Sev Tech: Ages is Huge!
I may have bitten more than knew when I started Sevtech: Ages. I am well into Age 1 now, playing pretty casually. I am in what could be classified as the bronze age, so quite a step up from the Stone Age. Lots of new fun stuff has opened up and I am just starting some Magic mods. What I learned today was this mod was built to be an expert modpack and take lots of time to progress even for Streamers who play regularly for an audience. The maker of the modpack actually challenged people to beat it in under six months.
Truth be told I may never beat this modpack, tempted away by something new and shiny in the future. However, right now I'm enjoying the slow progression and getting to use mods that I haven't given much attention to in the past. For example, I've been trying to figure out how to develop an aqueduct to bring fresh water to my base because running to the river every time I need to use some water is getting tedious. In a more advance modpack I would have just built an infinite water supply and be done with it, but in this modpack it's never that simple and I like it that way.
There are a ton of youtubers who are getting into SevTech. For some reason I quite enjoy watching actual plays of Sevtech. Below are two of my favorite:
- Direwolf20: Probably one of the most popular modded Minecraft youtubers out there, he runs a lets play with Pahimar, another streamer.
- X33N: If Direwolf is the expert in smoothly progressing through a modpack, these two guys are the opposite. They stumble through, fail to read tool tips and generally make plans that always fail in amusing fashion. They may infuriate some people, but I find them hilarious.