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in #music5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply Dave. As far as I can see there’s only one bully, which is the one attacking people personally in a blog, with no evidence whatsoever, or making fun of them in his comfy little Discord group. Just a quick scan over the little fantasies you made up this time:

  • I never denied I used ads last year as well. I said I was running them CONTINUOUSLY since (end of) last year, which is a big difference. Also, don’t think you were the first dodgy artist on the platform I wanted to keep up with, there have been plenty before you started your scheme.
  • I never ran ads for Choon. I run ads for exposure. Which works pretty well. The benefit is that Choon profits from it as well, as it brings in listeners too. But that was never why I ran them.
  • Clickbait only works if you are after just clicks. I was after plays. Which is why I advertised a playlist, not a track. If the music in the playlist would’ve been bad, I would never had the streams on it I have now. Also, I would not have returning listeners. (Which I have, even yesterday people played it, without running an ad.)
  • Comparison with Spotify is wrong. For Spotify you need to sign up to listen to anything. For Choon you don’t have to. Big difference.
  • I never used ads to get likes. Another accusation based on nothing. What’s a like worth if it doesn’t result in listens? Waste of money in my book. But if I had, I would not have 400 likes, more like 25.000…
  • You’re experience seems very huge. How old are you? In your 80’s? Too bad it doesn’t show in the quality of your music. I would expect a higher production level from someone with your experience.
  • I can compete with guys like Darude and Gareth because of ads. With only socials it’s not possible. Which makes my charting logical, but yours far from it.
  • I produce music for over 15 years. Also, why I don’t release 3 tracks in a week, like you, is because it takes time to deliver quality. But you don’t understand what I talk about anyway…
  • Thanks for reminding me on those socials posts. Prove that I’m lying? About what? All my charted tracks in Aug & Sept 2018 came from socials posts and ads Sean ran, on either his podcast or his own tracks/remixes. The one from Dec is a combination of ads and social media engagement.
  • Do you think I just sit back and enjoy the revenue from ads? That I didn’t do anything to promote Choon, other artists etc.? You don’t know what you are talking about, again…
  • Sean’s track with 10 remixes are all better than any of your crap uploads. Just as a sidenote. Also, stop calling it Trance. You never made a trance track.
  • The NOTES increase is because there are no scammers anymore. The audience was never there. Just a bunch of artists playing eachother’s stuff day in day out. I debunked that in the first reply already. FYI, repeating an argument doesn’t make it stronger, or true, all of a sudden.

Feel free to reply some more, because it’s a delight picking your arguments apart. You connect dots where there isn’t even a line to draw. As for the person that has to mature a bit, if you are that experienced in life, maybe you should give the right example. But I don’t expect anything from you at this point. Goodbye, and good luck running your scheme elsewhere...


you made me now many words to say nothing...yes by claiming you are buying adds to keep up with scammers so you can replace them on top higher than anyone else hahahaha and the funniest thing that it all seemed to work as your adds always kept you above all the scammers you are truly a 'magician' ....that is the funniest shit i ever heard ...and then coming here again attacking my music...ahahahah...what a pathetic human being you are......when Choon goes down you and your memory will go down with it..that is what happens when people buy themselves way to the inflate a thing to much and the fall will be gigantic !!!!
The man who only composed three tracks..when Choon appeared...well i guess is a goodbye i will get my handkerchief and drown my sorrows after your hurtful attacks on my music....see my tears falling....Adios amigo go back to your little only invite Choon propaganda den...dont even bother replying your attitude is very similar to that of an angry teenager when he is suck!!! look ugly!!!..your music is stupid!!!!! booooo boooooooo ahahahha am pissing myself with laughtergiphy.gif

Exactly, replacing the scammers was precisely what I was after. As running ads is totally legit. Nothing magic about it, as long as you target the right people. For some that would be difficult enough, as they don't even know how to tag their tracks in the right genre. Fortunately for you, I never spent the amounts Sean used, So I couldn't keep up with you and your totally organic plays.

Funny that you think I'm angry. I couldn't care less about the opinion of some frustrated Spanish dude. In fact, I only replied because it's my right to set you straight, as you just spread fake news based on assumptions. You call out on people in person, based on nothing but your own fantasy. Good luck changing your pants. And by the way, your posts here are very good comedy as well. There might be a future for you in arts after all...

Look i continued leaving my life and come back and here you are again with your petty little insults ...this is so much fun hahahah....i think it was never so easy to arouse and troll certain people to this level....fuck i have no regrets, i thought it was going to be a dull time...and here you are going for it like a real G!!!! Thank God you never used 4.5 K in advertising, that is almost the full market value of Choon hahahahahhaha you could have taken it to new heights....oh man my tears are pouring so fast i think i going to have to stop laughing or i'll get a heart attack ahhaha...maybe another 4.5 k could have allowed you to catch all the Pokemon around you too...Bye Mozart!!! go and do something useful now...we have enough with one time making a fool of yourself....go and buy some adds for the CHoon MASTAS!!! They need to eat something...

That 4.5K is the market value of Choon, made me laugh, for real. I give you that.

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