#MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE - Hong Kong Phooey gets two kick ass sidekicks. - Doing it Doggy style!

in #motu7 years ago


The transformation of Lord Percival the Magnificent into Hong Kong Phooey was now complete and the Master of 'Doggy Style' Kung Fu stood alone by the portal.......

What had happened to his trusty flying steed Tremendhorse?

Would his half-witted friend Sir Muxxy last seen being given the hot poker of justice by Ausbuttspank be joining the fray?

He decided to practice his unique 'DoggyStyle' Kung fu moves whilst hanging around the portal, he was aware that the battle to save Eternia had been delayed due to He-Man's disappearance so he he wasn't in a hurry.

He wanted to give Tremendhorse or whatever he transformed into the time to make it through the portal before making a move. He was curious and excited at the prospect of the challenges ahead however he was anxious not to travel alone.
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A strange wind brushed past him, he turned towards the portal and saw that it was operational again. It was in the process of bringing someone or something through.

For what seemed like an eternity he stood in front of the portal, how long was this going to take?

It was excruciating.

As he stood there it suddenly occurred to him he was dying for a crap, his human brain started scanning for a toilet and then he remembered he was a dog he could crap anywhere he liked.
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After relieving himself resisting the urge to eat his own turd was the hardest thing he had ever done, this doggy persona was going to take some getting used to.
And what was up with all the ball licking? Actually he didn't mind that, it reminded him of the few weeks of happiness he'd had with the four girls in the sex TARDIS before Chooxena had thrown her monthly tantrum and destroyed it.

Finally the sound coming from the portal died down indicating the process was nearly complete.


He had no idea what to expect, his canine instincts were firing on all cylinders now. A shadowy figure was moving towards from deep within the portal, he couldn't yet see what it was but he could smell it.....a bitch!

"Well well Tremendhorse, look at you" he said.
"Err, where am I? And who are you." was the reply.
"It's me Lord Percival, I changed in to Hong Kong Phooey legendary Doggy style Kung fu master. You've just come through the portal, it'll be weird for a few minutes" he explained.
"I'm not Tremendhorse anymore am I?"
"You most certainly are not, for a start you're a dog like me. Try to think who you are, it'll come to you."

After a few seconds of thought she spoke.

"I'm StitchyBitch!" she proclaimed.

Hong Kong Phooey slipped around the back of StitchyBitch, stuck his snout up her butt and took a long, deep satisfying sniff.

"Yes you are." he replied.

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The two now canine friends started circling each other and then proceeded to engage in a world class sniffathon, as Hong Kong Phooey was about to mount StitchyBitch the portal started up again.
This was a shock to them both of them, they weren't expecting anyone else to be coming through and were transfixed as they stared at the hypnotic waves emanating from the portal.

Finally the process was again completed and a scruffy looking mutt walked out of the portal.

"My Lord!" exclaimed the newcomer, sniggering inanely.
"Sir Muxxy?" Hong Kong Phooey asked.

The newcomer stood there giggling like an imbecile while Hong Kong Phooey and StitchyBitch had a welcome sniff of his love tackle. He looked up and spoke....
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"I'm not Sir Muxxy anymore." he proclaimed.

"I'm Muxxley the Wonder dog! Hehehehe."

"Good grief." said Hong Kong Phooey to no one in particular.

"He's still a half wit!"

The three canine soon to be hero's made each other's acquaintance for a while longer before StitchyBitch turned to them both and spoke.

"What do we do now?"

Hong Kong Phooey looked at them both, thought for a second smiled and said....

"We wait."


Be sure to return and follow Hong Kong Phooey's quest in.....


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STEEMLORDS and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE challenges are the mad creation of @sirknight

Additional artwork by the awesome @bearone


Thank you for visiting, for more please come back to @tremendospercy or alternatively check me out at Steemshelves


Proud member and supporter of the Minowsupportproject, please go to discord and start your journey.


Gifs by @justcallmemyth


TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns


Hahaha!! love it my friend, you have a real talent for comedic writing! "DoggyStyle' Kung fu moves" I nearly spat my tea out within the first few seconds :D .. Can't wait to see where Phooeys nose goes next :D Great stuff keep it up!!

Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.
Having a character with the mind of a human and the instincts of a dog is fun to write. I've always wondered what the little buggers are thinking when they do what they do.
Glad you enjoyed the read mate.

Tears, I am crying real tears of laughter!
Oh dear god, my sides!

Percy, you are a whirlwind and a riot.
LOVED IT. What thrilling adventures await?!

Thanks babe, I've wanted to write you into a story for ages but the right character never seemed to come to me. Hopefully we can have some jolly japes in this series. Thanks for finally getting to it, I'm so glad it gave you a laugh ❤️

HAHAHAHAA that was great, laughed real good for this:

As he stood there it suddenly occurred to him he was dying for a crap, his human brain started scanning for a toilet and then he remembered he was a dog he could crap anywhere he liked.

After relieving himself resisting the urge to eat his own turd was the hardest thing he had ever done, this doggy persona was going to take some getting used to.

And what was up with all the ball licking?

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Glad you had a chuckle babe ❤️

Good grief. Where do you come up with this stuff? LOL

Oooh, I'm not sure I want to answer that! It would involve exploring my psyche, don't want to go there babe 😂
Thanks for reading and commenting babe ❤️🌹

OMG! Hilarious!
More more more!
<3 <3

Thanksssssss babesssss! ❤️🐍

Oh my goodness. That was a fantastic sidekick intro.

Cheers buddy, sorry for making you choke again. 😉

Accepted occupational hazard of reading your posts XD

Lol! Muxxley. That is gold.

Also, resisting the urge to eat your own turd. Hahahaha.

Well done Perc!

Cheers babe, being inside the mind of a dog is gross.

Hahaha, Muxxley! I love it.

Thanks mate, glad you like it 😉

bahaha, priceless!

Thanks Kubby 😘

that was pretty damn tremendos Percy!

Many a lol twixt licks and sniffs

Thanks buddy, lots of doggy jokes to come dude. 😜

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