Mindful Moments (A New Series On Steemit): Two Week Media Fast

in #mindfulmoments5 years ago (edited)

From nearly the first day I began writing on Steemit the platform has provided me with immeasurable value (and some headaches). The value I’ve received isn’t just in the form of currency but manifests as a global network of friends. Some of my best memories of these past three and a half years have been exploring the world and meeting and spending time with other Steemians.

Some of you who read me regularly know that I’ve been meditating for almost twenty five years now and how much it’s changed my life.

This quote I found by Gary Vee on Twitter recently really got me thinking. I’ve been contemplating different ways I can use my skill set to return that value to the community. One of those ideas was a new series called Mindful Moments. A good friend and I are also beginning work on a series of children's books with this theme as well.

This Steemit series will consist of very concise posts, that can be consumed in a matter of a few minutes. These posts will contain quotes, art, meditation techniques, or anything that encourages inspiration or a positive outlook.

With this first Mindful Moment the intention will be to prepare the canvas of our minds for what is to come. I hope those who partake in this journey with me will find some inspiration and value in it.

Mindful Moment #1

Our perception of the world is clouded and skewed. For the sake of survival, through countless centuries of evolution, our brains have been hard-wired to give first priority to negativity. Those who noticed that dangerous predator lurking in the shadows first were the ones who survived. Today these predators are almost non-existent but the behavior is still there.

The mass media (and those who control it) have found very effective ways to exploit this negative bias that’s encoded in our DNA for their own influence and gain. Through their decades of constant triggering they've created generations of humans who purposely seek out negativity, unwittingly perpetuate and relish in it. Constant and often pointless arguing seems to be some people’s favorite pastime.

Statistically we live in the safest and most peaceful time in history but the average person feels the exact opposite. As a result there’s a constant undercurrent of festering fear/hatred, an epidemic of doom and gloom, a cacophony of dysfunctional and toxic voices on social/mass media, and friends and family who are turning their backs on one another due to differences in opinion. This is dangerously unhealthy on several levels and greatly diminishes the quality of our lives.

So many of us have lost the ability to focus on our shared commonalities and agree to disagree on those differing opinions. Sometimes those very opinions that we don’t agree on are the best opportunities for an individual to learn, or even to teach.

What is the best antidote to the poison of negative bias? The most effective antidote I’ve found is a complete and total media cleanse.

If you’d like to join me in this enlightening experiment don’t consume any mainstream news for two weeks. Also, try to stay away from social media posts that trigger negative bias or engage in any negative dialogue.

You’ll begin to notice a shift in mindset after just a few days. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel. It will become as addictive as the negative bias and will begin a positive feedback loop that will be the first steps in transformation.

Remember, every minute we waste on hate and negativity is a minute of our lives lost. When we begin to consciously reclaim our lives, minute by minute, we also begin to take back both our freedom and our power.

"Nothing you have today will last forever. Not your job, your house, or your car. Not the people who are closest to you. Not even the people who vowed to never leave your side. Take a moment and accept the fact that life is short and you don’t have a lot of time to be with your loved ones. Someday all those people will no longer be around you, and you can’t possibly know when. Cherish them while you can." ~Mai Pham

In Gratitude,

~ Eric Vance Walton ~

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

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My meditation book, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch


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Mmmm, beer. Lol.

This is what the world needs right now, thank you Eric!
A South African started a Facebook group recently #ImStaying for the people on how to improve and grow our country, their motto is Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds. They've been astounded by the growth of the group which proves just how hungry people are for change and to hear good stories. We as people are the only ones who can make the world a better place; not the politicians or anyone else in authority. I will be joining your initiative as these are the kind of ideals I try to live by but living in a country where we hear of violent crimes every day, it's not always possible to stay focused on the good things in life, of which there are a multitude of but we're so often blinded by the media and by people who rather look for the bad stuff.
So interesting to learn that the reason we do this, goes back to our DNA!

That sounds like a great initiative @lizelle! I wish that would spread across the entire world. I do feel like people are fatigued by all of the negativity but some people are addicted to the drama and chaos of it. Recently I found myself spending too much time watching news clips on YouTube about US politics, the Trump impeachment in particular, and had to dial it back.

Thanks for being part of the solution, my friend!

So many of us have lost the ability to focus on our shared commonalities and agree to disagree on those differing opinions.

Very well put. Nowadays, wherever you look, there's someone just dying to have a fight about something and it's crazy. It never used to be like this, even though there were a lot more problems some decades ago than there are today. MAybe we're just not a species that can thrive on peace?

Anyway, it's an interesting idea. :) I've been trying to meditate a bit here and there, too, just trying to get out of my head, while getting in my head, if that makes any sense :D

Thanks! Man, I'm so tired of all the bickering and fighting on social media. Some people wake up in the morning with the sole purpose of trolling. I just don't understand why anyone would want to spend their lives that way. I think negativity is a kind of addiction that people need help to recover from. This two week purposeful mainstream media blackout is a good way for people to realize how much different they feel when they're away from it. The fear and anxiety about the future definitely are less after two weeks away from MSM.

That makes total sense. I'm glad to hear you're dabbling in meditation. It will definitely help enhance your creativity if make it a routine, even ten minutes a day.

I already know about this, it's called Social engineering, there is a book written a out it and it is saddening to know that some people are hiding behind social media to tamper with our mindset. Also the book Fahrenheit 451 and the The Confession of an Economic Hitman by Perkins has a lot to say.

Nice to see you again here.

Do well to add more tags to get more tokens #creativecoin #palnet #neoxian #lassecash #marlians #dblog #mediaofficials #realityhub etc


Yes, you're correct, and social engineering is happening on a lot of different levels these days. Google is gathering so much information on each and every one of us. Supposedly their AI can detect if a person will develop Parkinson's disease years before a conventional medical diagnoses using click/swipe rates. I heard that on a podcast.

It's great to hear from you too! Regarding those tags, should I just put those in the body of the post?


Greetings, @ericvancewalton, grateful for these lines you give us. The attitude should always be positive and optimistic, valuing the here and now in our lives is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves and those around us. Sometimes it can be difficult when a negative and complicated reality confronts us (here in Venezuela it is the day to day), but we must overcome and look at the good even in the worst circumstances and always be grateful for whatever we have had to live.

Thank you @aurodivys! I'm very sorry to hear about what you all are going through in your country. I agree, staying as optimistic as possible is essential. I think we tend to attract people and circumstances into our lives that are similar to our mindset. I hope you have a great week!

Hi Eric ... it's great to be able to read your experiences on the Steemit platform. Indeed, time goes by so fast. Without feeling you have been on steemit for 3, 5 years. Of course you have a lot of experience. . I hope that you stay here even though the price of steem is getting lower. Have a nice day, sir .

Hi Eliana! There have been lots of ups and downs in those 3.5 years. I don't have any immediate plans to leave as long as people are enjoying and interacting with my posts.

In all my time here I've never seen the price of Steem stay so low for so long. Part of the price slump is the overall prolonged cryptocurrency bear market but some of it is not related to that. A lot of people here believe the platform is improving (and I tend to agree) but I'm afraid Steemit's reputation to outsiders is in desperate need of repair before the price of the currency will rebound.

It is true, we have become propagators and consumers of negative news. the norm is irrational, lack of sensitivity, lack of empathy. We must learn not to waste our lives in wars, neither our own nor those of others. Life is a sigh! Nice Sunday for you, @ericvancewalton

I totally agree, hopefully we can break that cycle! Have a great Sunday Nancy. It's good to hear from you!

I approve of this mindful posts.
At the same time, I see that value lies in the reader's view of what the content value is.

Thanks so much for the support!

Definitely what we need more of those positive mindful moments!
You say you've been meditating for 25 years, do you mind telling me what kind of meditation you have been doing?
Are you aware of the Mindful Life community? You and these Mindful Moments fit right in!
The aims of the community is:
• To unite meditators across the Steem blockchain so that we can share and strengthen our own practices
• To provide a space to discuss the philosophy, science and practical application of such practices in our lives
• To inspire and motivate each other
• To provide support if we might be struggling, connecting with like minded people who might offer solutions

I cordially invite you to Mindful Life community, in the @naturalmedicine server here. We run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness. With much love!

MindfulLife.gif Discord 🧘About

I really hope we get a chance to connect there! And thank-you for sharing your mindful moments!

Hi @porters! I began with Self Realization Fellowship in the early nineties practicing Kriya Yoga meditation. Since then I've branched out to develop my own techniques. I began teaching in a corporate setting about five years ago and then published my book for beginners, The Perfect Pause.

I haven't heard of the Mindful Life community but will definitely check it out! Thank you so much for the links and the comment!

A well written post, and so very true.
The older I get the more I treasure my Wife and family!👍😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! I find the same to be more true with every birthday.

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