Music you didn't know you needed.
Complete musicians can dazzle your conscious mind with virtuosity and cleverness of intricacy and structure; get your toes tapping; get your eyes tearing; and lift your soul into transcendent connected congress with the vibrations of the Universe. The best combine joy and sadness like yin and yang, ebb and flow.
I find this in all genres when I dig deep enough, but authenticity is sadly missing from popularity contests like Reality TV and The Grammys. In the aftermath of the latest Grammy train wreck of pompous, algorithm driven Pop producer music, I caught one comment noting outside music making it into the broadcast. Mirabile dictu, when I fired up my TiVo to skip over the dreck, I found in this recommendation the only genre that can not only hit all the bases, but get involuntary dancing and tears AT THE SAME TIME with Billy Strings.
Skip to 54:00, and hear Bluegrass with a pedal board, and guitar work that evokes Dave Mason, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, and Paco de Lucia along with Nashville licks.