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in #music5 years ago

Hi Marco @arkroom,
Of course you can hear from me as i do not retract or hide any of my argumentation and i will kindly reply to your dumb statements 1 by one:

1.''I have been running FB-ads since last year continuously, mainly to keep up with dodgy guys like yourself.''

Well about this one i just can say...that many people as i mentioned in the post since the beginning of the platform the only two names they would see is beat16 and yours.... because of course you were using ads from the beginning....i invite everyone to use the telegram channel that it was banned because the shit was so evident they couldnt take it anymore....but still accessible of how many times people complain about this...and most of all know that you and your little camera of pet protegees have just benefits because you actually spend money to advertise a company that have never spend a dime in advertisement...many artists are already putting their music up an advertising in their socials and fans so no need for me to spend a fucking dollar as it is not my company and artists should be the one getting paid not the other way around and you must be dumb to spend money when the actual company isn't......

Moreover using a bot like facebook adds to increase your plays is just clickbait and we know here and we know in bloody China....If all your fans would come back to listen and love you so much you wouldn't have 2 fucking followers they would come and actually use the platform...thats is why millions of fans sign to spotify to listen to ed sheeran and follow him physically by pressing a button that says follow....the end reason for advertisement is for people to use the platform not increase your visibility on top so you didnt bring any new followers after 2 years advertising, well done great job in your add campaign hahaha(to fight scammers ahahha what a joke) You turned the argument there like a real pro ahahhaha

2 ''My playlist ad got shared 55 times, and had 310 likes, in 4 months, also got a lot of cross-likes on my page, and those people really follow along and interact. It’s called, investment. Ads help growing the platform. at least in listeners. Streaming your own shit doesn’t.''

Well coming from a person who pays a bot (facebook add is an algorithm to target people based on preferences) for people to click in something they dont even know what is behind..i could perfectly say that you actually paid one of those pay per like and share so abundant this stupid world of people having a million followers and no talent whatsoever ( and i am not talking about your talent here !!!will come in a following response)
You seem as to be the only one in the world with twitter likes and facebook likes....i just can say bout twitter as my facebook i havent used in years as i always hated facebook even before (the data sale and the campaign manipulation of the Us elections in flavor of TRump...using facebook adds....haahhhahahah sounds familiar ????? do not try to fool with cheap arguments people that have been around even before you even started using diapers...
Moreover, the fact you got those likes in facebook didn't transform in what it was more important for the company...more users of the platform not personal clickbait here and clearly those followers would have signed up to follow you up and clearly they didn't.....

3 ''What’s questionable is, that guys like you did far higher rates on a daily basis, than guys with ads, while you weren’t spending a dime. I never heard of you before Choon, and hearing your ‘music’ I’m not very surprised either. You were an unknown artist on a new and unknown platform, and yet you outperformed artists like Gareth Emery, Guy J. and Darude, who actually have a name in the scene and a decent fanbase already. How? I can show statements of any day I advertised.''

Again a very feeble argumentation, as i already stated many people welcomed our playlist as i mentioned earlier because it brought finally variety to your monopoly of top tracks since day one (and now you come saying you started using adds to fight that when beat 16 was the most known name from day 1 as people were wondering about his success....then a bit later you came into the picture...)Then you were always in front of people like you mention as G EMery Darude and the like...when beat 16 had only one track at that time in his entire music career....and when yo came too you had two or 3 at you are actually saying that are much better than those two guys following your argument....hahaha when you never created any music before CHoon am i right??? i have been creating music well before you were even born.. not only electronic, as i played in rock bands and DSM is only one of my electronic projects i had so many others, since an early age to be honest well before you were even an idea in your mammy's future plans...:D You want to know how i know that you are lying is because when i started advertising that i was in top tracks for the first time i published it on twitter and that wasn't that long ago...
Here it is :
It is dated from 18th January 2019 the first time my tracks were that high since i joined the platform you are even at number 5 in there....
Here your friend beat 16 claiming he had 3 tracks in the top ten ...already happening in Aug 2018 6 months earlier than my first time in the top 10 : that is from Aug 2018
Here is yours this one from December 2018 :

But this one very significant already showing by Sept 2018 that you and your cronies tracks were charting high :

Again this one sept 2018 ...same old names beat 16 and marco svarda :

Then Sept 13, 2018 more top tracks!!!!! :

This one Aug 2018 6 months i was even amongst the top 10, same bloody names... :

So before telling a lie at least check your feeds as your data is a bitch is always there when you leat expect it!!! So the question is how the likes of you and beat 16 to unknown producers before Choon were charting so i explained in my post and your pal came and show us proudly his add receipt and claimed 'this i how i chart where i chart' because you fucking paid to be there that is why !!!!

You see we got a saying in Spain 'that you can catch a lier before a one legged man....'' before our playlist I have never been that your entire argument falls to pieces just by comparing dates of have been always on top not before you were fighting scammers only because you were paying for adds plain and simple...moreover your statement how could you outperform people like Darude or G EMery ??? you or Beat 16 with his only song remixed 10 times by his CHoon friends it is really beyond my understanding......

You see i use real data to show your lies and poor arguments...what do you have to say about this ...i dare you to find an earlier data showing that i was in the top 10 for such a long period as you have been in the top beating the likes of G EMery and DArude....I dont think so you lie and your instagram feed shows this...please do not delete it so people can see the truth....

4 ''This post also shows that you never been a real supporter of Choon, as you seem to be outraged about everything since the cancelled ICO already. Choon gave very reasonable explanations for their decisions, yet you only highlight the state of the market... You withdrew your NOTES because you knew you were gaming the system, and eventually would get caught. I even warned you''

Again or you do not know how to read or you are just dumb to write something like that when i said i was supporting Choon until they shut down all the communication to invite only in all their channels to hide all the shit storm that was falling upon them...well coming from you one of the admins in facebook is quite dubious you even believe this as many users were and still outrage of the complete block on all official channels of all communication....but suite yourself that is why hundreds of artist have been cancelling their accounts and stopped all the support in your platform...You can see in daily tracks, the notes increase is because there is not fucking audience anymore...and no wonder why!!!!

5 ''Enough of your complaints and false accusations. I should actually report you for harassment and spreading fake rumours. But I won’t. Because I probably won’t hear from you ever again. Good luck with your little crypto earnings, your organic fanbase, your talent for making noise and your inferiority complex. Good luck spamming other blockchain based music platforms with your dodgy playlist. I don't even care how you will try to twist this message again in a reply. I'm still on Choon after a fraud cleanup and you, Downward Spiral Mantra, is not. People can make up their own mind about what’s the most logical explanation...''

As i explained in this answer, with facts and date am not lying you are the one using false accusations of theft like your masters at Choon....this is so dumb as in earlier times masters even payed servants to do their we have come to a time where the servant pays the master to carry out their dirty work :D how petty is the entire thing looked into that light....

So please reread or stop saying lies abut not supporting the platform...that you have paid your way to the top is not the only way to support a platform...please do not be so hurt and grow a fucking thick skin as criticism is good to grow a good pair of strong you said is great free advertising for you and your are welcome and my pleasure...

But now going back as something that i mentioned before about people buying their way out without talent (i wasn't referring at you) but the likes of people like Kim Kardashian or Gianluca Vacchi....From many years i studied human behaviour, and i discovered one simple fact, when logical argumentation isn't existent....people tend to attack the superficial things to make a great strong point, like the characteristic of a persons body, its intelligence or in your case attacking my music and my artwork.....this is when i know i have won the argument as this shows that you believe the person on the other end is going to crawl and start crying and double doubting their capacity and their bullies do in school to other weaker children....but i am sorry pal the person here doubles you in age and knowledge and has seen more things in life than you will ever see in your entire existence, so your pathetic attempts to defend your behaviour and actions to attack my music when i have never did that to yours is just as i said as those bullies in school that complain about the fatness of a person or the size of the ears...and so on....
When you are barking am advancing.....and that is the simple truth that i only used real data and facts and you little silly insults at my music....Shame as your tracks are cool hahahahh but you as a person need to mature a bit come on as i said now grow a pair and enjoy the fact that your instagram posts shows all the history of you and your pal from early on in the top....Now all Choon community can see that the truth always comes to light no matter how late...Bye now and please do not stop now your playlists as it would look strange not seen you there guys...but thanks for letting us know you did it so now we can check when you are going back as it will be to evident there is no real audience in Choon as my post explained....
Take care...


Thank you for taking the time to reply Dave. As far as I can see there’s only one bully, which is the one attacking people personally in a blog, with no evidence whatsoever, or making fun of them in his comfy little Discord group. Just a quick scan over the little fantasies you made up this time:

  • I never denied I used ads last year as well. I said I was running them CONTINUOUSLY since (end of) last year, which is a big difference. Also, don’t think you were the first dodgy artist on the platform I wanted to keep up with, there have been plenty before you started your scheme.
  • I never ran ads for Choon. I run ads for exposure. Which works pretty well. The benefit is that Choon profits from it as well, as it brings in listeners too. But that was never why I ran them.
  • Clickbait only works if you are after just clicks. I was after plays. Which is why I advertised a playlist, not a track. If the music in the playlist would’ve been bad, I would never had the streams on it I have now. Also, I would not have returning listeners. (Which I have, even yesterday people played it, without running an ad.)
  • Comparison with Spotify is wrong. For Spotify you need to sign up to listen to anything. For Choon you don’t have to. Big difference.
  • I never used ads to get likes. Another accusation based on nothing. What’s a like worth if it doesn’t result in listens? Waste of money in my book. But if I had, I would not have 400 likes, more like 25.000…
  • You’re experience seems very huge. How old are you? In your 80’s? Too bad it doesn’t show in the quality of your music. I would expect a higher production level from someone with your experience.
  • I can compete with guys like Darude and Gareth because of ads. With only socials it’s not possible. Which makes my charting logical, but yours far from it.
  • I produce music for over 15 years. Also, why I don’t release 3 tracks in a week, like you, is because it takes time to deliver quality. But you don’t understand what I talk about anyway…
  • Thanks for reminding me on those socials posts. Prove that I’m lying? About what? All my charted tracks in Aug & Sept 2018 came from socials posts and ads Sean ran, on either his podcast or his own tracks/remixes. The one from Dec is a combination of ads and social media engagement.
  • Do you think I just sit back and enjoy the revenue from ads? That I didn’t do anything to promote Choon, other artists etc.? You don’t know what you are talking about, again…
  • Sean’s track with 10 remixes are all better than any of your crap uploads. Just as a sidenote. Also, stop calling it Trance. You never made a trance track.
  • The NOTES increase is because there are no scammers anymore. The audience was never there. Just a bunch of artists playing eachother’s stuff day in day out. I debunked that in the first reply already. FYI, repeating an argument doesn’t make it stronger, or true, all of a sudden.

Feel free to reply some more, because it’s a delight picking your arguments apart. You connect dots where there isn’t even a line to draw. As for the person that has to mature a bit, if you are that experienced in life, maybe you should give the right example. But I don’t expect anything from you at this point. Goodbye, and good luck running your scheme elsewhere...

you made me now many words to say nothing...yes by claiming you are buying adds to keep up with scammers so you can replace them on top higher than anyone else hahahaha and the funniest thing that it all seemed to work as your adds always kept you above all the scammers you are truly a 'magician' ....that is the funniest shit i ever heard ...and then coming here again attacking my music...ahahahah...what a pathetic human being you are......when Choon goes down you and your memory will go down with it..that is what happens when people buy themselves way to the inflate a thing to much and the fall will be gigantic !!!!
The man who only composed three tracks..when Choon appeared...well i guess is a goodbye i will get my handkerchief and drown my sorrows after your hurtful attacks on my music....see my tears falling....Adios amigo go back to your little only invite Choon propaganda den...dont even bother replying your attitude is very similar to that of an angry teenager when he is suck!!! look ugly!!!..your music is stupid!!!!! booooo boooooooo ahahahha am pissing myself with laughtergiphy.gif

Exactly, replacing the scammers was precisely what I was after. As running ads is totally legit. Nothing magic about it, as long as you target the right people. For some that would be difficult enough, as they don't even know how to tag their tracks in the right genre. Fortunately for you, I never spent the amounts Sean used, So I couldn't keep up with you and your totally organic plays.

Funny that you think I'm angry. I couldn't care less about the opinion of some frustrated Spanish dude. In fact, I only replied because it's my right to set you straight, as you just spread fake news based on assumptions. You call out on people in person, based on nothing but your own fantasy. Good luck changing your pants. And by the way, your posts here are very good comedy as well. There might be a future for you in arts after all...

Look i continued leaving my life and come back and here you are again with your petty little insults ...this is so much fun hahahah....i think it was never so easy to arouse and troll certain people to this level....fuck i have no regrets, i thought it was going to be a dull time...and here you are going for it like a real G!!!! Thank God you never used 4.5 K in advertising, that is almost the full market value of Choon hahahahahhaha you could have taken it to new heights....oh man my tears are pouring so fast i think i going to have to stop laughing or i'll get a heart attack ahhaha...maybe another 4.5 k could have allowed you to catch all the Pokemon around you too...Bye Mozart!!! go and do something useful now...we have enough with one time making a fool of yourself....go and buy some adds for the CHoon MASTAS!!! They need to eat something...

That 4.5K is the market value of Choon, made me laugh, for real. I give you that.

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