After the Burial: The first "djent" band i've featured
First off, what the hell is "djent"
It is "officially" defined as " a style of metal characterized by progressive, rhythmic, and technical complexity accompanied by a dense layer of polyphonic groove." I don't know what most of that sentence means but basically it was just a term made up by people on the internet - most likely 4-chan.
Some "djent" guitarist famously said “djent is any band who uses off-time chugs”..... this definition is easier for me to understand.
i chose to feature these guys because they have clothes that aren't black
some bands involved in the genre hate the term "djent." Someone in Lamb of God actually said “there is no such thing as djent, it's not a genre” Sorry pal, and i really like your band, but the internet thinks differently - and the internet always wins.
Ok, the article is supposed to be about After the Burial.
I like them because they incorporate some melodic stuff into their music as well. Plus there is something about the singer's voice that I like. Yeah, i get it, he is screaming for the most part but he mixes up the speed in which he screams and this is why i could never get on board with Meshuggah - the inventors of the genre (or so it is widely agreed.)
After the Burial is from Minneapolis, Minnesota ( a great city i briefly lived in) and have gone through a few lineup changes throughout the years, including changing singers - which is normally a death-sentence for bands, but it worked out for them.
this is a huge gym motivator for me, it's like a battle call
One of the crazy things about their past is Justin Lowe, the rhythym guitar player. Justin was one of the founding members and it was determined he had severe paranoid schizophrenia. He believed that his bandmates, the record label, and most of the people in his life (including the fans) were against him and "out to ruin him." He left the band in 2015 and was later found in the woods dead with injuries consistent with a fall. It is unclear whether he fell or jumped.
Sorry to end on a downer, but it is true!
After the Burial has 5 full-length albums and they are all pretty good. Check em out!
this genre Banda Deathcore, Metalcore, Djent has a long career of 14 years on stage, its great moment, I think it was in 2006 until 2013 ... then in 2015 after the death of Justin Lowe, guitarist and co-founder. despite his death the band has done very well.
the lyrics of the band some are confusing, but the pace is great ...
Look at my blog, I made the article that I told you.
great information here. I also went to look at your article... very well done pal. Nicely researched and well presented. Better than me i would say. :)
thank you.. It is easy for me because I am a psychologist and I can study the behavior of people and the world around us, research is one of my specialties.
Thanks for the support and for visiting my blog.
I ran through several songs..Not liking this band. I don't like his voice which is the only thing my mind hones in on. I flip the track and there it is again. I don't know what it is but something just makes my ear pop a little.
I did however stumble across Humavoid (I think they are into Human I like the female voice in the tracks. And did I mention HUMOR? Check out this keyboard thrown in..Made me chuckle..and I needed that this morning.
I gave a listen to their track 'Glass', Possibly a good balance between the thrashing metal sounds and the ciaos of the drums. A sort of soothing experience for my ears (If I'm allowed to say that). I seem to be drawn to more metal bands with female lead vocals.
So I'll stop because this is not the band your reviewing.
Djent (aka Math Metal)??? Din't you say you mostly taught math in that Thai school you posted about a bit ago? wonder your like this Djent stuff.
I have worked with and known several individuals with paranoid schizophrenia. The mind is such a sensitive instrument. I can't even imagine in my wildest of dreams what it would be like to be stuck in that mind. In and out of reality. So sad.
as always... i feel as though your synopsis of my article may actually be better than my article. Too bad you didn't like the music... they can't all be winners and we are all different right?
We are all different. Thank God for that. Otherwise I may still be single. Lol. I didn’t like that group but like I said it was weird on my ears. Sometimes certain pitch voices make my ears kind of pop a little. Hard to explain. But my niece and nephew when they’re around yelling or talking loud does the same thing. Ha ha. Maybe it’s my hearing?! I can tell you is I’m enjoying my new found pleasure in trying to open my mind up to metal. I didn’t realize there were so many different types and after your explanations I can actually see the differences so that’s pretty cool.
So sorry for the way he ended his life (Justin Lowe),he might have been suffering from psychological problems prior to that time.
Djent does not have any meaning to mean even with the definition you gave, but their style of screaming and making the hell of noises while singing pretty define it better... Lol
But, I love them been passionate about their style.
Good morning from Nigeria
I only understood what djent meant after I watched a video on YouTube which differentiated djent from shred through two guitarist's performance on each. However, it really sad that Justin A. Lowe was found dead in Wisconsin few years ago. I remember I did read the lengthy message he posted on Facebook before he left the band claiming he was being set-up by something bigger than the law enforcement. The message entailed a whole lot of details like how his MacBook was sabotaged etc. Investigation on his dead body reveals he might have fallen to death,but it's a shame such a talented person is no more. May he rest in peace.
This is my first time of coming accross this supposed genre djent, people have eerie ways of coming up with new things, anyway i just downloaded their 2016 album "dig deep", currently listening to "lost in the static" and i love their arrangement. It is quite unfortunate that their guitarist had to die though, well things do happen that it out of hands at times. May his soul rest in peace
Quite interesting the band history of this band, although I'm not a fan of this type of music this song that you presented have something particular that is not usually pure screams but to handle a slight rhythm that does not make it to stormy.
That's pretty much awesome..... Thumbs up