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RE: Reflection of My Life: I still need to learn

in #life6 years ago

Yep, 19 :)

I have seen a lot though, had a 2 friends pass away when I was in school... Saw the aftermath of a suicide just down the road, had a few armed robberies on my road, saw a lot of violence due to racial issues...

Had a near death experience a year ago while going out with my friends. There was a car that was in an accident on the freeway and there was no indication of it, because it was dark, we almost crashed into them, but luckily my friend who was driving managed to swerve out of the way just a few inches before we crashed...

My mom wanted to commit suicide when I was in my final year of school and my dad blamed me at the time, because I was caught smoking weed during that period of time... :(

Only found out a few years ago that my parents have been in debt most of our lives, but hid that fact from us because we were young and apparently naive to how the world works.

Almost got involved in a shootout because these two guys that used to live on my road got into a fight with one another... The one guy pulled out a semi-automatic gun, but luckily he didn't use it :(

Got caught up with the wrong company and almost ruined my life, but learning from that I have been able to better myself and help a lot of people around me because I also have friends who know that I come from a less then average family... And like you I try to help others in a way I can, like with studies and in general life wherever I can.

After all that has happened in my life, I believe that all the hard work that I put into my life will eventually be reflected upon by my success, hence the reason why I try to always be positive and see the good in everyone. Because a lot of bad things happened in my life and the more I can spread good around me, the better I feel towards the reality of the world around us. Even if it means being the bad guy to make someone else look/feel good, I'm willing to do it if it makes someones life better...

That is something I like to keep to myself though, only a small amount of people that are close to me know my true side... Because if everyone knew that I am a good person at heart they would try and take advantage of that, and me being me, I will still go out of my way to help them. So I try to be the person that does good, but I don't like anyone to know that I did a good deed, because I like to remain in the background and not forefront of any situation...

I'm saying all of this because I relate to what you have said and because growing up in tough situations will make you who you are, depending on what you learn from those experiences and how you use the knowledge from those experiences in the future... Good or Bad.

I feel like this comment could have been a post by itself :D


Have you joined a curation and engagement league? Where your comments and engagement being rewarded with some steems if you reach the top ten engagers of the week? I bet you'll get to the top 10 with this kind of comment😉

You are right @shadown99, the nature, the environment we live created us to be the person we are today, we'll be a good person when we want to be a good one. Remember 😉

experience is the best and valuable teacher

Hard life could shaped us to be a kind hearted one but sometimes it could turn us be a mean one. We have a free will. You should start to write your book! Start it from here.. on steemit

Not too sure whether I have joined either of those... Will definitely check though.

Yes, free will and the ability to think for ourselves and not be shaped by what others think of us :)

With regards to a book, I don't think now will be a good time since I have no experience in that department other than the few posts here on Steemit... But I will definitely look into that in the future :D

One step at a time @shadown99 . 500 words per post on steemit about that..try it

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