
I know the feeling, and it does get better... then it gets worse again... then it gets better. Sometimes, it even seems to disappear, at least for a little while.

I've battled with depression throughout my life, and have been in a long-standing remission for quite some time now. However, I know that it may return at any time, and that it will cast my world into darkness once again.

Keeping myself busy, finding new hobbies, and generally doing things that are outside the realm of my own normality are what keep me sane. I also like to help others and now I work with kids who struggled with some of the same things that I did when i was younger; that helps me immensely.

I wrote a poem recently about similar feelings that you might be able to relate to. Maybe you can find some comfort in it, or at least relate in some ways.

"Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you." - George Whitfield

What beautiful words, transmit a very beautiful feeling to my person. It's really incredible how human beings work. We are a dissonant existence of which every day I am terrified and at the same time I feel comforted with the things that happen and make us grow and experience. Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to read these words. I will be happy to go through your content.

Thank you for the response, I appreciate it. Existence can be terrifying, but how about the thought of never having experienced an existence? True horror, regardless of what I have seen in life... We would be giving up all opportunities to help one another if we were ignorant to such things. I wish you well on your journey through our unknown world. May we both greet it with perseverance and compassion.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I am truly hoping you will feel better today. I think everyone goes thru these kind of feelings. It will get better for you. Be proud of what you are doing everyday. Seems to me like you are doing a great job in spite if it all. I have felt lim e this for a while now. Hang in there.

Never give up is the correct... i think. But yes... we must always think of all the good and positive things we are doing in our existence.

This all sounds very poetic and I think everyone can say that hard times happen. Especially if you're going through any changes. You sound young so I can only say that things can only get better.

I want to share with you a thought: you are the results of all of your actions and thoughts. Today you are the result of your past choices. This is important because when you realize that you are your own making, then you can also have the choice to make a better life.
Best of luck to you mate.

Yes, we are what we do... But sometimes it seems that the law of morphy is not on our side and even the positive ends up bringing its constant chaos.

This was so well written and thought provoking. I struggle everyday with anxiety oftentimes losing site of my goal in life. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and bogged down with negativity that I forget to search for my happiness. It is something I work on everyday and I have no where near perfected it. I am currently not the person I want to be.

I appreciate you mentioning the quote about the journey and not the destination. I feel the same as you. How can you focus on the journey when you are so overwhelmed with all that is around you? I have just learned to take it a day at a time. Sometimes I have to take it an hour at a time.

Thank you for sharing a piece of you. Know that you are not alone in this way of thinking and feeling ♥

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