Brok and Sindre the dwarven brothers
Brok and Sindre was two Dwarven brothers in the old Norse tales of gods and jætter (danish, i dont know what the are called in english)
When I made the sculpt of a dwarf, I originally thought of him as a slayer from warhammer, but he sort of looked like a smith to me.
I got to think about the story of Brok and Sindre who was commisioned to participate in a bet where they should craft the most wondrous gifts for the gods.
They crafted among others gyldenbursti (gyldenbørste in danish) which literally means golden bristle. a living pig which could be slaughtered and still survive, thus giving endles supply of pork. It could also be ridden both over sea and in the air as well as on land. Pretty cool. they also made mjolnir (mjølner) and draupnir , a ring that would drip 8 new rings every nine days.
It shows how important a smith was , that these wondrous and magical things was made in a forge.
I did a little bit of magic myself yesterday, or at least it feels almost like magic when I print my miniatures. getting to hold the physical object is really fantastic, and I never get tired of it.
I am planning to make a small diorama with the two brothers working. I have made to body in two parts and the head as a separate piece. that way I can switch out the head and make the other brother, without having to start all over.
I also worked a bit more on the arms which I wasnt quite pleased with, especially the area around the wrist, and I added laces to the boots.
Now I just need to make an anvil, another head and pose the both of them. It is going to be a great little project dont you think.

Im EvilHippie, a compulsive creative and jack o' trades. If you want to know more about me, check out my introduction post here
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Looks great! It is a bit like a character I had on World of Warcraft ages ago, also a smith.
"Jætter" could well be what the English call frost giants or jötnar, but I'm not sure.
Thanks, yes it is a bit WoW like. I think you are right with jötnar. They lived in jotunheim which just means home of the jotun so I guess thats probably correct. it means big or giant in danish still, although it is very rarely used
In Wikipedia they are called Jötunn. The use of the ö shows that there might not be a traditional name for it in English. As far as I can see from different translations of Volupspa they mostly use the word, Giant, which is not that fitting even though it is used as a word for big or giant in modern Scandinavian. In Swedish you use the word all the time meaning: very. jätte kul = very funny, jätte bra = very good.
One of these days, when I get more Steem gathered or actual money, you and I should have a talk about commissions. Your stuff looks simply amazing!!!
Thanks, I would be happy to.
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Great post. thanks for sharing