Traditional Procession "peumanoe" Newlyweds in Aceh Barat -BILINGUAL (ENGLISH-MELAYU)
Traditional Procession "peumanoe" Newlyweds in Aceh Barat
After the evening, the village adat stakeholders held a meeting after being invited to a family meeting at the bride's house the night before. That night happened to be in the home of the customary leader of Canggei village, Mukim Lango, West Aceh which is about 40 kilometers from the Capital City of Meulabouh City precisely. During the meeting, the village adat leader conveyed information to the people who came to the meeting at his house, that the groom's family will hold a wedding party for their son, which will be held next week, the adat leaders instruct the community to help prepare the wedding feast The bridal party, such as cleaning the house, preparing firewood, cooking food and serving guests sebeulm and when the party dilangsuhgkan. And, he added, that tomorrow will be held Customary Procession "peumanoe" from morning until afternoon, and expected the public to prepare a stage for the event procession.
I as a guest there just listened well, and very curious how the form of custom procession is carried on.
Later that night, I set-up the camera battery charger for photo shoot preparation tomorrow.
After finishing the customary meeting, I slept for tomorrow to get up fast.
In the morning at 08:00 am, I wake up, bathe, eat, and prepare camera equipment to the groom's house, where the event is held. There I saw, people already gathered assemble a small stage and simple wooden construct. The youths were simultaneously busy preparing the tools and materials to build the stage where the "peumanoe" Custom Procession was held.
Children, parents, boys and girls old and young help out what they can do.
Within 2 hours, the stage was ready, the groom appeared, out of the house to the stage, followed by the big family. The groom went straight to the stage. Procession equipments were prepared, seat seats and place of goods supplying residents, relatives shaped goods such as gold, cloth, clothing, and money.
Moments later, the women took the stage around while singing a song of advice and surviving alternately from morning to evening.
Gone is my curiosity about, what it is and how and the purpose of custom procession "peumanoe" is implemented.
Prosesi Adat "peumanoe" Pengantin Baru di Aceh Barat
Selepas magrib pihak pemangku adat desa mengadakan rapat selepas diundang dalam rapat keluarga di rumah pihak pengantin malam sebelumnya. Malam itu kebetulan sedang berada di rumah pemimpin adat desa Canggei, Mukim Lango, Aceh Barat yang berajarak sekitar 40 kilometer dari Ibukota Kabupaten tepatnya Kota Meulabouh. Dalam rapat tersebut, pimpinan adat desa manyampaikan informasi kepada para yang datang pada rapat yang di adakan dirumahnya, bahwa pihak keluarga pengantin pria akan mengadakan pesta perkawinan anak laki-lakinya, yang akan diadakan minggu depan, pimpinan adat mengintruksikan kepada masyarakatnya agar membantu persiapan pesta perkawinan pihak pengantin tersebut, seperti membersihkan rumah, menyiapkan kayu bakar, memasak makanan dan melayani tamu sebeulm dan pada saat pesta itu dilangsuhgkan. Dan, tambahnya, bahwa besok akan diadakan Prosesi Adat "peumanoe" dari pagi hingga sore, dan diharapkan masyarakat menyiapkan pentas untuk acara prosesi tersebut.
Saya sebagai tamu di sana hanya menyimak dengan baik, dan sangat penasaran bagaimana bentuk prosesi adat tersebut di laksanakan.
Malamnya, saya menyiapkan-men-charger baterai kamera untuk persiapan pengambilan photo besok.
Setelah selesai rapat adat, sayapun tidur supaya besok bisa bangun cepat.
Pagi hari pukul 08:00 pagi, saya bangun, mandi, makan, dan menyiapakan peralatan kamera menuju rumah pengantin pria, tempat acara diadakan. Disana saya melihat, bahyak orang sudah berkumpul menyiapkan panggung kecil dan sederhana berkontruksi kayu. Para pemuda secara bersama-sama terlihat sibuk menyiapakan alat dan bahan untuk membangun panggung tempat Prosesi Adat "peumanoe" dilaksanakan.
Anak-anak, orang tua, laki-laki dan perempuan tua dan muda turut membantu apa yahg bisa mereka lakukan.
Berselang 2 jam berlalu, panggung telah siap, pengantin pria muncul, keluar dari rumahnya menuju pentas, di ikuti pihak keluarga besarnya. Pengantin pria tersebut langsung menuju dan naik ke panggung. Peralatan prosesi pun disiapkan, kursi tempat duduk dan tempat menaruh barang pemberian warga, sanak familinya berbentuk barang seperti emas, kain, pakaian, dan uang.
Beberapa saat, para perempuan naik panggung berkeliling sambil bernyanyi lagu nasihat dan selamat secara bergantian dari pagi hingga sore hari.
Hilang sudah rasa penasaran saya tentang, apa itu dan bagaimana serta tujuan prosesi adat "peumanoe" ini dilaksanakan.
This is remarkable work.
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In the morning at 08:00 am, I wake up, bathe, eat, and prepare camera equipment to the groom's house, where the event is held. There I saw, people already gathered assemble a small stage and simple wooden construct. The youths were simultaneously busy preparing the tools and materials to build the stage where the "peumanoe" Custom Procession was held.
[email protected] to prepare heh
adat di sana lebih kuat ketimbang pesisir utara.. Entah benar begini?
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