Meet Your Mods! Medal of Honor Winner, MSPWaves Station Manager, Love Letter Recipient, Witness 97 @sircork

in #meetyourmods7 years ago (edited)

All the mods are wonderful. I feel blessed to have them all here. They are smart. They are passionate. They live to serve. Cork is no different in those regards, but he exemplifies and plays off the things that I love so well. I feel a great camraderie with the whole crew, but Cork keeps me sane and laughing. He has his tragic moments when he's crying on the radio, he has his hilarious moments when he communicates sassily primarily through memes (Stemes), and he has his work ethic moments when he's going through his 2nd 24 hr wakeful period in a row where he has been coding, onboarding DJs, calling India buisness partners, and talking a million minnows off a Steemit cliff. He's like the brother I didn't know I had.

He built one of my favorite things in the world: mspwaves streaming radio station and won a MSP Medal of Honor for it.

You know him, you love him, he's a brother from another mother. It's @sircork.

When did you hear about the MSP?

@sircork- "I joined steemit on Jun 12, 2017 and learned about PAL/MSP via some random post in my feed and joined it on June 19th, 2017"

Why did you join the MSP?

@sircork- Because I wanted to meet and talk to people and be even more immersed in the steem/steemit world and because is written on the worst chat engine in the entire world and I can't stand even opening a tab to it, it just feels "dirty" and gross over there. Discord is so much more functional and I was quite familiar with it long before steemit. So I came for the real time chat. I stayed for the family I found here.

What do you think is the best aspect of the MSP?

@sircork- That it is a real time community to support the time shifted nature of the platform. It's no fun to exist in a vaccuum answering and responding to replies in a time lagging way via comments. It's much more fun to co-habitate on the platform in real time, in a lively communal setting. It's difference between sharing a public park with strangers via notes left on park benches and a full blown picnic with all your friends there at the same time!

You're a moderator what does that mean to you?

@sircork- It means that I am now in a position of accountability and have been given some responsibilties which coincide with my love of this home we have online here and our need to do chores around it to keep it clean, maintained and operating smoothly.

What's your service project?

@sircork- I have several I'm involved in and one Im fully committed to. That would be the operation of MSP Waves Radio, which I visualize and imagine as the multimedia branch of the PAL/MSP organization. Our mission statement is a bit long, but it genuinally boils down to "Always help others however possible" and we do, via tech teaching and self improvement topics, providing information, exposure for interesting and worthy community citizens, and just plain old entertainment. Always be enriching others on some level. Thats the service we try to provide and what I spend my entire days focused on now. I'm also a block chain witness and of course, I consider modding itself, to be a service project of the highest order as well!

How much time do you spend on MSP stuff?

@sircork- 15-24 hours per day, no exaggeration, no lie. I fit my offline company in around it, not the other way around.

Why does it matter to you so much?

@sircork- "Because I have very little family in the ""real world"" left and what is left is kind of broken. A lot. So this is my family. And it's real, raw and personal for me here. I don't want to elaborate on this much more, but suffice it to say this place, it fills a lot of holes in my life and in my heart, the people here, are the best and brightest in the world. I am honored to be accepted here, and to call this place my home and you all my family, both ultra close and distant cousin extended, and some ive not even met, just like a real family, because you are my real family now.

The complementary reason is that I was already on a trajectory to devote my life to service and ""charity"" mission type work already before I ever found steemit or steem or MSP and PAL, and it was just such a natural fit for me and my style of service, to provide a platform for one on one work across the big old dirty rock we humans live on together, that I got here and can't imagine where else me and my limited resources could be more effective."

We need some channel mods, why should people do it?

@sircork- Recognition, empowerment, distribution of organization-wide chores, contribution to the organization, giving back what was freely given to them when they arrived. I think it's a stepping stone to greater contributions and an excellent position to see opportunities from, a higher ground to lead to move giving and contributing.

What excites you about Steemit?

@sircork-Literally nearly everything about it. But first and foremost, how it has enabled ME with little personal resources, to facilitate changes in lives, of spiritual, mental, philosophical and financial natures. I live to serve, and the feedback I'm getting fuels my passion for service. One person can truly help another here. In any number of ways or definitions of the word "help" and to any number of end goals. We can be one person on steemit and change the world, for someone or some group. The platform provides the means, we provide the ways. For each other.

What's a long term vision for where Steemit is going?and how do you fit into that?

@sircork- I think its going to continue on it's current curve, adopting the kind of people who can take in the 1000 things you need to understand to use it effectively and it will probably never become a "facebook" killer, as I don't believe that is it's intent or best use at all anyway. So I suspect it will continue exactly like it does now, adding a couple thousand users per day and the long tail is more like a with financial incentives in it. A strong, vibrant web community with cultures from all over the world transcending the barriars that keep us all separate on earth, again both physical and metaphorical, as well as tangible and intangible. I will be here fitting in wherever I can lend a hand, a dollar or a bit of advice or a listening ear. Whatever it takes, this is my whole world now, and I will just try to be a kind, caring, concerned citizen in it, doing what I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, to help my fellow citizens get along in it and thrive.

What can MSP be doing better?

@sircork- Better planning and governance over "offical MSP projects/contents/prizes/equalization" perhaps, in that sense I am feeling the core team members each sort of each do their own thing individually but we could be more cohesive in what we both do, allow and interoperate on, but beynod that knee jerk thought, I haven't really given that much more thought. Really we do pretty well for an evolving multi-thousand member group. I think that the biggest issue I see is that we have 5000 minnows, and 50 core chat users. Thats a big gap. (also not accurate numbers, more of a generalization for effect) - so somewhere between 500 people who make full use of the community and 4500 who just come for the bots, we have an opportunity to achieve more community and less gathered up individuals. If that makes any sense. When you join a large group, it's a good idea to find a buddy. Maybe there is some way to match older minnows with spanky new ones in a sponsor/buddy system idea. Eventually after a period, a minnow adopts the next new one, and these "downlines' of mentorship just perpetuate, strengthening individual bonds but also unilaterally rising the tides for all our ships.

How can minnows contribute to the system and grow their accounts?

@sircork- "I view these as mutually exclusive and don't really think they belong in the same question.

You can grow your account 100x ways. Bottom line? Make good content and get it visible via communities you build yourself into via comments and chat rooms.

How can you contribute? Find a project to support or create one? What can you offer to help serve the community? Is it advice, tech, software, tools, insights, some kind of useful skill you can provide or teach? Is it just money you can help someone with somehow? Is it a helpful, educational or uplifting and entertaining voice on a radio show? Is it art that people can appreciate like images or music? Is it just an ear when someone needs it?

How can you focus on kindness, generosity, gratitude, patience, teamwork and contributing, to acheive peace, abundance and liberty for yourself, while assisting others to join you in acheiving these goals? That's what you should be doing."

What else would you want to share here?

@sircork- "Listen to the radio! Spread the word about it.
Practice the principles, acheive the goals!
It works if you work it. Do the work.
Don't do it alone. Join communities.
Teem work makes the steem dream work.
Let me know how I can help! Let me know if I appear to need some help too. I can't always slow down enough to see my forest through my own trees. I'm listening! Always! See you in the steem!"

Hey, also Cork here is a witness, his server literally builds the blockchain. He's also a well received voice in the MSP community. He built and runs Steemit's only streaming radio station MSPwaves. Please vote for him


Thank you for the recognition, @aggroed. I don't do this stuff for the glory, but it's nice to be appreciated. I make more mistakes than successes, but I will keep trying to serve with an attitude of gratitude to those who in turn help me up when I fall down.

I love you, bromo, and all the rest of you finny minnow friends too. <3

Keep up the GOOD work, everyone!

I wasnt aware of sircork. Really cool presentation @aggroed

I'm still not aware of him, but I'm working on that.

Well I like the quote that "An Expert just means they have failed more times than you have tried."

And a professional is just an amateur who did something a whole lot more times than everybody else and finally got lucky. :D

@sircork Hello there ! What a great interview, Hell, I feel like I just met you in person !, lol, I just started following you and look forward to seeing AND hearing more about what all you are doing here on steemit. I feel like I just stumbled onto something GOOD ! Well met INDEED !

That was a great interview !, Kuddos @aggroed !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Well nice to meet you too! Thanks for the compliments. I tossed a follow your way as well, because any friend of aggroeds, must be a wonderful and patient human being :D Also, as noted below, loving the "read more, reason more" tagline too. Cheers

/nod /wink wink nudge nudge

wink wink, nudge nudge, say no mo', say no mo'


@sircork is ans awesome dude..Great radio show ! great msp member and leader, all around terrific person and pleasure to know!!! Awesome witness also..spends all his time working on MSP and Steemit!!!

Thanks BTC! My favorite home cooked brotha!

damn that horse is hot... ;)

Hot? Heck no, Tin Man is the coolest critter on 4 legs!

Cork is a champ

Hardly, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. But thank you!


I can attest AND confirm Cork puts in very LONG hours because I've DM him really late between 2 to 6am EST and although we've not spent more than about 20 to 30 minutes at a time communicating, we communicated often enough that I know his hours are long and He is carrying quite a number of responsibilities with PAL, MSP, Witness AND Steemit.

BIG Kudos to You SirCork AND... ALL that people You work with... both above & below !!

Cheers !!

Just doing my job Sir. I hope you and yours are all safe, post hurricane hit. Please message me and let me know how the boat did too! Worried for y'all!

Thanks SC... I have a slow water leak currently AND am a Banker, not that great of a boater...

Most of my more knowledgeable neighbors are simply Dead Tired... but am making some progress and should have the water leak fixed either today or tomorrow.

Thanks 4 asking SC...

My Biggest concern currently is the intentional, collective ATTACK on Bitcoin by BOTH China & the US Federal Reserve Bank and it's "underlings"... aka JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc.

I unfortunately expect further attacks on Bitcoin & the overall market for at least another 2 to 4 weeks...

The old banking paradigm is on it's deathbed in the coming 12 to 36 months, imho AND they will do WHATEVER it takes to stay alive & relevant... and they currently have the ammunition to do it... unlimited money creation... until they destroy their respective fiat currencies...after that, the IMF is going to issue SDR's, which may work for awhile.

Cheers !!

So what you are saying is, this ship has sailed and we are all sinking? :D Glad you came through it with only a fairly minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. Happy to hear you are safe!

I really love these posts because I understand how important the witness voting system is for this platform. That said, @sircork was already 1 of my 7 witness votes so far after finding him a few weeks ago and reading about his projects are here.
For those who haven't voted for any witnesses, please consider doing so, based on merit of course, as it is crucial to the success of the platform. Thanks for doing these interviews, I think I get more out of this type of article on witnesses than must other types.

Wow what an honor to be one of your very short list! Thank you! And as for everything else you said? Yes, vote, and only on MERIT, investigate the witnesses you select for your votes and make sure they are involved, active and concerned about the platform's future. If you are not comfortable with the process or the tech angles, choose a trusted person to proxy your witness votes for you. Thank you!

Well, just to clarify there are mods and there are witnesses and some of the mods are witnesses. Moderators are people who manage the channels in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network Discord room. Witnesses create the blockchain with servers they run and also many have social benefits they provide to the platform.

somewhere between 500 people who make full use of the community and 4500 who just come for the bots, we have an opportunity to achieve more community and less gathered up individuals.

Cork ladies and gentleman. Bought into the big picture while not forgetting the little details. Well said cork!

It's an important pull out about the pond, Kub, thanks for highlighting it here. I think that is where our biggest problem, er I mean, opportunity, to improve our community and it's benefits can be found...

Love ya Kubinator!

Yes, our greatest area of improvement. I am going to quote you in my meet a mod.

You got some pretty good words, some pretty yuge words, all the best words, yourself. Why quote me when you can do better? :)

Why use your words when I can use my own? Well, because I can and so I will. Sometimes we don't need to do better, but take what is good and repeat it.

See you got all the good words :D

And I will use them around your quote!

And all was right in the world that night.

@aggroed Thanks for the interview ! I have just been back on the net and steemit for 2 days and have about 10 tabs open atm thanks to you, lol keep up the good work Bro ! Sooo glad to be back !!!!

Thanks again for putting @sircork out there where we all can see him ! He just got another follower !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

"Read more, reason more" thanks for the follower, you just got a new quoter too! :D

Excellent !!! Well met INDEED !

Nice post .Very educate. Check out my new post. Thanks....follow back

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