Free Will & Our Destiny...

in #life6 years ago


There is much debate on whether we have free will and choice or whether we all eventually live our what is our destiny. I am of the belief that these two views are much more intertwined than we may tend to realize. I'll do my best to spell this out and provide some thought and perspective behind how and why this might be.

First, let's aim to define the two. Destiny is the perspective that with or without free will, we are "destined" for the outcome or purpose to which we must serve. Free will or "choice" generates a life to which we have "autonomy" and the right to "choose" our existence and purpose.

I am of the mindset that both are true. However, I am also of the mindset that free will and choice does indeed generate our destiny - however, our destiny isn't necessarily predetermined. I also believe that these choices and destinies have powerful and lasting impacts on our future lives. From a reincarnation aspect; the balancing of karma within future lives is quite important based on the decisions and life choices we make in this current life. Failure to choose wisely can result in negative outcomes for future lives, while making the right loving and good choices will result in better and more rewarding future lives.

Some food for thought...

The book "Same Soul, Many Bodies," by Brian Wiess speaks to some of these profound and life changing perspectives. Brian Weiss is a psychoanalyst whom regresses his patients to work through current life traumas and challenges. "Same Soul, Many Bodies" is the third book from him that I've read. The previous two "Through Time and Into Healing," as well as "Many Lives, Many Masters," offer astonishing perspectives of how real people were able to heal and address serious ailments and psychological / social issues in their current lives, through past-life regression analysis. The stories within these books are astounding and awe-inspiring to say the least and I believe each one to my very core.

In "Same Soul, Many Bodies," Brian Weiss begins to have some patients able to speak through their hypnosis to see lives that they view in their futures. In some cases, they are able to see multiple future live possibilities based off how they live out their current lives. One of the biggest leanings from all my readings is that "time" is not real. Or at least how we as humans perceive it is not real.

Time exists from multidimensional perspectives. It is both past and future, and happening all at once. It isn't linear how we perceive it to be. So with this perspective one might be able to understand how their current decisions are affecting their future selves. It's a much larger conversation for another time, but for now and the simplicity of this post, just seek to understand that from an immortal "soul" aspect we are existing always, everywhere, and at every time. So as we progress in awareness and good, so does all our future selves along with "everyone" connected with us (all of humanity).

One example from "Same Soul, Many Bodies," comes from an excerpt in the book about a gentleman that had all the riches and materials one could desire. It was his biggest blessing, yet also his biggest curse. He was hollow, void of purpose, and always feeling deprived of true happiness. He came to see Brian Weiss for help. From a past life regression standpoint he was able to discover in one of his past lives he was a mighty warrior centuries ago. He was feared and other towns and castles would often fall to his army. In one particular instance, facing potential defeat from sickness and hunger while camping outside of a fortified city - he negotiated with the city ruler to allow he and his soldiers in and allow them to simply rest & eat, feed and tend to their horses, and after they would simply be on their way. The city ruler allowed them access only to have his city burned, citizens killed, women raped, and all goods stolen. This choice he made would have a lasting impact. For rather than make good - he lied and although he didn't reap his karma back from that life, he did in subsequent other lives that he was able to recall.

In another past life he recalled a life in which he constantly neglected his wife and two children and chose to have countless affairs. Within this past life he ultimately dies in a fire; a horrible and graphic detailed death. It was slow, burning limb by limb, then his torso, culminating finally with his head. He recalled it in vivid detail wondering what he had deserved to have such a slow and agonizing death. Upon this and the subsequent past life regression he was able to see the connections.

In his present day life, the patient still having amassed a great deal of wealth, was constantly trying to fulfill his relentless desires with women; almost monthly. He couldn't focus on anything other than that. He tells of his only one fear....death. He's petrified of most things - can't fly, won't drive, etc. Terrified that death will find him, he lives focused in small bursts through life, never accomplishing any type of real fulfillment.

His issues from prior lives and taking from others without giving back has affected him in his present day life. Through recognizing this, he was able to view possible future lives during one of his sessions with Brain Weiss - one with continued lack and very unfulfilling situations and another more purpose driven and fulfilling life. He was able to "see" how his current life decisions would affect his future prospective lives.

This is a powerful perspective....

Not only will our decisions continue to affect us through this one life....but our future ones as well. How enlightening to realize that is the type of grand scale we are living. We ARE immortal beings living many, temporary, human lives - that in the end shape our very existence. Should we simply just change our decisions to become more loving, compassionate, and forgiving - how amazing not only our present lives will be, but future lives as well. Why delay the inevitable? We're all going to "climb the tree." I know all of us will get there one day. But, why prolong it? Make the necessary change happier now.

Through this understanding it is more clear that destiny and free will "coexist." One is the part of the other. Through our own "choice" - our destiny is generated. Each unique free will choice we make embarks us down a different road and a different destiny, forever shaping what the outcome will look like. Everything is connected. The other souls we come in contact with have their life learning and lessons to take from the interactions with us. It's all intertwined in a majestically, spiritually, bound sort of way.

Author Brian Weiss puts it best, "It's like climbing a tree: There are many different branches and many different choices. You'll come to the top of the tree eventually, but it may take five lifetimes or ten or thirty. How many lifetimes will it take to fulfill your soul's goal of learning compassion, for example? It will depend on the choices you make. Thus, both destiny (the tree, after all, was there) and free will coexist.


The decision becomes incumbent upon us to decide - when do we make it to the top? What will we see? What new life lessons will be discovered once we make it there? It is my goal to find out and help others along the way with me.

Hope any readers who stop by here gain some perspective from this post. As always - if just one person elevates their consciousness...then I'm doing my part.


Nice post @steelborne Hoping you can come and join us on the @ecotrain.... we always enjoy some deep and probing posts. :) @eco-alex will be in touch.... please keep posting and sharing great stuff which challenges us, informs us and makes our world a better place to BE. Best from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Thank you for the kind remarks @artemislives. I enjoy what I do and while at times there may be pauses in the content I post; I do intend to keep a steady contribution going that helps raise consciousness and perspectives. Love to write about some of my key learnings in hopes that is can provide some small benefit to anyone that comes across it. Hope to be a part of @ecotrain soon... ;-)

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hey! I am adding passengers today... Unfortunately.. even though i REALLY like your posts and vibe, there is not enough engagement with others .. whilst the ecoTrain is about promoting great people and ideas, engagement is really KEY to it working..

so im sorry,, IF you do get engaged with steem more we can reconsider next time!
<3 hari om..

Great post! I love taking a break and coming back to good stuff :)

I have always had the viewpoint that we are here to learn the lessons that we need to in order to exist at higher dimensions or densities. The man you mentioned in the example of the past-life regression seems to make the same mistake over and over just in different ways which is the continual focus on the material and ego.

Look at the themes that are echoed in these past lives: Power, Wealth, Hedonism, etc. These are all things he needs to overcome and will be stuck in Samsara until that changes for how ever many life times it may take. At least he sought some help from Brian. I hope that this person will find out how much more he really is and makes that his focus to understand the true self, develop true compassion and help educate others in their journey.

So true. Who knows how many times each of us have succumb to the same physical additions over and over? Sex, drugs, money, control, etc. The list could literally go on and one. Having awareness is the beginning. We can and should enjoy this earthly life but it's amazing to me that the addictions carry on to post life events. I'm so glad you're here with me on this journey of self discovery and awareness. All we can do is simply try and bring awareness to the understanding of life and how what we do in the "here and now" doesn't necessary stop at the end of our current physical existence.

Keep being mindful my friend ;-)

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