The Importance of Managing Stress

in #life4 years ago

I am sure that the most of you agree with the point of view that stress is part of our lives. Have you ever thought what causes stress? There are many sources of stress in our lives. Stress comes with life-changing events, such as illness, marriage or divorce problems, losing or getting a new job.

It is unlikely that someone consciously wants to fill their life with worry and anxiety :). But these feelings come by themselves, like uninvited guests. And you can't ask them to leave ...

Life in constant anxiety, negative internal dialogue are faithful companions of the "disturbed mind". A person in this mode is constantly in tension, ceases to enjoy life . He no longer lives, but survives .

The fulcrum, balance and harmony disappear, the connection with one's own personality is lost. What to do about it and why is anxiety becoming an integral part of our life?


Why do we need anxiety? Maybe it would be better if this feeling just ceased to exist ?! In fact, it is useful and can become an ally if you learn how to manage it. Anxiety activates our resources in moments of real threat, helps to "gather" and mobilize forces.

However, this initially useful feeling suddenly became our enemy. It imperceptibly penetrated into many areas of our life - largely due to what society, the media, etc. impose on us.

Recently, there has been a cult of "multitasking" . Being always busy with something, having a busy schedule, doing five things at the same time - this behavior is encouraged. And those who lead a different way of life may be accused by the environment of laziness, irresponsibility and immaturity :).

But what does such a mode of work and life lead to? To the fact that a person is chasing to "occupy himself" to the maximum, to load himself with deeds and work. And when he is alone with himself, he simply does not know what to do.

Many have very clearly realized this, being now in quarantine and self-isolation. The free time that has appeared is now "spent" on serials, on constant monitoring of social networks and news. “You just have to wait out the crisis, and then life will return to its usual course” - similar thoughts are now among many. And as a result, life on autopilot, groundhog day and "time just runs away" ...

And inside, the very feeling of anxiety and anxiety sits and grows. What to do with them and why shouldn't they be hidden or suppressed?

Studies related to fear, phobias and anxiety disorders show that anxiety and stress are not in themselves a deviation from the norm, or even less a disease . These are emotional states that are part of our personality. They are absolutely normal, but as long as a person can control them.

Many people live for months, years, decades in tension, fear, or anxiety. This long-term stress changes the way of life, "switches" the internal dialogue to negative. If emotions are suppressed, then they accumulate inside, penetrating and poisoning every cell of the brain and body.

When anxiety "takes over", then it is no longer possible to trust yourself, listen and hear your true desires . Man himself becomes an obstacle and an obstacle for himself. Ideas, desires, goals, plans for the future are questioned and criticized by their own inner voice. Worry and anxiety "whisper" that nothing will work out.

Relationships with loved ones also suffer. An anxious mind makes it difficult to feel and understand others, and the spiritual and emotional connection is lost . Hence, misunderstanding, conflicts, quarrels, loneliness ...

People who live in the grip of anxiety act automatically and by inertia . They go to and from work, do some business, conduct social activity. Perhaps they are successful and outwardly even happy. But this happiness is just for show. And deep inside there is only emptiness and loneliness.

This is felt especially sharply right now - when many of us are suddenly left alone with ourselves . The usual way of life and the daily routine have changed, there is a lot of free time. It would seem that this is happiness :). You can pay attention to yourself, your development and growth. But 90% of people either "toil" and do not know what to do with themselves, or are in permanent negativity, stress, panic and anxiety.


Anxiety and chronic stress increase blood levels of norepinephrine and cortisol . These hormones "force" to be on the alert all the time, to expect some kind of danger, do not allow you to relax and enjoy life . They simply leave no room for the hormones of happiness and joy - serotonin and endorphins.

This deprives life of meaning, leads sooner or later to emotional burnout, depression. And antidepressants and sedatives will not help here. An important and necessary first step is to look inside yourself, understand your feelings and emotions, and release tension.

The key to dealing with stress and controlling the stressors is by idenifying what makes you stress and doing things that will help you deal with them.


One interesting thing I've noticed is how much stress I get when I simply think about dealing with my problems.

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