Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip
Reflecting this morning on "the road before me," I will be writing a more personal post than I do typically. On January 18th, I will be retiring from my current employer. Not that far away now, a lot of my quiet thoughts have been reflecting on what lies ahead, at this stage of my life.

Some say there is a therapeutic benefit to writing down what you're thinking. How you're feeling ... Well, let's find out ... 😉
Stress is a natural part of our lives, no matter where we are or what we do. There is a price we pay and our health can be a major part of that price.
As a result, I have resolutely reached a point where I have said "Enough!" I have simply had enough. And I am done with this level of stress in my life. Full stop. Period.

Earlier in the year, having decisively reached this "final answer" conclusion, I submitted my retirement notice.
So ... Before coming up with a clear decision on "what's next," I am first going to be taking a trip that I have recently started to call my "road to recovery" trip. For me, there is little more relaxing than simply getting out on the open road and seeing the country. Either revisiting "old friends" or experiencing something new. It's all good!
Besides, my beloved life mate has "ordered" me "out of the house," as she knows me better than anyone. Who am I to argue ... 😉

I will be gone approximately a month. During which time, I am hopefully going to recover a significant amount of the vitality I used to have and which has slowly, but surely, seeped away under the relentless pressures and stress of my current employment.
So ... What do I currently have in mind? Well, for one thing, I have never been a "half measures" sort of guy, so I am planning to go "all in!" 😊 👍
The Great Southwest
My career began in Tuscon, Arizona. There is something about going back "where it all began," which is appealing to me, at this point of my life.
So, I will start my trip driving down through Utah and into Arizona.

Highlights of what I have in mind:
- Visit the Canyon de Chelly National Monument in northeastern Arizona. I love this kind of country and I will be needing to get out and get some exercise about then! I've never been to this remote place, but really looking forward to it.
- Revisit the Mongollon Rim country - a remote part of Arizona. Special memories of time spent there many years ago. One of them was the one and only time I have seen a mountain lion!
- Revisit Catalina State Park on Mountain Lemon, just to the north of Tucson. Recreate a very special hike taken with my firstborn son long ago, along a desert stream with many little falls on it.
- Revisit Baboquivari Peak, a mountain I climbed many years ago - a sacred place to the local Tohono O'odham people. The view from up there is remarkable. One a clear day, you can see all the way to the Gulf of California, down in Mexico.
- Revisit Organ Pipe National Monument which contains the most incredible variety of cactus of any place I've ever been. Visiting in the Spring is best, but it will be interesting to see it once again. The beauty of the sunsets there is hard to put into words ...

Once I leave Organ Pipe National Monument, it will be on out from there through Ajo, an old mining town and home of one of my original customers - Phelps Dodge Mining. Then, across that part of the Sonora desert, through the Mohave Desert in California and on out to the Pacific Coast ...
The Pacific Coast
Going on to the Pacific Coast, I will be driving through California, which is well-known to many of us. My intent is to bypass the heavily populated areas of southern California and make my way to the coast somewhere north of Los Angeles. "Been there, done that" many times in the past, in driving through southern California, and not interested in fighting my way through all of that again, since I am supposed to be relieving stress, not adding to it ... 😉

Highlights of what I have in mind:
- Revisit Hearst's Castle on the hill above San Simeon. Relive an unforgettable memory with my beloved life mate from long ago ...
- Revisit the Monterrey Bay area of California. Has to be one of the most spectacular places where land and sea come together in the world. Last there long ago, really excited to see it again.
- Visit Redwood Hill Farm in Sonoma County, California. Their wonderful goat milk kefir played a vital role in my recovery from a critical battle I had with an intestinal infection I wrote about in this post to help my Steemian friend @daan recover from his own battle, not long ago.
- Revisit Redwood National Park and do a lot better job of seeing it this time, than the "quick fly by" the only other time I was ever there. Home of the tallest trees on Earth, the northern coast of California and this park are amazing places to see and experience.

Once I have left the Redwoods and started heading inland through the coastal mountains, I will end up in Oregon and complete my trip with a visit back to what we consider our family home, the Northwest.
Family and the Northwest
I am blessed with a very close relationship with my siblings. Given our rough upbringing, it is a miracle for which we praise our Lord. We talk often and we are all more or less in the same "season of life," so they have encouraged me to come up their way on my trip.
Only needed to ask once! 😊

Highlights of what I have in mind:
- Visit Crater Lake National park which is one of the very few in the western United States I have never seen. While not the optimum time of year, I have no doubt it will still be memorable.
- Spend a few days with siblings at the Sunriver resort near Bend, Oregon. Never been there, but driven past and looking forward to experiencing it with loved ones.
- As we did earlier this year, drive back through the panhandle of Idaho and into Montana along the Lochsa River Scenic Byway - part of the route of the famous Lewis & Clark expedition.

And on home from there ... 👍
All along the way, I intend to write posts about what I am experiencing, thinking, feeling, etc. My friend @delishtreats introduced me to @steemitworldmap and the Steemit World Map website put together by this great Steem community. As well as providing tips for their type of posts.
I really appreciate her doing that!
So, I will be linking most of these posts to this website, for the benefit of any of my dear readers who may wish to visit some of these places themselves someday.
While I can't speak for anyone else, I think it is pretty natural at these big "Y in the road" decisions, to spend time second-guessing yourself. "Am I really doing the right thing?" "What if ...?" Etc. etc. ...
Unquestionably, there is definite security associated with where I am currently employed. I am well compensated for the responsibilities I am tasked with fulfilling. I am good at it and well respected for the work I have done for many years. In many ways, the work itself is professionally satisfying to me, as I have always enjoyed the technical challenges.
But ...
The culture and environment created by our CEO is beyond "unacceptable" to me. I have always been fine with standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the best of them, to tackle whatever challenges come uncontrollably "out of the blue," as that is part of life. But those which we impose on ourselves? For the sake of blind ambition and God only knows what? No ... Not any more ...
Just writing this all down has been enjoyable. And reinforced my determination to see it through and not look back. There is a certain sense of adventure looming in front of me and, while definitely not a young man in more, I am "not dead yet" ... 😉
I'm ready to get "on the road!"
Thanks for reading along with me. As is often the case, my Steem posts at times are something of a "journal entry" for me, as to where I am, at any given point in time. I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.
Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! 👍 😊
Respectfully, fellow Steemian @ roleerob
Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Saturday, 1 December 2018!
P.S. Maybe my Steemian friend, @insight-out, will comment, as we first "met" around the topic of stress and what we need to do about positively dealing with it. She is professionally trained, so can tell me if my "road to recovery" treatment plan is heading along the right track ... 😊

I am very enthusiastic about your trip, @roleerob! I smiled silently at your statement:
To me, you surely are not dead, but full of vitality, ideas, engagement to others and yourself. God knows what will come out when you free some space for the novelty :)
I am pretty sure there will be questions and doubts. But that's how it is. Although rising up question could be unsettling and disturbing sometimes (or most of the times), this is the only way one could have answers.
Your trip reminds me of the myth of the Odyssey. The hero sets off on a long journey to rediscover himself and return stronger and more coherent.
Keeping a journal is a great idea! Reflecting on and appraising the current and past events is extremely beneficial when it comes to healing and gaining strengths back. I hope you share some of your thoughts with us and give us insights about our own situations :)
Btw, you somehow know me well. There was no need for mentioning me. When I saw your post I was eager to read and comment on it.
Take care and see you soon!
Always nice to hear from you @insight-out.
Thank you for this! I like your choice of words (emphasis mine), as we just never know, but I’m really looking forward to finding out. 😉
We’ll see about the ”more coherent” part … 😉 … but I absolutely must get to a better place with my health and overall sense of wellbeing. I have not understood well enough the impact on me (in denial a bit perhaps …) and should have gotten away from where I work long before now. As stated in this post, my beloved life mate knows me well and this time away is vital to my “recovery” …
Yes, thanks for the reinforcement on the journaling. My one concern is the amount of time it will take, if done well. I will never win any awards for the quantity of content I put together “in here,” as it takes me awhile to put down what I do “get out.” I enjoy it more than I would’ve expected, when I first started. But the time commitment is a constant challenge.
So … We’ll find out how it goes “out on the road,” when I’m still sitting in some motel somewhere trying to capture the essence of what I have just experienced, before moving on down the road. If I am going to keep to what is outlined above, I need to keep moving …
Yes, well, I want to draw the attention of our fellow Steemians to your work “in here,” as I think you are creating great content and steadily adding value to our Steem blockchain. And while perhaps not the “steel trap” it once was, I still have a good memory. I first “found” you in my 3rd PIFC contest contribution and what was the title of your great post? You wrote about Vacations & Your Mental Health. See teacher, I was paying attention!! 😉
Well, on into my day and I still have to get through the next few weeks at a place of employment I have come to despise …
Hope all is well with you and yours @insight-out. Your little one is probably “growing like a weed” and faster than you anticipated …
Until we “meet” again, all the best to you for a better tomorrow!
I like the expression they use in the pills descriptions (especially for pregnant women). I will translate it literally, maybe you have another (more native speaker) expression to describe this.
"Consider taking this medicine (pill) only if the benefits outweigh the risk".
What I mean is that keeping a journal will definitely take some (precious) time. But, I guess the benefits outweigh the risk of wasting time as it will definitely help you to sort things out, to see them in a different light or just to let it all out.
I sometimes also wonder if the efforts I put on Steemit are worth it, but I guess again the benefits outweigh the risk :D
It seems like the awards we take from Steemit at this point are not financial. I look at the efforts I put as an investment. Building a network and connections, joining in communities and building a reputation are the things that will pay out eventually in a few years (if Steemit survives). And the other big pro is the social support one encounter here on Steemit. I guess you can never monetize it, but it pays out well back in your subjective well-being. One gets a feedback from others, some appreciation and a sense of belonging. All these are crucial when it comes to personal happiness :)
What I am trying to say with all these countless words is that I always enjoy your well-thought and well-prepared posts :)
Haha, you were, indeed :D I continued the Stress and Cope Series and you can try some of the next Stress Hacks here. Maybe they could help handle the last days in the workplace you despise :/
Thank you, @roleerob! You are very kind!
I am terrible when it comes to managing my wallet and just now I noticed that 11 days ago I was sponsored 2 minnowshares (if I get it right) by you! Thank you very much! Your support means a lot to me. As I said, it is not about the SP or SBD, but for the feeling of appreciation and belonging. Thanks for making me feel this way!
I wish you an easy-going Monday and stressless last days at your workplace!
P.S. I did quickly go to your referenced "Stress Hacks" post @insight-out and see one I will come back to, as time permits. I was there long enough to see you are drawing rewards greater than anything I've achieved, with recognition from Curie and others. Very happy for you. Well done!
Thank you, @roleerob! This is mainly because I make scientifically based articles and the SteemSTEM community is extremely supportive! They upvote and share my articles and that's why I get this exposure. I think Steemit communities are extremely important when it comes to rewards and users retention.
Dear @roleerob
Thanks for sharing link to this post.
How do you feel about it after 2 months since that post?
You mind sharing what did you find the most stressful in your life?
I will surely keep my fingers crossed my dear friend.
Well, @crypto.piotr, to be honest, my time for writing "in here" hasn't been as much as I would've liked the last little while. I touched on this briefly in my retirement post.
I will write posts while on the road - part travelogue and part diary - although I can't say for sure how many, as that will not be my primary purpose ....
Once back home, I will have new "rhythms of life" to establish and I certainly intend at the moment that writing on the Steem blockchain is one of them. If there is any Steem blockchain left ...
Have you been following some of the posts on #stopthepowerdown channel? Good grief! Can't we do better than that? 😧 😞
hi @roleerob
Never did. And what do you mean by "Good grief! Can't we do better than that?"?
I am referring to the "mess" associated with Ned's powerdown @crypto.piotr. I have just finished a post about it - Human Nature and "Adventures" in the Steemisphere.
Your thoughts / input are always welcome!
Thank you for sharing this link @roleerob
Will read it asap :)
Quickly touching on this @crypto.piotr ...
... I can best sum it up by saying "unreasonable expectations." Life brings many unexpected challenges and I am one who would be on the "short list" of most of those who know me, to be with them in the "foxholes" of life, dealing with the stresses and pressures of the unexpected issues coming out of nowhere ...
But self-inflicted, manageable "emergencies?!" Not good enough to me, as I have managed people since 1984 and I know better. I was working for the most ambitious / driven man with whom I have ever personally dealt. I am "wired" with a strong sense of justice and the culture of the organization just wasn't right. Not just for me. I'd say not for most.
But ... That is just one man's opinion. Now, officially retired ... Or am I? 😉
Hi @roleerob
Many people seem to be scared of word "retired". Are you scared too?
No, @crypto.piotr, I am not afraid of being retired.
Congratulations on taking this decision! Believe me, this is the best what you could do. You might not feel this way today but you eventually will. Stress is our killer and we should take conscious decisions to avoid it as much as we can.
What an epic trip you have ahead of you! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure you will get your lost energy back!
AND there is another tag that you can use for your travel posts. It's called #travelfeed. Travelfeed is a community gathering travelers and nomads and curating high quality travel articles. I'm sure your posts will fit perfectly in the group. You can also join us on discord
We will be happy to welcome you on board :)
So very nice to “see” you again @delishtreats and …
… I do believe you! As a younger man, I would say I never had any stress, but I am long past that foolishness. The challenge at this stage of my life is my experience base, with success in five industries, is beyond that of most. I don’t say that boastfully, but just that I know better, when “the company line” is something I know to be nonsense … In addition, I can “see through” a lot of people and the façade that is put up and the “games” that are played …
Anyway, just a few more weeks and I will be out on the trip outlined here, closing the pages on this last chapter of my life, and reflecting on what the next chapter might be …
Thank you for the Discord invite. I will follow up on that as soon as I click “Reply!” 👍
P.S. HF20 really broke up our dialog, when I “went dark” for five or six days while that mess got sorted out. So nice to see, since then, that you have become a dolphin! Very happy for you @delishtreats!! 😊 Seems a good place to reach in creating a bit of a “middle class,” as some refer to it here on our Steem blockchain. Hope to join you at that level someday.
6 days after and here I am.. I have done a post about a donation and it took a lot of my time so commenting on anything else was put aside for a few days..
I was working in a corporate office for 9 years and witnessed things that made me sick. It's such a bad environment and it causes so much stress. I'm not that old but I realize already that there are more important things in life than money and as long as I have a place to sleep, food, clothes and of course my husband I'm fine. I don't need much more and so I'm never going to get back to such job even though it was very well paid..
Thank you for joining the discord channel. I didn't have access to answer you in the welcome channel so I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your mention. Now it's fix and I can send messages there as well..
YES! I'm a happy swimming mammal now :) I would love to see you powering up to a dolphin level ;)
Not a problem @delishtreats …
… for me, as I completely understand. I am doing the best I can with the time I have available, so assume others are doing likewise.
Very good. I think a key, at least for me, is getting clearer in time with what I need vs. what I may want. Of course, they are not the same thing. As a younger man, perhaps I did not see that as clearly as I do now.
What lingers, though (maybe more a “guy thing,” but couldn’t say for sure …), is how much of my sense of self-worth is tied up in my work. The level of responsibility and compensation are all part of it. BUT … I have taken this as a challenge of a different sort. To get over. As quickly as possible …
Not a problem either. I assume you are busy and we’ll “meet” again, as time and opportunity permit. Hope to perhaps join you as a *”happy swimming mammal” sometime in the future! 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
I feel sorry for people climbing that corporate ladder and forgetting about their families and private life.. one day we all end up the same :) The most important is to be happy.. Not saying that the career doesn't make people happy but there are other important things in life that you can't buy with money. I can imagine that self-worth can be kind of calculated with how much you get at the end of each month and I don't think this is a guy thing though :) But I also think that we live luxurious lives while there are people who don't even have clean water to drink.. and we do nothing about that..
It's always so pleasant to talk to you Rob (even though it's probably not your real name :))
Thank you so much for your generous donation!!
Wow, @delishtreats. From 6 days down to 6 minutes! On the "continuous improvement" scale, that's a very impressive enhancement!! Duly noted for your next performance appraisal … 😊
Just “playing” with you @delishtreats. Some “corporate mind games” … 😉
Okay, now back to being serious …
… no question about that. I’d go farther perhaps and ask whether there is truly anything of eternal value that can be purchased. I personally don’t think so … BUT ... It is so easy (at least for me ...) to fall into that "hole" ...
Rob will work just fine. And more than happy to support your project. I need no recognition for it, so please feel free to do with it as seems best to you!
So, when you leave your job in January then you will be able to share your real name, right? ;)
I was always one of the top performers (young and stupid), lol and I truly hated the performance appraisals as the system just didn't work in that company. It was done only for sake of having it done but there was no follow up further..
I'm sure we're both better off such environment ;)
When we already talk about charity.. one way how you can support good causes is through money and this way you can 'buy' a good feeling that you've helped someone :) And this feeling can be eternal if you continue the support :)
Thank you! I have a few of my favorites and I'm sure that you will be happy with my choice ;) But if you don't mind I will mention you in my post on Sunday (transparency reasons).
So glad that we're both online at the same time!
Back “in here” briefly this morning and ohhh, @delishtreats ...
... sorry to have raised a bad memory. Just my attempt at a little humor, so hopefully you’ll forgive me.
Yes, well, for at least a few minutes we were! 😊
Okay, I understand the need for transparency, for your sake, so no problem. I appreciate your integrity very much @delishtreats.
Have a great day / evening “over there!” 👍
It's an amazing decision and you're right to make it! CEO's, cultures in companies... They can really mess with our health. Our life is too short to not live it - these plans make me smile, you'll have a great time and will feel energized, I'm sure of it. ENJOY!
Thank you for stopping by @soyrosa! Nice to "see" you.
Yes they can. I really should have left long before now. I've prided myself on my work ethic, etc. so it caused me to "hang in" long after all the indicators I needed were in place to say, "Time to go!"
A big issue is there is one particular work associate who will be left in a bind. Part of the reason for "hanging in" and hoping against hope for a change. But ... As you say, in the end our health has to be priority one. That is my primary motivator now, at this stage of my life.
Yes, thank you. As I say here, while not a young man any more, I think I can still reclaim a lot of my old vitality. Once back home from this "big adventure," we'll see from there what the future holds.
Thanks again for stopping by! 👍
Yes, we tend to stay for the people, right? You don't want to make life harder on someone else. But then, in the end, you have to anyway - now, because you made this decision, or later, because you got a burn-out - doesn't help anyone.
You're not a young man maybe, but certainly you will live more the coming months than most others do at your age - most are waiting for someone else to tell them it's okay to stop and relax ;-)
Thank you for the words of encouragement @soyrosa.
Exactly. But, in the end, you cannot delude yourself. I should have left two or three years ago.
A big part of my staying on, for as long as I did, was the opportunity to mentor a younger person here from Canada. I've hired many people over the years and knew within 5 minutes she had the "intangible" qualities that always make them stand out. That proved out in a big way ...
So ... For three years, I have taught her a lot (I am employed as a Business Systems Analyst in an electric utility) and given her opportunities to learn what should would not have otherwise (her words, not mine). I've always encouraged her that, no matter what happens where we are currently employed, the things she is learning will help her no matter where she goes or what she does ...
Upon learning I was leaving, she is also leaving. Right now, her plan is to head back to Victoria, at the tip of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia ...
That is certainly a well-thought of road to recovery. Why, I am the one getting excited. 😀
You must be very patient and yet headstrong to have stayed with your job in spite of the stress. People would usually tender their resignation within the notice period on the contract (max of 60 days is what I've had so far) then go. But you stayed much longer. Congratulations on your fortitude but more congratulations on your decision to retire. Sometimes, stress is not worth fighting no matter what the package has.
You are a blessed man and deserve a well-planned vacation. Enjoy and stay safe!
It was a lift to my spirits, to come home from a long day at work and find a reply from my “rocket redfish” friend @macoolette! Thank you for the kind words and well wishes. They mean a lot!
Well, actually, it may be I am not very bright or a bit slow, or some nasty combination of both … 😉
Seriously, just a short time left now and then “out on the road!” Can’t come soon enough …
Until next time @macoolette, all the best to you!
Rocket redfish… I think I am starting to like the description. 😊
Staying while planning to leave is not being slow or dull. Sometimes it is a chance to see if you can be a catalyst of change. Anything can happen in a day.
I hope you are doing great over there!
Home from “another day in paradise” and ohhh @macoolette, I see I have to apologize to you. 😞 I have not kept up with your progress and see now you are no longer a “rocket redfish,” but a “minnow!”
Let’s see. What would you like to be now? “Missile Minnow?” Maybe “Magic Minnow?” 😉 I am also a minnow, which is where I started. Steem’s base 10 system makes reaching each successive level considerably more difficult.
Seriously, thank you for your thoughts. Yes, I have been called a “change agent” for most of my career. But, there comes a time to just stop any delusion that change is coming. And move on …
There is no need to apologize because I am not yet officially a minnow. I just got more SP because of delegations but when those delegations are retracted, I am left with my own SP. Though I hope to complete the SP for minnowhood within this month. By then, I'll think about either missile or magic minnow, or maybe something else. Let's see... 😊
Okay, very good @macoolette. Thanks for straightening me out!
Good time to do it. "Fire sale" on STEEM right now! Great Christmas present to yourself! 😊 👍
P.S. I would encourage you @macoolette, to join @steemcommunity's Minnow Power-Up League. Lots of fun to join in with others working their way up to becoming a dolphin!
Oh yes, I saw that power-up league sometime ago. I may revisit it when I officially become a minnow. 😊 As always, thank you for the encouragement and boosting.
Howdy sir roleerob! What an amazing trip this is going to be, are you going to post as you go along, will you be able to do that? Because I know everyone is thrilled that you can do this big trek and many of us wish we could do the same! But we can kinda do it vicariously through you!
It's a beautiful plan and I think a very wise one sir, God bless you!
Thank you sir @janton for the well wishes. I desperately need to get away for awhile and get some of my old vitality back.
Yes, I am intending to post on the road, although a little concerned about the time commitment. I'll never set any speed records, as I put a lot of time into the few posts I create.
Just gotta get through the next few weeks, then I'll be "out on the road!" Starting Jan. 21st ...
Thanks for stopping by!
Posted using Partiko Android
howdy again sir roleerob! I understand about the time commitment but the road trip will be a situation that everyone will understand if you just have a couple paragraphs and some photos and we'd be thrilled with whatever you could throw together!
Very thoughtful of you to say @janton. I'll definitely do what I can!👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Good evening @janton. Just a quick update that day six of my road trip is now coming to a close. I have written a post about each day. This is not in any way meant to be taken as pressure to do anything. Just letting you know.
Hope all is well with you and yours as we are starting into 2019!
HOwdy sir roleerob! thank you so much, I've actually been thinking and trying to remember when your trip was and meaning to go over to your blog, seriously, so thank you so much for letting me know!
Congrats on taking this step @roleerob! I did it a couple of years ago but I call it my extended career break and it's the best thing I've done. It's opened a whole new life ahead of me, particularly getting to know Steemit not long after. Looking forward to see all your travels on the @Steemitworldmap!
ps as always thanks to @delishtreats for supporting the map as always
That is an interesting perspective @livinguktaiwan …
… and learning it has had such an effect on your life. Not clear from what you say here whether that included moving from the UK to Taiwan? If so, that is a much more disruptive transition than what I am looking at doing. If you are a couple of years into it, though, and from your description, it is working out well. Great when we are determined to change our circumstances and the steps taken ultimately turn out successfully.
Your profile indicates you are a curator for @Steemitworldmap. While new to me, I appreciate all that this community has done. I now have exactly two posts linked to it. The first one, due to the efforts of @delishtreats in letting me know it existed. But my recent one was a real test, as it was about a very important time with my family high up in a remote corner of some beloved mountains. Amazed to find the detail of the map allowed me to exactly place my post’s “pin” … I did not expect that, when “zooming” in … 😊
Thank you for your efforts in support of it! 👍
Congrats on the milestone that many eventually wish to achieve in the grace it seems you are doing so! I have never been to that part of the country and it looks awesome! I hope you bring us all along with for the journey!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you for the well wishes @newageinv. I definitely intend to post regularly "out on the road," as that would seem to me to be one of the therapeutic benefits of taking the trip. As I say above, in a lot of ways, creating these posts are "journal entries" of sorts. I'll enjoy looking back on them myself and getting feedback from my dear readers here on the Steem blockchain will just magnify the benefit ...
That said, there is nothing like experiencing things firsthand, so ... We live in a great country and there is a lot to see. In my "old life," at one time or another, I have driven down not all but many, many of the paved highways out here in the West.
Hopefully some day you'll have the opportunity to do some of that yourself! 👍
P.S. Did you ever see that comment drawing your attention to the Partiko chat I sent to you?
Wishing you a great trip, @roleerob. How can it be anything but wonderful after reading your itinerary?
Just received my first pension payment the end of last month. The care giving of my aged mother keeps me tied to home at present, yet there is that plan of a bicycle tour through europe, to reclaim my waisted youth, when opportunity permits.
Following you with interest.
Thanks for stopping by @novacadian! Always nice to “meet” someone new. Mind if I ask how you found my post? In the past I’ve written about what I’ve called “the Challenge” in here, so it is always of interest to me.
Yep, if it is not wonderful, I really messed up somewhere … 😉
From Nova Scotia! I think you are the first Steemian I am aware of knowing was from that part of the world. I have been there exactly once. Long ago, in my “old life,” I went there to interview someone for a position I was trying to fill out in British Columbia. Didn’t work out … And, I was in late one afternoon, spent the evening talking to this fellow, then out the next morning ...
So … Exactly what I want to avoid on my upcoming trip, as God knows, I’ve done enough “quick fly bys” over the years …
Bicycling through Europe sounds like a very interesting trip. You’ll have to provide us an outline of what you’d like to do on it, then we’ll all be along vicariously on the trip with you!
Pretty sure it was a resteem. Unfortunately who resteemed it is lost to me now.
Will definitely be documenting the biking trip should it come to fruition. Have been practising and expanding my skill set with a biking tour series. It's been a slow learning curve yet progressing slowly but surely. 😎
Thanks for the reply @novacadian. I would say then, it may have been via @steemchiller's resteem of this post.
He is one of our great Steemians who drops in on my posts from time to time. Always much appreciated!
Sounds like you have a well thought out game plan for your biking trip and "working it." Looking forward to hearing how it unfolds!
@steemchiller is a follow of mine. That is most likely it! 🖒
Good evening @novacadian. Any progress on your plans to take the bicycle tour you mentioned here? I am now officially retired and "out on the road," writing this from Ventura, California. "Working my plan" ... 😊
Still homebound while caregiving my Mother who has turned 95 today on, this, her birthday. 🎂
Who would have guessed that we would be seniors together? 😎
I have great admiration for people like you @novacadian. Caring for our parents seems like a sacred duty, but in far too many cases, they end up in "old people's warehouses." Yes, I know there are always exceptions, due to their health and corresponding level of care needed.
If I sound a little "intense" on the topic, it is due to the stories my beloved lifemate brings home from her service of the elderly. She works for Visiting Angels. Do they have that service in Canada?
Well, your time will come, giving you lots of opportunity to prepare. I "planned my work" on this post and now I am out "working my plan" ...
Looking forward someday to reading of your journey on your bicycle! And the resulting contemplative thoughts which flow from it.
In my province there is a conscientious effort to keep the elderly in their homes as long as possible. We get caregivers from the health care system who come to the home each morning and evening. It has been proven that it is not only more comfortable for the elderly but cheaper for the system than to institutionalize them, unless medically nessasary.
Thanks. Considering my present situation as being in training for the future Tour. 😎
Makes sense @novacadian! Definitely don't know myself of any old person who wouldn't prefer to live out there remaining days in their home, if at all possible.
Even with the help, I would assume your mother still needs your commitment, otherwise for her being at home would not be possible.
Safe travels. When you're in Oregon, I recommend the north Oregon coast - where I grew up. Along the river (Hwy 30) is the most scenic, but not the fastest route.
I look forward to lots of awesome photo posts!
Thank you for the well wishes @viking-ventures. Unfortunately, my route along the coast will end in northern California, then turning inland to spend a week with my siblings in Sunriver, just outside of Bend, Oregon.
I will definitely be taking lots of pictures and trying to get at least some posts out, along the way.
Shucks. Yeah, I saw that you'd be up central Oregon, but held out hope that you might make it all the way to the coast. I love that area too, though I haven't been there in many years.