RE: You cant have me Depression, you are a Liar
It depends on his personality...What I just did was I took a 2 mile walk in nature(in the snow😊), while praying and crying....It really helps me to get into nature, and to just walk....Also music, I love music especially different binural beats (check out my post from the other day, I posted links), and spiritual music or uplifting music
Diet is very important I believe as well, and I have been slipping on that a bit so its a good reminder for me as well.....
If its been 10 days or more and its debilitating I highly recommend a pshychologist, and possibly maybe short term meds if its real bad...I havent taken meds in a couple years, but it can be useful sometimes short term (of course im not a doctor)
I really believe nature, prayer, art of some form (i write) and honesty within helps the most....
I will pray for you both, blessings🙏🙏🙏