📀 Mixtape Monday Song & Contest Winners - 🤘🏽No Resteem, No Follow, No Upvote Required🤘🏽
Better late than never - real life has called me offline for the last couple of days, so my humble apologies that this being posted on a Wednesday... Last week's winners announced, and this week's mixtape track... read below for more details.
There were five entries in last week's contest... and because I loved all of them, they will each receive 1x share of SBI each.
Congratulations to these awesome folk and their awesome choice of classic favourites:
@harveyword - The Message by Grandmaster Flash
@satorid - Green Is The Colour by Pink Floyd
@aussieninja - Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
@funnel - Lady In Black by Uriah Heep
@wizardave - Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Each of you will be getting your SBI in the next day.
Track 17: A Song You'd Sing A Duet With Someone On Karaoke
I've never been to Karaoke, but I'd love to go. My partner lived in Korea for a while, and she said it's a hoot. There is also something quite fun about getting silly drunk with mates and having a good singalong.
As for a duet, there's one particular friend I have who I'd love to do Karaoke with, and mainly because we have the same daggy tastes in pop music. I'm not sure she'd choose this one, but I can't go past it as it is one of may all-time faves from two of my favourite artists.
It's also somewhat pertinent for me today. It's been a tough couple of days. I've been feeling shit, basically. Splitting headache, and struggling to find the enthusiasm and inspiration to get some stuff done. This song always makes me feel better when I'm feeling a bit crap.
from Gabriel's 1986 album So

Listen to this track on the
Another 5 SBI up for grabs!!
Choose a song that YOU would sing a duet with someone at Karaoke.
Post it in the COMMENTS section - either a YouTube link or a link to Spotify or any other media service
Share a small story about WHY you've chosen this track. Maybe even your choice of duet partner...
I am devoting a total of 5 SBI to this, so I will choose responses based on a combination of the choice of track AND from reading your story about your choice. I may choose 5 different entries at 1 SBI each, or just one entry will get all 5 SBI.
You do not have to upvote or resteem this post!! Although it will be appreciated, but it isn't a condition of entry - just enter your post as laid out in the guidelines above.
You're invited to vote and comment on others' entries, but again, this is not a condition of entry.
You have 5 days to enter, with the winners being announced next week with the next post (due next Monday)
Have fun, and TURN IT UP TO 11!

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Listen to the HI-FI MIXTAPE: AFTER THE FORK soundtrack.
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Fairytale of New York by the pogues
This is from years ago I remember when I first heard the song it seemed rather dull but it changed its tone about 1.25 mins in, to instead a song of happiness and fun this was mostly because of the funny lyrics, I had a friend from years ago and me and her used to sing this together because the lyrics where so fun we were too young to even really understand it, she was a great friend but unfortunately I moved and later introduced the song to others, but it was always more fun those first moments singing with my friend.
HAHA the Pogues. These guys are riotous, and their singer always sounds like he's pissed as a newt!
God, this takes me back too. However I'm not familiar with this track, so it's now being added to my anti-Christmas Christmas Day playlist.
Crikey, I'm craving a pint now. This is the kind of music I love getting cider-drunk on... must be all the cider festivals I've been to with Morris Dancing.
Haha @metametheus you are absolutely right their singer always sounds like he's pissed as a newt but that's just one of the many reasons why we loved the song as its so funny, a cider festival oh wow sounds like alot of fun I normally drink cider over beer.

Awesome thanks!
This isn't the original version (search for Cold Chisel if you want to see it), but this is a live version by two icons of Australian music
The song, When the War is Over, is one I have belted out at karaoke with an old schoolmate, and while we're both old, married and have kids, I reckon we could still get drunk enough to smash this one out again. Maybe I should give Jase a call soon....
Shit! It was inevitable that someone at some stage was going to bring Farnsy and/or Barnesy to the mixtape party.
I think I prefer the original. I'm not a huge fan of Jimmy, can vaguely get into some of the more classic Chisels tracks; Mossy was a great a guitarist and Don Walker is a bloody legend.
Jesus though I was tempted to flag this just because of those MULLETS!!! 🤣 And what the hell was Farnham thinking getting about in a bloody raincoat?!? Aaahhh.... 80's Australia! There will never be a time like that again!!
Yeah, I prefer the original Chisel version myself, but I thought those mullets were more watchable than a static album cover.
As for Barnesy, I think there's two distinct versions. 80s screeching Barnesy and then there's the more mellow late 90s onwards Barnesy which is much more listenable.
i hope i'm not too late for this contest...i will try to enter with a not so 'karaoke' style song... i wouldn't be very good on karaoke so i would prefer to speak the words rather than sing them...a duet with the right person would have been a dream situation...
...if this disqualifies me from them contest i understand,no hard feelings...
...so the song is one of marianne faithful's called 'so sad' ...i hope you know the song...
..the difficult part is that you want the story lying beneath the song...:))...to cut a long story sort...this one haunted me for many years reminding me what i should have done and i actually didn't letting things take a different course from the one i really wanted...do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today...tomorrow never comes and today becomes past...
Mate, I love your stories! I'm not familiar with Marianne Faithful's work at all (I know who she is of course), so this is actually the first time I've actually listened to one of her tracks. Thanks for finally bringing her talent to my ears.
I don't think you're the only one who has regrets over past choices... don't we all? The thing is, what have we learned from the experience? What can we take from it that in this present moment becomes a pay-off?
I love this track, I'm going to check out this entire album.
I'm more of a talker than a singer, so I'd talk-sing this song if I could:
And it's HILARIOUS. I love the ...everything about it. I even ran into Bret Mackenzie in Griffith Park once. It was my friends' bday and he was happy to take a pic with us. I'd sing it with him. I'd do the Jemaine part.
OMFGs... these guys!! I wonder if this prior to the TV show?
The original BBC radio show is quite funny, most of the gags were brought into the TV series.
Slightly different version from the one I heard, but I guess it is live.
I love Andy's parties.
Oh yes, * brushes off his shoulders * I was a fan of Flight of the Conchords before their tv show ;P
Three great loves of my life are my wife Ren, travel, and music. Ren shares my love of travel, and some of our best times together are on the road. That's when we have our best conversations. While she enjoys music, she is not as obsessive about it as I am. Still she supports me in it. We support one another in our passions. It's one of the things that makes our marriage so great.
Another thing that makes our marriage work is that we take care of each other. When things get hard we help one another get through it. We've developed a trick where only one of us gets to panic, or fall apart at a time. When one of us starts to lose it, the other stays calm and pulls them back from the edge. I'm never quite sure how we determine who's turn it is it to fall apart and who's turn it is to be the rock, but it always seems to work out.
So my choice of a duet would be Why Worry by Mark Knopfler, and I would sing it with my wife Ren, who has a lovely singing voice if she can just get past being self conscious about it.
The link is to a version of the song he sings with Emmylou Harris.
Aww, Scott! You silly man, I would sing it right along with you as we drive down the road. That is if I knew the words. Mwah!
I love that you both replied ... you guys.... 😜
I love Dire Straits, I think Knopfler is a fantastic songwriter and a killer guitarist. This song really works well as a duet actually. Great choice... I can imagine you both singing along to it as you drive along the highway.
I'd go with a classic - at least everyone would know the text and all the listeners can join in at the refrain ;)
This one. Definitely.
Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born)
Why do I love it? It's a love story, it's about wanting DEPTH, about wanting something more. These are huge themes for me and always have been. It's a raw and beautiful song.
This is a great contest, thanks for bringing it to PYPT! :)
Bradley Cooper.... OMFGs, he has a sensational voice!
I'm going to admit something here... I really like Lady Gaga. I'm not sure who she reminds me of (vocally), but I think she's one of the better female singers at present.
I think they both wrote the songs for this movie too? I've heard some good things about this film, I think I'm gonna catch it. This is good.
I would like to sing "Mockingbird" as a karaoke duet with my son @bxlphabet.
This is a song I remember from my teenaged years and I used to sing it to him when he was young. I'm not sure if he even knows this is a real song. He used to think I was talented in songwriting and I do not think I ever set him straight. And listening to these lyrics now makes me realize I did make up a couple of extra verses.
My son is 25 now and in California while I am in Malaysia and I really miss him.
I've never heard that before... that would be a hard one to do in Karaoke, especially after a few Sake's... 🤪
Damn that Carly Simon is one cool lady!
She really is very cool - her "No Secrets" album is awesome. She has crippling stage fright so this is a rare treat. I'm glad to introduce her to you :)
And yes, you have to be on your game to sing this song.