See It How It Is: Most People Are Crazy and Non-Rational

in #mindfulness6 years ago

An Unusual Meditation Lesson

One power of meditation is in how it clears your mind. It’s like putting on a better pair of glasses. You look at the same scene, but new details come out that can radically change your context.

Lately my meditation and mindfulness practice is externally focused. I’m cleaning up the windowpane to the outer world. How do other people think? What motivates people who are unlike me? What new knowledge is to be gained for me, now, by pondering the existence of the billions of other humans on earth?

And this is the idea that is hitting me: We are intensely irrational creatures. I think people, on average, are way less rational than we tend to think. We think of ourselves as being maybe 80% rational, when we’re really 20% rational at best.

The More You Look, The Crazier People Seem

On the surface, we want to believe that humankind is mostly rational. We have our quirks, but we’re mostly operating in “2+2=4” mode.

I now suspect the opposite. We’re in “2+2=5” mode. The society we inhabit in 2018 has not changed the ancient hardware of the human body and mind. All of the bright lights and loud noises of modern life make us crazy.

The rational fact is that we want to be happy and live ethical lives. Yet when you look close, we struggle to do the basics well. Many of us barely manage to keep our bedrooms clean or to put away 5-10% of income for monetary savings. We stay up late watching TV or smoking too much weed or whatever it is, not because it makes rational sense, but because it feels good.

We’re not wired to feel good based on living a simple, rational life. We feel good (in a chemical, short-term, “natural” sense) through our immediate pleasures. Food and sex and drugs are so central to life for this reason, they’re immediate and primal.

No matter how smart or elevated in society you become, the primal forces are there. They’re as dangerous as ever.

The Wealthy Stay Safe, The Rest Fight in the Jungle

Maybe the wealthy can stay relatively “safe” from this stuff. They can buy healthy food, maintain social power / influence, and avoid being under the thumb of an oppressor.

The rest of us, working with what we have, bounce around like pinballs in the game of life.

We go from a fast food breakfast to a long shift at work to whatever party or concert is going on in town that night. It’s not a carefully planned, rational life. It’s a hectic journey through the jungle, where nobody is safe and you can’t turn back.

We lack self-awareness and we lack awareness that others lack self-awareness. Most people are running around chasing happiness in a deep fog of war. Don’t assume rational action or successful planning, almost ever.

I don’t think this is a bad thing necessarily. The adventure life is the life I love.

The bad thing is to mistake it for something else… to think that society is built on rationality. Not these days, my friends. Life is danger and all you can do is stave off the danger for as long as possible…

Preparing for the presence of chaos is the only defense you’ve got.

At least we can start with some meditation, to become more mindful and see it how it is.

What do you think, do you think people are mostly rational? Or mostly wild and crazy?


Good question. I think the obvious answer is mostly irrational, but then again, most people seem to respond very positively when they are introduced to meditation/mindfulness. I think it’s similar to other habits like exercise. Is our natural state sitting on the sofa, watching sports, and drinking beer (something I’m doing at the moment :), or is it enjoying daily strenuous activity? We seem to default to inactive, mindlessness, etc when there is no perceived threat to our safety, but most people seem to gravitate to the better options when they get a taste of them. I kind of see this as the big human dilllema. How to keep up with a habit that feels so good when I’m doing it, knowing my tendency is to waiver from it too. Great post.

Being inactive when there is no perceived threat to our safety is very true, maybe that is why modern society sees some people become so lethargic... no danger? thanks for stopping by @cstrimel

In this day and age, most of us are no longer rational as we are brain washed by social media, government propaganda, extremal influences and peer pressure. We do longer rely much on our sixth sense or wisdom but rely more and more on technology.

Craziness is a different story altogether as there is no clear definition for it. What seems to be crazy for one individual may not be for another.

I am foreign to meditation and I do believe the properties of regularly be in a meditative state. How long have you been practicing meditation?


Ya we are all brain washed! Even the powerful people are brain washed I think. Society itself is manifesting some kind of schizophrenia and amnesia, arguing with itself in circles, who knows what will happen next.

Meditation is great Ive been doing it daily (with some breaks) for like 7 years now. I do it for my mental health, both to feel good daily and to become more peaceful/calm/self-aware over time.

I would argue differently. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you are saying, that we seek immediate pleasures, is a common belief, one that self-help gurus have been latching onto for years, best put forward by Tony Robbins and his "pleasure or pain" motivation scheme.

I think it might be more complex than that. We are not logical or rational, as you say. I'd suggest 20% is high. We are rarely rational. We are emotional. We want comfort. But we want to feel important and that trumps comfort. But when something attacks our motivation, we retreat and want comfort. This is no different from a baby bumping his head and running to mama to suck her breast not because he's hungry but because he wants comfort.

There was a recent study I read about. Researchers presented two groups with a situation of building toy figures at diminishing prices. That is, they got paid say $2 to build the first toy, then $1.90 for the second, then $1.75 for the third, and so on. They were asked if they wanted to continue after each finished toy. One group got to keep the finished toys in front of the. The second group had to watch as the researcher took apart the toy in front of them after they completed it. Results? The first group completed on average 11 toys, while the second group only completed 5.

There have been studies on janitors showing that they often do much more work than required. The ones who do do more work than required do so because they feel like they are making a difference.

I think that desire to be important, to make a difference, to have a positive effect, is one primary motivation. Then when that doesn't work out or is threatened, we retreat to comfort. Pizza, beer, watching TV in our pajamas instead of going out and doing things, etc.

This is why, if you look at it, the wealthy often have more problems than the lower classes. They can buy many things, but they are still prone to the same urges to feel important and secondary to feel comfort. Money can't buy that. So the second and third generation who inherit the wealth usually lose it to drugs, jail, etc.

Anyway, just my two cents. I think you are on the right track, just that there is more to it.

Keep up the good work, man. I always enjoy your posts even if I don't always comment.

I feel like you and I are agreeing on most of this. I agree people are driven by all of that stuff - making difference, positive impact, base pleasures of pizza and beer, TV, etc etc. And the rub, for me, is that it all adds up to a cacophony of motivations/desires that do NOT reflect a consistent, rational approach to life.

You can definitely boil down and identify different motivations - it isnt random chaos - and my point on that is that it doesn't (or rarely does) "add up" to a consistent set of principles / goals for most people. The desire for sex and food and survival stay the same, but our perception is wacky and we do weird things

"Preparing for the presence of chaos is the only defense you’ve got." I like that! I will copy it to my quotations file.

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