How to Get into a Headstand (for anyone!) [Old Post Reblog]

in #lifestyle6 years ago (edited)

Hi yogi's and non-yogi's alike!
Yes.. The dreaded Headstand.

When you know how to do it, it's easy. When you don't, it's bruises and cursing under your breath when the instructor is not looking.

I personally, cannot say I have perfected the art; but I have found some ways that make it a little easier, and I'd like to share those with you.

Today we will be doing a supported Headstand, which will be a variation of Forearm Stand(Pincha Mayurasana).
Let's go get some bruises!

To start off, place the top of your mat up against a wall. This will give you support in case you feel like you are going to fall.

Beginning in Mountain Pose, at the bottom of your mat, facing the wall.
From here, inhale and lift your arms, and exhale as you swan dive forward and touch your toes.
Inhale and walk your hands forward coming into Downward Facing Dog.
Exhale. Drop your elbows and come into Dolphin Pose.
Place the top of your head on the ground.
6.jpgIf it hurts, you can place a towel, folded once or twice under the head for cushioning; but do not use a pillow or anything thicker. It will make you unstable and make the possibility of injury much greater.
Quick Tip:
(To determine where on your head to place on the ground, try this: Take your hand, and place the base, where it meets your wrist, against the top of the bridge of your nose. 7.jpgAllow the hand and fingers to fall loosely over the forehead, and the point on which your last finger ends should be round about where you're going to want to place your head on the mat.)

While breathing in and out slowly, begin to walk your feet forward. Push your shoulders forward slightly and push out of them, engaging the arms. 8.jpg
Once you feel like you can no longer walk your feet more forward, start to lift one leg, and this is the point where you let your core do the work.
Gently begin to hop to bottom leg closer to your stomach while you lift the top leg more.
keep the movements small, you do not want to jump into a pose like this, it is very easy to injure your neck in a Headstand, and trust me, it's not fun.
The momentum of the small pulsing jumps will eventually push the bottom leg up. Let the legs touch the wall, and stay here until you feel comfortable to move one leg away from the wall. Place it back and move the other leg away from the wall. Continue to do this until you feel ready to move both legs away from the wall.
Core is the most important part of a Headstand. It must be strong and engaged the entire time. Now that doesn't mean sucking it in, but rather imagine pulling the belly button up and in.
Keep the legs engaged, and keep pushing out of the shoulders. This will help with stability.10.jpg

And there you have it! How to get into a supported Headstand.
Continue to practice against a wall until you feel ready to fly solo. When you do so, do it on a grassy or carpetted surface. This will provide cushioning for the head and/or falls.

Speaking of falls, there will be many. Just keep getting back up again. Yogi's are resilient. You'll get there.

Much love to you all, and the best of luck with your Headstand adventures. As always, let me know how it goes in the comments, and feel free to ask any questions.

Next time we will try Tripod Headstand.

Have a good one! Follow me @yogidream.scapes



Menghilangkan stress pekerjaan bisa dengan yoga @yogidream.scapes

The cats are just lovely! They are teaching you yoga!!
Very good advice and steps to do the headstand!

Good one!


that is great info , and hey your cat's got involved too x

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