is no need to prove that a God doesn’t exist. It’s rather logic, isn’t it.

Maybe you best ask the question “What is the burden of proof”.

Who said that there are no proofs of the existence of God. Proofs of the existence of God abound in the universe. I just want to know what those saying that there is no God are seeing or had seen that made them arrive at such conclusion?

Give me evidence. Show me the evidence. Evidence is tangible, btw.

There are so many proofs of the existence of God, I just want to know what those saying that there's no God used in arriving at such conclusion What did they saw that made them say such? If you believe that there's no God, what's the reason for such belief?


You cannot prove that something not exist. In order to prove something inexistence you have to look every where in the world and check it. Even that is not enough because that could be outside of world too. 

However, there could be proofs for existence. There could be questioning and connecting dots and deducing a result from all. 

Meaning of existence is not physical thing and you cannot use this path. There are things we do not see, but we know that they exist. Even you could explain this like technology. There are some living microorganisms seen vis microscope. Think about there is no microscope and technology is not in the level of today. How could you prove there is microorganisms?

In my opinion there is no way to prove inexistence. 

If there's no way to prove inexistence like you said, why do some people believe that there is no God if they can't prove it?

There are two words in your question that do not go together: "proof" and "belief". Either you believe in something - then you don't need a proof. Or if something is proofed - what does it matter whether someone believes in it or not?

Proof and belief goes together. The reason you support an idea can be your proof for holding on to that idea. Belief is not something that's abstract. It stems from something that known. So what's your reason(proof) that there's no God if you believe that their is no God

Music can definitely affect a person's behaviour. That's why alot of people become happy or sad when they listen to different songs.

The beat, the lyrics and the tempo can have a drastic effect on a person's behaviour, and this explains why people who listen to and enjoyhard metal rock are usually more rascally than people who listen to something as calm as classical music who are generally more gentle in nature.

Music has a way of spurring emotions in people, According to the syncproject, listening to music has a relationship with the dopaminergic pathways and this induces either positive or negative effects on humans.

People that read with music are an example of how music can affect human behaviour. Some people can't study without listening to music and that's because it boosts their cognitive abilities.

As far as what genres have the most influence, I'd say

1. Classical: Helps calm people down

2. Hard metal rock: Makes people more erratic

3. Jazz: This is similar to classical music and will also calm you down

4. Rap/hip hop: I once heard that listening to rap can help fight depression especially when the lyrics are relatable

5. Pop: Well we all agree that pop music basically makes everyone happy.

In my opinion, I believe the above genres have the most influence on people's behaviours.

All genres of music can influence a person's behavior. Music is made up of words, rythm, beats, etc. So it can easily penetrate a person's mind and influence his/her behavior than ordinary spoken words. Music is very powerful and we all should be very choosy with the type of music we listen to because music can influence our thoughts and behavior

The weird food combination i really enjoy is eating processed cassava soaked in water with biscuit and groundout and milk. Its weird right? I love it so. Hahahaha

Oh... that’s very weird. Hahahah... Thanks for answering my question.

Cause majority of men are going through life with false beliefs. We are that "new generation", the one that was heavily impacted through the growing PORN industry. I'd say even brainwashed & manipulated... 

So currently, instead of searching for the right values & our true "SOULMATE", someone who our energy instantly clicks with & we know that's the right person for us. Everyone go through life objectifying others, women objectify men - men objectify women (even more). Nowadays you have majority of men just snipping women in terms of looking at their butt, breast etc

And that's a huge illusion... just a manipulation to divert our attention in the wrong path, as all those physical parts are nothing but parts of our bodies. Our bodies we pilot currently in this reality, but they won't be here forever. After they die, they'll slowly transition to dust & continue the endless natural circle of birth & death

What will be left after that? Only the energy that we are... Divine spark. Our souls & higher selves that has nothing to do with physical suits, they are just piloting them

Still, you have majority of population wandering through life looking at the same "physical suits" & deciding "who is right for them" and "who is not". That's a huge illusion, that's why you have so many dysfunctional marriages & relationships today, cause people found each other  based on wrong values, beliefs - while they still didn't find their true selves

That's the same reason why men find it harder to approach beautiful women, cause they've been programmed to think beautiful women somehow worth more, that beautiful women are "something they should aim for". But in reality, looks are nothing... only thing that truly matters is the energy connection, you will find or you won't.

If you continue searching for women based on looks everything will revolve around casual sex & guess what, first thing after ejaculating you'll realize the emptiness, lack of energy you have & you'll most likely continue wandering in your realities looking for other women to have intercourse with

Intercourse that will bring you nothing but push further in illusion, and divide from your very self

It's inferiority complex. Most guys who would not approach a lady because she's very beautiful have small minds. By this, I mean they evaluate themselves to be too small for these sorts of ladies.

The beautiful ladies, beautiful as they are will still get married someday. If you even look at it, most times, the guys they end up with aren't the most handsome of guys but simply those who that went forth what they want.

Also, some guys may think that going out with beautiful girls will require them to spend a lot of money , like having to buy cosmetics, take them shopping and so on. It's not always the case. Beautiful ladies are humans too and not every one of them want a guy whose a money bank.

I have seen a case like that in the past. There was this guy who could not, or rather, would not approach this lady because he thought he wasn't in her class. The lady liked him but being a lady didn't want to come out plain to show her feelings. The guy kept saying admiringly her from afar but never talked.

Then, there was this other guy which came to unto the scene. He saw thus girl and developed feelings forever her. He had the courage to share his feelings with her. The girl didn't accept at first because she wanted to give the other guy a chance to if he came around. However, the other guy never owned up and she had today give in to the second guy's pressure. She later married in him even though it was the first guy she preferred.

That's why you hear people's saying 'Go fit what you want'. Even if you get a rejection, at least you know you made a move.

Most guys find it easier to approach average looking ladies than the drop dead gorgeous ladies. Like @prinsj and @runicar has said, most have do not have the self confidence to approach the gorgeous ladies because they have this belief that they can't be lonely and must have a lot of male fans. They also have this belief that with a gorgeous lady there is a high possibility of being turned down maybe because they believe that they are so expensive and they the guys may not have what it takes financial and physical outlook to approach the lady.

On the other hand, they believe the average looking lady won't be too choosy as she's average and may not have self confidence and so they believe it is lot easier approaching such a lady. They also believe that an average beautiful woman will not have many male fans.

What they do not know is that this is a grave misconception. As a lady, I know that most gorgeous ladies are single and lonely and the average beautiful ladies have more male fans.

#### Guys never be afraid to approach a gorgeous lady. It is all about your manner of approach, self confidence and the right words.

Average looking ladies are more friendly and welcoming to approach than the very beautiful ones. The very beautiful ones allow their beauty to get into their heads sometimes and may be very snobbish to those trying to get their attention that they don't fancy. But the average looking babe may still be polite even if she doesn't fancy you.

There’s a girl I know who is a model and she always tells me that she never gets chatted up. Your observations are correct in this case. We always think the hot looking blond isn’t way out of our league when actually she might not be !

Most guys feels pretty ladies are not only pretty expensive but also they should have guys all over their life.

This is actually a false assumptions as there are many cute single ladies out there waiting for their Prince Charming, but Mr Charming is all sacred because of a false assumptions which just seems to be.

Because guys are intimidated by beatiful looking women. Why?  They  are scared of getting turned down. Because of their low self-confidence they automatically conclude that they aren't good enough for them. Making them feel bad, unworthy and unlikely to engage in conversation, or approach them. 

This mentality is so stupid that its laughable 

I think like that myself and Ican't help it so I know where you and the rest of the guys feeling this way are comming from. But let me tell you that its the worst thing one can do to himself. While out partying I was approached by woman in her 40's. She was a bomb. A supermodel. And she wanted me! 

After that day I realized that there is nothing to be shy off or to feel intimidated by beautiful women.You are just diminishing your chances of hooking up with them. You could be with a supermodel but you rather approach the ugly chicks because they are the only ones who have  lower self-esteem than you making them easily approachable. Thus, you less scared to talk to them as you feel like you got a better chance. Big mistake! 

I'll repeat this again. You could be dating a supermodel!

Don't be scared. Give yourself a chance. 

It's all about the approacher's confidence. Most guys think that good looking ladies always get a lot of attention from guys and as a result, they will be very proud and picky. They prefer to go for the average looking lady because to them, the average looking lady don't have the sort of attention the good looking ladies get from guys and would be more likely to give them a positive response than the good looking ladies. But that's not always the case in reality. Most good looking ladies don't have the sort of attention that guys assume they have. If you like a lady, approach her and lnvite her for a date regardless of how she looks. She's just a lady

Yes there are a couple of things that could go wrong but, most of them can be avoided if the tattoo is done  by a professional. The biggest point of concern of many is the actual needles used by the tattoo gun. They can, if reused, cause blood carried diseases like STDs. To prevent them, be sure you ask the tattoo master to see him open a new package of needles place them in the tattoo gun before touching you with it. That's what I did to calm my nerves before making my first one.

Most other problems associated with getting a tattoo come to be either by lack of skill by the tattoo master, or lack of care by the person who got the tattoo but some are generally present and should be considered before getting a tattoo done. To prevent them, do your research and find a good, licenced professional to make your tattoo and ask him/her how to propperly take care of your tattoo when it's finished. 

The risks of getting a tattoo include:

  • You might be alergic to the ink
  • If a metal based ink is used, when going for an MRI exam , one may get  MRI-induced burns due to iron compounds in their tattoos   
  • It could hide skin cancer
  • It could get infected
  • There is a risk of getting an STD, or other blood borned diseases
  • It could affect how you sweat -> Studies have shown that tattooed skin sweats 50% less than regular 
  • If not cared for propperly it can cause scarred tissue

The top tips for caring about a fresh tattoo my guy gave me were to:

  • At all times for the next week keep a thin petroleum jelly and a bandage over the tattooed area.
  • Gently wash the tattoo a couple of times a day with cold water and an anti-microbal soap. Pat it down to remove any water, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly and place a bandage over it. 
  • Always keep the tattooed area "wet" with the petroleum jelly and never let it dry out because it can lead to scarring and loss of pigment.
  • After a week you can stop using a bandage to cover your tattoo and leave it uncovered but still apply a layer of petroleum jelly to keep it "wet" at all times
  • For the first two years after getting it its suggested to,  if  exposing the tattoo to sun, to use a strong sun protecting creams (factor 50+)

To conclude

There are some pretty scary side effects that can happen when getting a tattoo but, most of them can be avoided by chosing a professional tattoo artist and good care of the tattooed area. I have a couple done and never had any issues whatsoever. 

Yes there are!!! Numerous ones in fact. Tattoos are designs or images made on the skin. Most people think that this is done by simply drawing the image on the skin. They feel that that's what the tattoo machine does. What they don't know is that there are tiny needles in the machine that puncture the topmost layer of skin and deposit droplets of ink under it. So what could go wrong with that, you might ask. Well

1) the ink used in making tattoos can cause allergic reactions. Especially the red, yellow green and blue ink. And while it might not occur immediately, it can still occur years after you've gotten your tats.

2) after getting the tattoo, your skin is a bit raw and open from the numerous punctures caused by the tiny needles I mentioned earlier. This leaves that part of your skin open to infection for a while.

3) sometimes, getting tattoos doesn't go so well. It can lead to an inflammation of the tattooed area called granuloma. Or it can lead to keloids which is when scar tissue overgrows and becomes very large.

4) imagine getting a tattoo and then a few days later, you fall sick and are diagnosed with an STD. It's very possible if the tattoo machine was used on someone with an STD before you and it injured the person. The tiny amount of blood can be on the machine until its used on you and poof, you have an STD.

If you were planning on getting a tattoo, I hope this helps you realize whether it's truly worth it. I'm not against tattoos but I would just like it if everyone knew the things that could go wrong.

I hope it helps

Yes there are!! Tattoos are a great form of self expression, but the risks that come with it aren't to be joked with. Here are some of the health risks and problems that come with getting tattoos

1. Possible allergic reaction: People may be allergic to the ink used on their skin and the ensuing allergic reaction may take years before it even shows up and it will come up in the form of a rash in the affected area.

2. Skin infections: Tattoos can be gateways for bacteria and harmful microbes to enter the body, especially when you just got it. You could be at risk of getting diseases like staphylococcus or even tuberculosis.

3. Keloid formation: keloids are overgrown scar tissue and seeing as tattoos are basically sort of "artistic injuries", your entire tattoo could become a huge keloid.

4. Disease contraction: If an unsterilised needle is used, then you run a risk of contacting diseases like HIV, hepatitis B and C and tetanus.

5. Swelling of the tattoo site: The tattoo site could experience some serious inflammation especially when the tattoo is healing and some people have even been know to experience a burning sensation on the tattoo area.

Overall, I don't think getting a tattoo is a good idea, but if want to get one, then at least be sure that you reduce the risk of having any of the above complications.

There are no health problems associated with getting a tattoo. Unless a contaminated pen is used on you but that is very unlikely if it's done by a professional.

Because people like nothing more than to judge others based on superficial things such as tattoos to uplift themselves and build up their ego. Especially old people.  It's like they have nothing better to do in life than to look down on other people to increase their already big enough ego. That's also exactly why people insult and swear at each other.  

Its exactly this ego building, which is the driving force behind most of the problems we have amongst each other nowadays and why some people just can't stand one another. Their egos are conflicting. Battling. Creating a repelling force that is pushing them far away from one another. The only outcome of such situation can be either splitting paths or battling it out until one gives up.

People need to learn to control themselves and  kill the ego, or at least realize when it's taking over common sense and be able to ignore it.  Because, only when not under the influence of the ego, is one able to react to a situation propperly. When they can't do it though, only negativity can come out. And that's why our world is so messed up today.  

Our ego is taking over and we can not control it so, we react irrationally and negatively.

When I grew up and yes I am from the older generation it was only sailors who had tattoos. The anchor on the arm a bit lie Popeye lol.

It was frowned upon and seen as low class and still to this day it is to a point. I know plenty of companies who will not hire a person with a tattoo that is visible. I am the same if it is discreet that is fine but if you have a sleeve tattoo or some on the hand etc I wouldn't hire them either. 

If it can be hidden by clothing then that is fine as you represent a company and could offend people. That is the reality of the business world. It is fashionable now but it changes and who says in 5 years time it won't be seen as lower class again.

Well,let's say things are changing very fast and people perspective about things also changes.

Well the older generation are very conservative when it comes to tattoo because during their time tattoo is not as rampant as it is now and in their time people who drew tattoo are not seen as responsible people, they are seen as hoodlums and nuisance.

But things have changed and now tattoo are everywhere, artist and models, football stars all drew tattoo so the perspective young people have about tattoo is different compared to the older generation.

Well, basically, because tattoos are a cultural thing. And culture changes. And now, due to the internet and cheaper and easier access to traveling, our own cultures changes faster than ever.

Tattoos have been normal in certain cultures for ages, but were considered “not done” in our western culture until a few years ago. It was something that was only done by drug addicts, prison inmates, and rock and roll life wasters.

Luckily all this has changed, and a lot of people are now having a tattoo as a reminder of a specific period in their lives.

Because of his religious belief.

From the past as a tradition, this is not in her family.

Elderly people are far away from this issue for many reasons, such as not being tolerated in the community.

Several reasons

· Do not regret,

· Loss of meaning,

· Prevention of job application,

· Religious beliefs,

· Like squeezing

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