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RE: Meet Your Mods! Medal of Honor Winner, MSPWaves Station Manager, Love Letter Recipient, Witness 97 @sircork
Just doing my job Sir. I hope you and yours are all safe, post hurricane hit. Please message me and let me know how the boat did too! Worried for y'all!
Thanks SC... I have a slow water leak currently AND am a Banker, not that great of a boater...
Most of my more knowledgeable neighbors are simply Dead Tired... but am making some progress and should have the water leak fixed either today or tomorrow.
Thanks 4 asking SC...
My Biggest concern currently is the intentional, collective ATTACK on Bitcoin by BOTH China & the US Federal Reserve Bank and it's "underlings"... aka JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc.
I unfortunately expect further attacks on Bitcoin & the overall market for at least another 2 to 4 weeks...
The old banking paradigm is on it's deathbed in the coming 12 to 36 months, imho AND they will do WHATEVER it takes to stay alive & relevant... and they currently have the ammunition to do it... unlimited money creation... until they destroy their respective fiat currencies...after that, the IMF is going to issue SDR's, which may work for awhile.
Cheers !!
So what you are saying is, this ship has sailed and we are all sinking? :D Glad you came through it with only a fairly minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. Happy to hear you are safe!