
Cause majority of men are going through life with false beliefs. We are that "new generation", the one that was heavily impacted through the growing PORN industry. I'd say even brainwashed & manipulated... 

So currently, instead of searching for the right values & our true "SOULMATE", someone who our energy instantly clicks with & we know that's the right person for us. Everyone go through life objectifying others, women objectify men - men objectify women (even more). Nowadays you have majority of men just snipping women in terms of looking at their butt, breast etc

And that's a huge illusion... just a manipulation to divert our attention in the wrong path, as all those physical parts are nothing but parts of our bodies. Our bodies we pilot currently in this reality, but they won't be here forever. After they die, they'll slowly transition to dust & continue the endless natural circle of birth & death

What will be left after that? Only the energy that we are... Divine spark. Our souls & higher selves that has nothing to do with physical suits, they are just piloting them

Still, you have majority of population wandering through life looking at the same "physical suits" & deciding "who is right for them" and "who is not". That's a huge illusion, that's why you have so many dysfunctional marriages & relationships today, cause people found each other  based on wrong values, beliefs - while they still didn't find their true selves

That's the same reason why men find it harder to approach beautiful women, cause they've been programmed to think beautiful women somehow worth more, that beautiful women are "something they should aim for". But in reality, looks are nothing... only thing that truly matters is the energy connection, you will find or you won't.

If you continue searching for women based on looks everything will revolve around casual sex & guess what, first thing after ejaculating you'll realize the emptiness, lack of energy you have & you'll most likely continue wandering in your realities looking for other women to have intercourse with

Intercourse that will bring you nothing but push further in illusion, and divide from your very self

It's inferiority complex. Most guys who would not approach a lady because she's very beautiful have small minds. By this, I mean they evaluate themselves to be too small for these sorts of ladies.

The beautiful ladies, beautiful as they are will still get married someday. If you even look at it, most times, the guys they end up with aren't the most handsome of guys but simply those who that went forth what they want.

Also, some guys may think that going out with beautiful girls will require them to spend a lot of money , like having to buy cosmetics, take them shopping and so on. It's not always the case. Beautiful ladies are humans too and not every one of them want a guy whose a money bank.

I have seen a case like that in the past. There was this guy who could not, or rather, would not approach this lady because he thought he wasn't in her class. The lady liked him but being a lady didn't want to come out plain to show her feelings. The guy kept saying admiringly her from afar but never talked.

Then, there was this other guy which came to unto the scene. He saw thus girl and developed feelings forever her. He had the courage to share his feelings with her. The girl didn't accept at first because she wanted to give the other guy a chance to if he came around. However, the other guy never owned up and she had today give in to the second guy's pressure. She later married in him even though it was the first guy she preferred.

That's why you hear people's saying 'Go fit what you want'. Even if you get a rejection, at least you know you made a move.

Most guys find it easier to approach average looking ladies than the drop dead gorgeous ladies. Like @prinsj and @runicar has said, most have do not have the self confidence to approach the gorgeous ladies because they have this belief that they can't be lonely and must have a lot of male fans. They also have this belief that with a gorgeous lady there is a high possibility of being turned down maybe because they believe that they are so expensive and they the guys may not have what it takes financial and physical outlook to approach the lady.

On the other hand, they believe the average looking lady won't be too choosy as she's average and may not have self confidence and so they believe it is lot easier approaching such a lady. They also believe that an average beautiful woman will not have many male fans.

What they do not know is that this is a grave misconception. As a lady, I know that most gorgeous ladies are single and lonely and the average beautiful ladies have more male fans.

#### Guys never be afraid to approach a gorgeous lady. It is all about your manner of approach, self confidence and the right words.

Average looking ladies are more friendly and welcoming to approach than the very beautiful ones. The very beautiful ones allow their beauty to get into their heads sometimes and may be very snobbish to those trying to get their attention that they don't fancy. But the average looking babe may still be polite even if she doesn't fancy you.

There’s a girl I know who is a model and she always tells me that she never gets chatted up. Your observations are correct in this case. We always think the hot looking blond isn’t way out of our league when actually she might not be !

Most guys feels pretty ladies are not only pretty expensive but also they should have guys all over their life.

This is actually a false assumptions as there are many cute single ladies out there waiting for their Prince Charming, but Mr Charming is all sacred because of a false assumptions which just seems to be.

Because guys are intimidated by beatiful looking women. Why?  They  are scared of getting turned down. Because of their low self-confidence they automatically conclude that they aren't good enough for them. Making them feel bad, unworthy and unlikely to engage in conversation, or approach them. 

This mentality is so stupid that its laughable 

I think like that myself and Ican't help it so I know where you and the rest of the guys feeling this way are comming from. But let me tell you that its the worst thing one can do to himself. While out partying I was approached by woman in her 40's. She was a bomb. A supermodel. And she wanted me! 

After that day I realized that there is nothing to be shy off or to feel intimidated by beautiful women.You are just diminishing your chances of hooking up with them. You could be with a supermodel but you rather approach the ugly chicks because they are the only ones who have  lower self-esteem than you making them easily approachable. Thus, you less scared to talk to them as you feel like you got a better chance. Big mistake! 

I'll repeat this again. You could be dating a supermodel!

Don't be scared. Give yourself a chance. 

It's all about the approacher's confidence. Most guys think that good looking ladies always get a lot of attention from guys and as a result, they will be very proud and picky. They prefer to go for the average looking lady because to them, the average looking lady don't have the sort of attention the good looking ladies get from guys and would be more likely to give them a positive response than the good looking ladies. But that's not always the case in reality. Most good looking ladies don't have the sort of attention that guys assume they have. If you like a lady, approach her and lnvite her for a date regardless of how she looks. She's just a lady

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