3rd Eye Meditation - Metaphoric, Drug Induced or Real?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin is correcting, FUD is staying away and now it's 'me' time. Time to meditate and balance ourselves.

How many times have you heard about meditation being a stress reliever and a positive way to balance your life? I've heard that for a good part of my life and prior to 6 years ago I would have chalked it up as psychological self help scheme that really didn't have much tangible qualities - you know up there with the likes of the boogie man and Santa Claus. Today I stand as a firm believer in meditation and more specifically 3rd eye meditation.


What is meditation?
It really depends on who you ask. Webster defines meditation as "think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation". Some will tell you it's about being calm or being reflective to you and your surroundings. The Buddhist Center says "Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things". I define meditation as alchemy. It's the zero point at which you shed your human ego and become one with anything and everything around you. It's connecting to the pure energy that surrounds everything in all universes. It sounds great but how do you get there and what is 3rd eye meditation?

What is 3rd eye meditation?
Meditation is a relaxed state, but 3rd eye meditation is basically unlocking all of the doors to Solomon's temple. It allows you to understand the world around you and allows you to lift off the veil of your former life. For my fellow nerds out there, if meditation is a i7-965 Extreme Edition processor, 3rd eye meditation is the quantum computer upgrade. It's what allows us to transcend beyond space-time. It's REAL and tangible.

Why is it called '3rd eye'?
Inside of most brains on the planet exists a tiny gland called the pineal gland. I call this little gem the God gland. The pineal gland produces a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is extremely important in our sleep and wake cycles as it's what helps us fall asleep and stay asleep. The pineal gland also has another attribute that our eyes share - Retinas. Why would the pineal gland have retinas? Modern science doesn't have a realistic argument for the retinas but History does. If you were to split the brain in half and view the brain it would look very close to the Egyptian's Eye of Ra. Hence the THIRD EYE! (Image below) The pineal gland is the tool used to help us basically make contact with the Creator (God). Have you ever prayed deeply and your prayer was answered? You are using that tiny gland to help communicate with God. It's the conduit that opens that helps your feelings and emotions travel to the energy source. It's also how the Creator knows if your intentions are true or not. It is my belief that the pineal gland is connected directly to your subconscious. Think of meditation as the ultimate highly focused prayer.


Do you have to take drugs?
I sure hope not because otherwise I've been doing it all wrong. Drugs (Marijuna, LSD, Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, etc) are NOT required and I would argue strongly that the side effects and addictive properties of these hallucinogenics have way more negatives then benefits. You can say that these drugs may unlock the pineal gland partially. However, by doing so it's as if you were to give a 16 year old a bottle of wine and the keys to a 747 Jet. Sure they can spin the turbines up and make some noise but the chances of them getting off the ground safely is pretty much nill.

Que the pro drug comments... If you do drugs I am not judging but I will try to convince you that to find the state of happiness, abundance and love you won't need drugs. Ultimately drug usage will only hinder your spiritual evolution. I might be a hippie but I strongly believe that 95% of people do drugs for the wrong reasons.


How do you meditate?
I really don't want to talk in Yoda terms here but I must on this first point. In order to meditate you MUST start by allowing it. Please leave your preconceived notions, family drama, co-worker drama, guilt and hate, with your shoes, at the door. I am not asking you to adopt a new religion, ideology or major change in your life. I am asking you to tell yourself that you ARE GOING to try to meditate and have an open mind by allowing yourself to be calm, forgiving and understanding. For most, it doesn't happen over night and it certainly can't happen if you are not in the right frame of mind.

Shut off that phone, computer, tablet, TV, radio and any other screen technology that takes your attention away from being you. Find a comfortable place that you enjoy that will remain quiet for at least 15-30 minutes.


Ready? Begin...
Meditation starts by first sitting comfortably on the floor, chair or cushion.

Straighten your back and relax your shoulders...

Lay your hands on your lap...

Release your stomach muscles and let your belly hang out (don't worry the Creator won't judge that extra belly roll ;) )...

You should start to feel like you are heading into a relaxed state. If you don't feel relaxed go back through the above steps untill you feel ready to move forward.

Breathing is Crucial
Your breathing represents your state of mind. Take a deep breath in...

Does your stomach feel relaxed? Do you feel any tension in your back, arms, legs, stomach, neck?



Close your eyes. Not too hard just lightly...


With every breath your belly should feel as if the tension of holding it in all day is subsiding. Every breath should slowly place you into a more relaxed state...

You will start to have thoughts. The urgency of what needs to get done or what you need to worry about will continue to pop in your head. Don't worry because I promise after your 20 minutes of 'you' time you can get back to dealing with those problems. Your job is to breathe. Thoughts can't be turned off so your wandering mind will continue heading down the rabbit hole of more and more urgent things of the past or future. Your job is to focus on your breathing. In.... Out.... In... Out...

After about 10-20 minutes of just enjoying being you, quiet and relaxed, you will start to feel that familiarity of calm and relaxation. You have felt that before, but where and when? Maybe the last time you took a quiet walk by the ocean. Smell of the salt breeze and light wind that gave you a sense of connection and well being. Your shoulders, chest and stomach will start to feel as if you rediscovered their calmness.

**Welcome to meditation **

Most will stop there, but this article is about 3rd eye meditation so get ready because, outside of birth and death, this is the most profound state your mind/body will ever enter while on this planet.

The goal of 3rd eye meditation is to awaken the pineal gland from it's your age goes here slumber. To view through this eye you must learn to keep a focused mind. Your job is to focus long enough that the third eye opens and your physical eyes disconnect the pathway between them and your brain. To some this can seem foreign and bizarre. I know it was for me 6 years ago. If you keep going, here is one way that you can pull this off...


Just about every meditative photo online shows the hands with the thumb and middle finger touching. Why do you think that is? Are they gathering cosmic rays to help elevate their experience? I am sure some may think that but what I believe to be true is the ancients rubbed their thumb and finger together to keep their mind focused on something to stop the brain from wandering off into thoughts. By rubbing the fingers together, you are focusing on the sense of touch to help keep your mind occupied long enough for the brain to tap into the pineal gland.

Another method I use is focusing on my chest rising and contracting with every breath. If I focus on my fingers and chest it leaves very little room for my brain to wander.

Finally, the moment all expert mediators are striving for - 3rd eye opening. When this occurs the imagery and connection is beyond words. I can not describe well enough what I go through when meditating as its something you need to experience to understand. Imagine seeing without your eyes. Feeling without your skin and hearing without ears. It's the morning dream state that pressures us to stay asleep. It's the hug you get from your child when they grab you and tell you they love you. It's the pure unadulterated love that resonates without question. It's the knowing that everything is taken care of and the all is protected by the highest energy source we know in this world.

That is 3rd eye meditation. Please comment below if you found this helpful as I hope this message resonates with others...


Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: 🎁! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.

I found this to be perfect for me. It flowed and was easy to understand. I've been meditating for only about a year now, and have never gotten any training. I noticed a few months ago that I could sense my brain energy shifting to the place of the Third Eye. Or at least I assumed that was what was happening. I did not know about the middle finger. So I tried it just now. Interesting. It works! I suppose, not counting all the wonders of vision one receives, the most important thing for me has been a sense of wholeness, of grounding. During the day now I elicit this feeling, this energy and recognize it as my higher soul self. Rather transformative. I'm headed to your blog site just now to see what else you've offered. Following and resteeming. Blessings and thanks for the post.

Awesome! If it helps one person it was worth it! Most of my blog talks about cryptos but I will be posting more about permaculture, meditation and anarchy.

Yeah, I just visited your blog. Indeed you seem to be an adept with crypto's! Looking forward to your new trend of posts too. You've been on Steemit just a bit longer than I but it seems you are doing well. I'm going to start using bidbots, as advised by jerrybanfield and others. I've noticed that those in similar stages of growth as I am have used them very effectively. I was thinking this was rather an unfair tactic to use but apparently is an accepted and prevalent practice. Blessings.

Excellent article, resteeemed! Might I suggest putting your posts to 50 / 50 instead of power up. Because SBD is higher right now you will get more rewards which can be turned into steem power of course. :)

Thanks and thank you for the resteem! Will make the change.

Great Write Up!

Glad you like. Thank you!

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