The LAW OF ATTRACTION//What it is and how it helped me find love, joy and happiness// Quoteswithtam #16

in #life7 years ago

Welcome to another #quote post of mine, this one has the special topic Law of Attraction. I never would've found out about this fascinating concept if it weren't for this quote :)

Quote #16


Everyone has their visions of what kind of people they want in their life. My type of partner should be kind, funny and able to laugh about themselves, I hear one person say and see them get offended only minutes later as I criticize them in the slightest way.

I begin to ask myself: Why should somebody who can't fullfill the criteria they have for others themselves deserve that kind of person? And most importantly:

Why would that "perfect" type of person be attracted to someone like that?

This is where the law of attraction comes in. I researched this topic quite a while ago and will briefly summarize the concept for your better understanding. Then I'll tell you how I incorporated it into my own life.

The Law of Attraction

  • is part of the New Thought Philosophy
  • is the belief that due to a universal law everything positive you manifest in your mind will ultimately attract even more #positivity
  • was said to be taught to a man hundreds of years ago by Buddha
  • comes from the idea that what you think is what you will become

My wonderful calender says it rather well :)

Without further diving into the physics behind this (there's a lot of info on that on, here are some of the steps I found on manifesting positivity in your life.

  1. Positive affirmations
    Your goal is to think more positively so that you can see even more positive things about the world. This is why when you wake up you need to immediately tell yourself positive things- Think of all the reasons why your day will be great! On my journey to the law of attraction I started doing 10 minutes of stretching every morning to start my day with something positive and #mindful. You could also try uplifting music or journalling.

  2. Balance negative with positive thoughts
    The idea of this is to only think positively for a period of time per day. I tried 10 minutes, but to be honest it hasn't always worked. Not that there weren't 10 positive minutes in my day, but I chose to kind of combine some steps.

  3. Give yourself time in the present moment
    Anyone should do this. Each day, take some time to simply breathe and notice what's going on around you, how the trees on your way to work look, how your co-worker dressed, how your lunch tastes. Being aware of little things fills me, personally, with inner peace and calms me down. Many times these breaks in the day are used to check your social media. But this is so much better!

  4. Positive "What If" questions
    Who doesn't know that feeling when you have to do something you've been avoiding. You keep playing the worst case scenarios out in your head, which stops you from simply going for it. Most times the anxious moments before the task are much worse than the task itself. So ask yourself positive questions! What if this works out the way or wanted, or even better? What if this brings me further to my goals? Or even What if that hot guy over there is thinking about approaching me as well?

  5. What was the best thing that happened to me today?
    Honestly, this is the one thing that worked best for me. I started a journal in which I planned to write the one or two greatest things that happened to me every day. Each night, it became more! I noticed the awesomeness of the food I had the chance to eat, the goals I got closer to, and even small conversations that made be happy.

So all in all, the Law of Attraction has helped me appreciate all the little things in life and through that brought so much positivity into my life! I don't know if it is the reason why I found love, but it sure helps me cope with negativity by always looking at the bright side! :)

To answer the question from above- you can't find the person you want just by looking for him or her. You need to be as great as you want everyone else to be and while then attract the right people. I encourage you to try it out! Let me know in the comments what you think.

If you liked this post, maybe figuring out if you've already found that perfect person you've attracted through your greatness would be something for you? Check it out here!

#lawofattraction #happiness #positivity #love #selfimprovement #buddha #buddhistquotes #quote #life #quotes #blog #lifehacks #steemitbloggers #spreadthekindness #conciousness #mindfulness


Great Quote!! I’m a firm believer of the law of attraction! That which you give out, you will attract! Keep going! Check out my Latest post when you get a chance please.🙏🏾 Thanks! @tripswithtam

This is just once again a reminder that we CAN achieve our goals, through envision and making sure each choice is in favour of that goal :) I love the journaling idea, forcing yourself to think of the one good thing (or five) that happened in a day. I'm taking a page from your book. Thanks for sharing :)

I've discovered the law of attractions 2 years ago and I've been applying it to my life ever since. It's definitely a great law that could actually improve your life a lot! I've noticed a lot of changes in the way I feel, act, behave and so on... I'm much happier and more positive all the time. There's just so many benefits to go through really...

I'm glad that it also works for you :) It's a great law!

Really loved this @tripswithtam!!! I wish more people in the world grasped this concept. It really is a game changer!!!

Please make contact with me on discord. (Here is my username: jaynie#9450)

I would like to extend an invitation to you to join our @steemitbloggers community if you are interested...

Thank you, that would be amazing!

Umm so what exactly am I supposed to do? :'D


ok, well first install this:

and then look me up... jaynie#9450

Jup, I just figured it out, haha. Never heard of it before :D

Great goggly moggly. So this is the post that brought the invitation to join the #Steemitbloggers from @jaynie. That's pretty good proof that the law of attraction is working. :) Welcome to the team. :)

Haha that's probably true :) Thank you!

LOL! I concur, @inalittlewhile! Such sweet Steemit serendipitous. 😊

And yes, welcome to the awesomesauceness that is Steemit Bloggers, @tripswithtam! Since I've kinda trashed my VP (voting power) today, instead I leave you with a - tip!

Thank you for all the effort ;) 😊

You're very welcome! 😊

Hi @inalittlewhile! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @traciyork!

Ooopsies - well, enjoy the tip @inalittlewhile, and I'll try again to tip @tripswithtam (hopefully the right way this time - LOL)

That was a mistake. You got it back.

Okay, trying this again - tip!

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