RE: Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip
Not a problem @delishtreats …
”6 days after and here I am..”
… for me, as I completely understand. I am doing the best I can with the time I have available, so assume others are doing likewise.
”I'm not that old but I realize already that there are more important things in life than money and as long as I have a place to sleep, food, clothes and of course my husband I'm fine. I don't need much more and so I'm never going to get back to such job even though it was very well paid..”
Very good. I think a key, at least for me, is getting clearer in time with what I need vs. what I may want. Of course, they are not the same thing. As a younger man, perhaps I did not see that as clearly as I do now.
What lingers, though (maybe more a “guy thing,” but couldn’t say for sure …), is how much of my sense of self-worth is tied up in my work. The level of responsibility and compensation are all part of it. BUT … I have taken this as a challenge of a different sort. To get over. As quickly as possible …
”I didn't have access to answer you in the welcome channel so I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your mention.”
Not a problem either. I assume you are busy and we’ll “meet” again, as time and opportunity permit. Hope to perhaps join you as a *”happy swimming mammal” sometime in the future! 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
I feel sorry for people climbing that corporate ladder and forgetting about their families and private life.. one day we all end up the same :) The most important is to be happy.. Not saying that the career doesn't make people happy but there are other important things in life that you can't buy with money. I can imagine that self-worth can be kind of calculated with how much you get at the end of each month and I don't think this is a guy thing though :) But I also think that we live luxurious lives while there are people who don't even have clean water to drink.. and we do nothing about that..
It's always so pleasant to talk to you Rob (even though it's probably not your real name :))
Thank you so much for your generous donation!!
Wow, @delishtreats. From 6 days down to 6 minutes! On the "continuous improvement" scale, that's a very impressive enhancement!! Duly noted for your next performance appraisal … 😊
Just “playing” with you @delishtreats. Some “corporate mind games” … 😉
Okay, now back to being serious …
… no question about that. I’d go farther perhaps and ask whether there is truly anything of eternal value that can be purchased. I personally don’t think so … BUT ... It is so easy (at least for me ...) to fall into that "hole" ...
Rob will work just fine. And more than happy to support your project. I need no recognition for it, so please feel free to do with it as seems best to you!
So, when you leave your job in January then you will be able to share your real name, right? ;)
I was always one of the top performers (young and stupid), lol and I truly hated the performance appraisals as the system just didn't work in that company. It was done only for sake of having it done but there was no follow up further..
I'm sure we're both better off such environment ;)
When we already talk about charity.. one way how you can support good causes is through money and this way you can 'buy' a good feeling that you've helped someone :) And this feeling can be eternal if you continue the support :)
Thank you! I have a few of my favorites and I'm sure that you will be happy with my choice ;) But if you don't mind I will mention you in my post on Sunday (transparency reasons).
So glad that we're both online at the same time!
Back “in here” briefly this morning and ohhh, @delishtreats ...
... sorry to have raised a bad memory. Just my attempt at a little humor, so hopefully you’ll forgive me.
Yes, well, for at least a few minutes we were! 😊
Okay, I understand the need for transparency, for your sake, so no problem. I appreciate your integrity very much @delishtreats.
Have a great day / evening “over there!” 👍
Have a great weekend over there! ;)