We are living inside a natural matrix, the world around us is only accessible through a nervous system. Language can be used to manipulate our thoughts and now I have an idea of how it all works.
Everything you learned since you were a child was made to deceive you. You were created by the world around you, and everything you did and thought since you were born has been predetermined. Even deeper, everything that you can possibly think is based on a very narrow set of beliefs and structures that have been dictated to you since a very young age: for example language. Your default setting is running your life secretly. Now, you don’t remember when it started!
As a naive child you believed in what your parents told you, and you trusted them because you had no reason not to. The truth is that everything your parents knew was based on your grandparents beliefs and so on, and there is no easy way to trace it back to where it originated.
In order to understand how you are being controlled you have to learn more about how your brain works and how thinking comes about in the first place, but this is tricky since scientists don’t know exactly even how consciousness is generated. I will show you what I know.
Every idea has a single source that can be traced back and changed, this is called inception and it’s a concept. The Others call it programming. If your ideas have a single source then it should be easy to change your thinking, you might ask yourself. Well, we need to first understand what is an idea. The definition of an idea is a formulated thought or opinion, the central meaning of all your actions. It controls everything you do. Now, we cannot do that if our scientists don’t know what is thought.
Try to focus, this is not easy to grasp. I have this idea that everything on a large scale can be replicated or simulated on a smaller scale or in other words, the thinking of a hive mind is similar to the thinking of an individual. Remember this statement, the whole argument is based on it.
Now, moving on. Science is nothing more than the gradual progress and discoveries based on previous work, and we can describe the source of our current understanding of science as the product of a collective mind of scientists working together, but in different timelines. Imagine that you think to a line, and your mind starts with one thought, and one thought leads to another until you build a structure. That structure it’s called a thought chain, and it leads you to reach an idea or a vision. These ideas or visions can change or you could get new ones. You could prove the old ones to be false, and you could have a mental revolution similar to every scientific revolution.
Now, this is the moment when everything you used to know starts to collapse. You start building your own structures and start thinking for yourself. Doublethink is holding two contradictory ideas and believing in both, your mind cannot do that! You need a frame of reference when trying to understand your surrounding reality, otherwise it won’t make sense. Doublethink it’s what enslaves us all.
We can think faster than we speak, and we can think without language. The true function of language is to describe reality, which is nothing more than our sensory input. It helps to communicate with one another, and to make sense of the world around us: of the sounds we hear, feelings etc. But language has its limits, it stops us to see beyond what we think is real. We can only imagine the world with the words we have, language it’s just a filter for reality.
Language can only verify a very narrow point of view, and some things cannot be explained only with language, they can only be showed to us. Imagine speaking with a foreign person and trying to explain a joke that only makes sense in English (or any other language). They won’t understand you clearly and that is because the foreign language verifies facts under its own structure, you translate your thoughts into language.
George Orwell thought about this and described it in his book 1984 as a term called newspeak, a way of manipulating the masses simply with the use of language.
The only way to prove my statement and really know what i just said, is to build an argument against yourself. Go deeper and back in time now. Try to find any memories, distant memories, childhood memories and dig deeper, you will find that you had no choice in your life. The way to break free is to realize how your life came together, to be self-aware, and to figure it out through your own experiences. You are the only person who can do it, the secret is tracing your decisions back to their roots.
You have been living in a constant trance. Maybe you are literally living in 1984! Now snap out of it! You have been heavily exposed to thought pollution through hypnosis. They are shifting our focus to make us distracted from what is really going on in the world. How many times did you end up singing a song in your head not knowing the reason why? Maybe you did not even like it, same goes for movies or TV! Manipulation is more effective if the subject is not aware of how it works. The way to free yourself is to start building your own opinions, thinking for yourself and having an increased awareness about the world around you. It’s as simple as that!
The Others will forcefully feed you with mind patterns by using trigger words, the words act as a thought signal and they can trigger a whole complex. Now, starting from the idea that you translate your thoughts into language, by reversing the idea we could say that words can send your thoughts wandering in a particular direction. Pay attention to what you are thinking and learn how to control your thoughts (I will write a future post about it).
Now, there is a catch not many people know. A hypnotic trance cannot be induced against one’s will. Every expert in the field will tell you that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and you are doing it to yourself. Through ignorance, you are giving away more control than necessary! Deception is not always bad, you can use hypnosis to make yourself do what you always wanted to do but could never do it. There is no way around deception. Your subconscious will basically believe everything it is told: there is no logic in your subconscious. You have to deceive yourself in order to break free from their control (you are probably already doing it).
Choose how to feed your brain, all the arts and media they feed you is infested with half-truths and miss-information to steer you in the direction they want. They are using mass-hypnosis to control the population, and we need to think about abandoning the mass ideal and verifying things for ourselves instead of blindly following. Dig deeper and read between the lines.
If you feel a bit confused don’t be ashamed to go back and read again, it is not easy to understand. Repetition is the key, the church knows this all too well. They preach the same word for thousands of years, every year, every week, and even every day just to make it stick with you. I am only asking you for a couple of tries, and to switch on your third eye.
For hundreds of years in Western Europe it was believed that all swans were white. They were always restricted to the samples available immediately around them. Nobody had any reason to suspect anything other than that, there were old poetry books that had expressions like “Her eyes were white as a swan”. Then all of a sudden, the age of exploration came along, Western Europe traveled to Australia, and they see black swans for the first time. They thought that there are only white swans, but in reality that was never the case. You can only really know what is verifiable in your own small bubble. Everything else that we cannot verify ourselves might as well be false belief.
If you want to discover more about the trend feel free to listen to my spotify playlist here, you can also access it by the menu. It is built to a structure and it’s better if you play it in order, the message is in there. Now, read the italics, and do not think like you have to follow only one artist in there. Nobody is perfect, and they don’t know everything. I repeat, the playlist has a structure specially made by me.
I really liked the approach you have given to this and I find it interesting all the assertions you make with respect to language, however, maybe I did not understand you well, I hope you correct me if I have not.
You say we don't think in words, and that we can actually think faster than we speak. What is thinking for you? Do you define thinking as a different to those conversations we have with ourselves in our mind?
It is possible that you include the visions, the imagination, and other sensory emulations that we can have in our head as "thinking", although I don't think we should refer to it that way, since the purpose of the thinking is to perceive our perception, and you will understand me as I explained.
You will see what you know.
It is true that the mere existence of language is given to communicate, so it may seem that it is a social invention and has nothing to do with the individual, much less with his mind, but it is not so.
The human is a social animal, and for its simple existence the union of two people is needed, so that a complete separation of the individual from society can't be made, unless it is only a simple conceptualization. So it is natural that the human is very conditioned by this.
Second, the human is also a rational animal, and what differentiates us from other animals is not consciousness, as many believe, but self-consciousness, we are conscious of being conscious, and to do this, we must have some kind of perception of ourselves, perception that occurs precisely with the communication we have with ourselves, communication that requires language.
Maybe this is the reason why in the Gospel of John its said: "In the beginning was the Word", because it is thanks to the word that we can be self-conscious.
So even the human alone requires a language.
This was what I meant when I said that the thinking is responsible for making us perceive our perceptions. Being in this way, therefore, irremediably inseparable from the word.
On the other hand, you do very well in mentioning the control of language, be it Orwell's Newspeak or any manipulation of the same nature, and we agree that self-observation is the way to get around such traps. A newspeak could only exist as long as people are over-stimulated and lack the time to think (which is always done voluntarily), and therefore live unable to access their own perceptions, however contradictory it may seem.
It's then time to remember the maxim of the Delphic sages; "know thyself".
Excellent post, reestem, and greetings!
You can verbalize your thoughts, but that is just one of the ways you can think. You could include everything you process from the outside world as thinking. Most people verbalize their thought more than others.
I updated the article a little bit, it might be worth reading it again.
A couple thoughts.
The world that we live in reminds me of a Brave new world. In this world, there is little need for police. The "Big Brother" no longer fears the people he governs because the mere thought of rebellion is subdued largely through the use of drugs.
If you learn a thing or two about hypnosis, and pay attention to the TV or radio, you will find that language is being abused and used againt you.