RE: We are living inside a natural matrix, the world around us is only accessible through a nervous system. Language can be used to manipulate our thoughts and now I have an idea of how it all works.
I really liked the approach you have given to this and I find it interesting all the assertions you make with respect to language, however, maybe I did not understand you well, I hope you correct me if I have not.
You say we don't think in words, and that we can actually think faster than we speak. What is thinking for you? Do you define thinking as a different to those conversations we have with ourselves in our mind?
It is possible that you include the visions, the imagination, and other sensory emulations that we can have in our head as "thinking", although I don't think we should refer to it that way, since the purpose of the thinking is to perceive our perception, and you will understand me as I explained.
You will see what you know.
It is true that the mere existence of language is given to communicate, so it may seem that it is a social invention and has nothing to do with the individual, much less with his mind, but it is not so.
The human is a social animal, and for its simple existence the union of two people is needed, so that a complete separation of the individual from society can't be made, unless it is only a simple conceptualization. So it is natural that the human is very conditioned by this.
Second, the human is also a rational animal, and what differentiates us from other animals is not consciousness, as many believe, but self-consciousness, we are conscious of being conscious, and to do this, we must have some kind of perception of ourselves, perception that occurs precisely with the communication we have with ourselves, communication that requires language.
Maybe this is the reason why in the Gospel of John its said: "In the beginning was the Word", because it is thanks to the word that we can be self-conscious.
So even the human alone requires a language.
This was what I meant when I said that the thinking is responsible for making us perceive our perceptions. Being in this way, therefore, irremediably inseparable from the word.
On the other hand, you do very well in mentioning the control of language, be it Orwell's Newspeak or any manipulation of the same nature, and we agree that self-observation is the way to get around such traps. A newspeak could only exist as long as people are over-stimulated and lack the time to think (which is always done voluntarily), and therefore live unable to access their own perceptions, however contradictory it may seem.
It's then time to remember the maxim of the Delphic sages; "know thyself".
Excellent post, reestem, and greetings!
You can verbalize your thoughts, but that is just one of the ways you can think. You could include everything you process from the outside world as thinking. Most people verbalize their thought more than others.
I updated the article a little bit, it might be worth reading it again.