Free Votes For Sale! Get Your Free Votes Here! For An Unlimited Time Only I Have Free Votes For Sale!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist/Curator Himself here again and

I have a stunning announcement to make!

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Vote You.jpeg

Free Votes for Sale!


That's right! We here(I'm only one guy) at @NoNamesLeftToUse Unused Votes Dealership have lost our minds! All of the remaining gunk and brain juices must go! We're clearing house!

Now, just so you know, I have a team of "professionals" on this(I'm only one guy). We've been crunching the numbers and analyzing the data. We've(it's just me) been lurking around and silently reading what many are saying and we've(just me again) been able to lunge towards a number of conclusions. So far, our(my) biggest hurdle was attempting to wrap our(my) heads(that shouldn't be plural) around a concept that goes a little something like this:

Why would I want something that is free, when I can just pay for it?

That's Right!

People actually think like that.

Unfortunately, I am not a trained Dr. Phil-like human. I don't know what makes people tick and won't even attempt to figure this shit out.

So, unfortunately, if your brain allows you to think it's okay to pay for something that is free, I'll have to ask you to leave now. You will not qualify for this:

Amazing Offer!

And now it's time to get serious.

Nearly five months ago, I did a similar promotion. Of course it's a joke. Who would actually pay for something that is free? That's silly and I doubt anyone would actually fall for it.

Back then, I was using my amazing getting attention abilities to basically advertise the fact that I'm looking for new people to follow and hopefully support with my vote, for free, because I'm cool like that. I was looking for outsider type artists and funny people, because I enjoy taking a gander at interesting creations that don't look like everything else, and a good laugh or at least feeling entertained is something I consider to be valuable.

To all who know how important it is to read the fine print: I am once again looking for the same sort of content producer here on this platform. If you're an interesting human who focuses mainly on any form of entertainment, you're on the list as well. Please don't be afraid to step forward and get my attention.

The results of my promotion were quite shocking:

  • I'd really like to hear a cat sing Around the World by Daft Punk.
  • Donuts are holey, not holy, but that doesn't make them unholy.
  • Who's making all that noise?
  • And boom goes the dynamite!
  • Caw! Caw! Maybe crows just can't say Carl.
  • I need to expand my vocabulary. V-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y. That should do it.
    Ignore these bullet points. They have nothing to do with anything. I don't know why I did that.

Ignore That

I lost my train of thought, again.

The results.

I had hundreds of views within hours. Of course I didn't use any "aids" to get those views, it was all organic.

A few of those who follow my work here came to leave comments. They enjoyed the jokes within my post, it was fun for them and we continued to joke around after. That's nothing unusual. Just a normal day(and I've always loved that, thanks everyone). Majority of those people still produce content here on a regular basis and choose to grow organically. Many of them get my vote.

A couple of people didn't really pay attention to what I wrote and left a comment anyway. I see right through that so please stop wasting your time if that's your style. Unfortunately, you probably didn't read this part either, so I guess I wasted my time. I could call you all assholes right now, and you wouldn't even know, assholes.

Moving Along

A couple more came to defend their use of "aids"(paid votes) and I'm not surprised to see they no longer produce content here, because that's just how it goes. Regardless of how much you spend on votes, there are no shortcuts here, you must find a way to grow organically or you'll fail. That's just common sense at this point.

One New Member Stepped Up

And asserted herself.

Out of all the attention my post received that day, only one decided a free vote was something they would be interested in.

She is still blogging away, growing organically, and seems to be enjoying herself. I see rewards beside her posts ranging from a few dollars to one hundred dollars. All organic, pure profit; smart. So, special shout out to @dflo. Good job, you're a cool cat, I still enjoy your blog, keep it up! If any of you out there are looking for something fresh, check her place out. She is an incredibly unique individual.

You folks can work on your blogs, spend hundreds for votes, sit on your hands and wait for everything to just fall in your lap from the sky; I still won't know who you are or what you're up to.

It's not up to Steemit Inc. to hold your hands and reward you for your efforts. When you have a moment, go ahead and visit Youtube. I promise you'll find thousands of accounts with only a handful of subscribers, low views, no comments. Those folks aren't earning a damn thing. Thousands of them. That's the life you signed up for.

It's not really a whale's responsibility to cater to your specific needs either. If you've purchased a vote, you're paying many people so they don't have to look at your work, some whales are part of that group, so don't expect them to see your posts and start voting for them. You are paying those people to look away. Simple stuff. That's just how it is and there's no sense in complaining.

Assert Yourselves

If you want something, make it known, go out and get it.

Today I'd like to offer free votes, again. I follow over 500 people, some went silent, so there's always room for more.

Did you read the fine print? Are you what I'm looking for?

I won't be able to vote on every post of yours. I'm not overly fussy but I do prefer to see a solid effort. My vote is currently worth anywhere from zero to five dollars and of course that's worth more on an exchange(I'd prefer to see you build up your account values so you can reap the rewards down the road, you got this far in life without the added income so keep that in mind, but the choice is all yours). If that isn't enough, you're not what I'm looking for, move on.

Where did these extra votes of mine come from?


I stopped voting for myself. Call me crazy all you want. It's been like this for over a week.

I put in the work, I put in the time, I'm proud of my accomplishments and nothing will ever change that. I've built up a solid foundation of support(thanks everyone) and I have no desire now to take more than what you feel I deserve.

If I can break one vote down per day and put a smile on three more faces, that'll be my reward.

Things might change, I'm experimenting, we'll see how it goes.

Have a nice day.

Warning: If, for some odd reason, you decide to send me money instead of actually reading this post, I cannot guarantee a refund. If you get a refund, the memo will say, "Idiot! Pay attention!" I insist you keep that for your records. Do not send money and expect a vote. Portions of this post were intended to be humorous, and it's tagged accordingly.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Contact me on Steem Chat if you're uncomfortable speaking here."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


The humor and genuine interaction on all your posts are inspiring.
I'm glad I met you here in Steemitland!
These are a few of my favorite Steemit musicians if you are looking for some more people to follow!
@yidneth, @vachemorte, and @nathankaye.

I'll admit it: I have a lot of fun here. I don't really know what to say though. This just happens. I'll definitely follow these people. Thanks for the suggestions. I like music. Who doesn't!

P.S. I'm glad I met you, too. You're a cool cat, and cats are cool.

Queen @isaria summoned me so I am here.
To answer one of your question: Who's making all that noise?
I am afraid that's me... Congrats to you and your team for this well executed post (or is it just you?)

Oh my I am a rat, is that fine, cos I am officially steemit rat lady already

Rats are cool too. Unless it's that other kind of rat that tells on people and puts them in jail. Rats, bats, cats... thats all good.

No, the furry with cute starry eyes and whiskers...


I just realized true, cat, rat, bat... what's but a difference of one letter? hahaha

This was my Taika,I had three, they're gone to old age, but still plague everyone with ratty pics and hope to repeat experience soon, little soul healers... they even stars in some of my music videos.
A rat saw a bat in the sky and said "an angel" (honestly I love bats too)

@yidneth I looooove this pic!!!

I might have a "mild" obsession

Thanks for suggesting me @isaria! And this dude is definitely a super-funny-cheeky blog writer so I started following him.
Also because he writes in small print and that shit is ninja!!! See @nonameslefttouse? You're kewl like a ninja! (said in Aussie accent)

Yes, the tiny print is ninja awesome!
I need to figure out how to do that!

Thanks for the mention @isaria 🐭☘️🌻

If I may suggest some people that I find worthy but undervalued, you can have a look at @patschwork, @mariossap, @snarksnark, @imaginedragon, @romanie, @anibas... I am surely forgetting a lot of other names but in Greece we say "it's one mind that works winter to summer" so it's only natural to miss out on other people.
And there is also a new art project by @erodedthoughts, the @eye4art account. I try to help with that whenever I can :)

Grow organically? That made me feel like a tomato.
I have used bots in the past, but quitted some time later, as I started to understand more about how this place works and built my own "steem-ethics" (a process that never ends)

Thanks for pointing them out to me. I gave them all a follow. I trust your scouting abilities.

My personal feed has been drying up and it'll be nice to see some fresh new faces. There's only so much time in a day. People can do whatever they want here but I can't tell at a glance if they need help when they use the bots. They say finding good stuff here is hard; but it's not if we communicate. This was easy! And not a vote beggar in sight. Just people who want what we all want, and that's cool.

Thank you for the follow :) I found you from checking my new followers and I am now following you too. I am having a hard time finding good accounts. It is really crazy. I love that people are doing posts like this to help out.Thank you again and really happy I found you. Thank you @ruth-girl again for the mention and sending some really great people my way :)

I hope you'll like some of them. People tastes are different, but you never know where you may find interesting stuff :)

Thank you for the mention :) I really appreciate it :) I just found this so I am sorry for this being late :)

Don't... mention it :P

Oh! And there is no need to apologize!

I am so incredibly honored and excited about the fact that you have been following me all this time and that I FORGOT (missing mind, see other comments), and that you have all these nice compliments to say about me as a result! Thanks so much for your support, for your help in my early Steemit days, and for your support now! I really appreciate it, its filled the hole where my missing mind was up with inspiration and validation feelings. Or thinkings. Maybe minds just think? Hearts feel? I dont know. Just... Thank you!!!

You're welcome. I wasn't always able to get to each and every post of yours, so I thought maybe a mention would make up for some of that. I enjoy the things you share. That "armed strawberry" joke written on the wall picture you took still cracks me up. I stopped in yesterday, then later started brainstorming. "Where did I meet this one? Oh yeah! That dumb free votes for sale post I did." I have a feeling some of my following will enjoy your work, so I hope this helps.

Ahhh! haha i loved that graffiti so much , and I mostly just got groans every time I spammed it in Discord chat, haha. Yeah we definitely have a similar sense of humor, I think your posts are hilarious. And the free votes thing is super funny, and its also awesome because its sincere. I am amazed I was the only one to say sure, pick me! Yay that worked out! :) I want to follow some of your followers, too.. I am looking to keep meeting more people and see more of Steemitland..

There are plenty of awesomes here. Great people, everywhere. I'm always left scratching my head when I hear these rumors of "low quality content." If you didn't already know, the big bossman, Ned himself, he was cornered by a reporter on TV and that reporter said, "low quality content," and, "people just chasing a quick buck."

If only they knew the truth.

I'm going to get a bit opinionated here, but whatever. The people come first, and their content is part of them. I'm weird, and on the side I enjoy motovlogs on youtube. I like motorcycles and enjoy the scenery. If the one talking isn't at least interesting or entertaining, I won't enjoy that motovlog, even though it's a motovlog and I like motovlogs. The people are important and I think when I vote, I think I'm voting half for the person and half for what they decided to share that day. So even on their worst days, I still want to support them. Wow, I'm rambling. I think I made at least a bit of sense though. Basically when they say "low quality", I'm hearing low quality people, and that bothers me, because I've met more great people here than I have anywhere else in my life.

I totally agree with you. I think the low quality thing comes from what can be found on the trending and new pages. It is pretty difficult when you first come to Steemit, to find the thriving, creative, vibrant communities that are here. There's a lot of stuff to sift through, and its like going through a Labyrinth with only some riddles and breadcrumbs as your guide. Because I enjoy puzzles and surprises, I thoroughly enjoyed that experience and was pretty hooked BECAUSE of that challenge, but most people will just take two seconds, look, and then leave based on the weird stuff on the main page.

I mean, I still think it is a bit of work to find like minded souls here. You have to dig, search, explore... again, I like that process, but in all honesty sometimes I just don't have time, and I have been falling out of touch with some of the developments here that I normally would be totally interested in and thrilled by.

But I agree with you, I have never found such a robust community of people anywhere, ever in my life either. Steemit has helped me get out of my confirmation-bias bubble, I have been able to cross paths with people that the rest of the Internet seems geared toward separating me from. I like that the culture here is to try and find common ground and shared interests with others, rather than go out looking for a fight ( ok some people here do go out looking for fights, but that is easy to ignore if you want to, which I do ignore it).

I wish the home page was way more user friendly so that people could find the treasures here much more quickly. But maybe its good its a little hidden too? Maybe thats a strength as much as a weakness. Hard to say.

I once compared how people find our blogs to the old music store model. I can't remember exactly how I worded it but it's much like how you stumble across a record, the cover catches the eye, never heard of that band, take it home and it turns out to be the best sound you ever heard. Then other people hear it and want their own copy. Something like that.

That business model actually worked quite well for a few decades before it became what it is today. I think I prefer to find what I like rather than being fed what I might like by some robot and a few algorithms.

I also enjoy being able to open my mind more and experience different walks of life through these blog posts. Facebook wasn't showing me pictures from every continent. I was seeing the same crap I always saw as if people were experiencing the same day over and over again. Nobody was a telling a story in public on that platform and I think it's because they're too worried about being judged by their peers. Here, many of us just lay it all out there in the open. It's quite refreshing. Feels more realistic.

As for that trending page and a few other problems here. I was only half joking in my post when I said I was lurking around and reading about the issues. Really, there are two options. We can sit around and wait for those in charge to change things, or we can decide on our own to be the change we want to see.

Free upvotes for an unlimited time only? I don't think anyone is going to fall for this cowboy act when there's so many reputable bidbots out there.

I'm going to resteem this in case some of my newer arty friends are interested in some of your free upvotes and you haven't fallen over them yet


These artists need eyes and fans of their work, not robots. The entertainers don't perform in front of empty seats they purchased. I just hope there are some left out there for me to vote for so, thanks for the resteem.

BOOM goes my die, nnnnnnAMIRITE?

I would be down for getting followed by you and voted on, but you should know what you're getting into...

I post daily freewrites. If "I want to see careful editing" is what you came for, then my page is not for you, but if my followers are to be believed, sometimes I'm just what the doctor ordered. Your mileage may vary and also, some posts are better than others.

It's about shedding the baggage of our self-censors and being a community member!

You might want to check out the whole community.

I also... if you want to check out things that have a little more formatting thought put into them... host/post a weekly Punday contest. Everyone submits a pun on the week's topic. I reward all the puns and choose a few puns to reward extra specially... but it's not about the rewards. IT'S ABOUT THE GLORY. and community, but.

Your writing style and mine aren't so dissimilar, so if you like reading what you wrote, you'll probably like reading what I wrote.


Shit with holes! This is actually working out. Thanks for coming, I will follow. I'm not looking perfection at all. Just something new. Since many like to buy votes, that often hides what I'm looking for. I can't find you folks if you don't show yourselves. Just know, there's only so much to go around and I only vote if looked and enjoyed what I saw. If you don't see my vote, maybe I just didn't see your post so don't take it personally. That's kinda how this Steemit thing works anyway.

I am working on overcoming my insecurity, so this will be good practice (I kid... kind of.)
You might enjoy the work of @freewritehouse's community in general.

Also, if you don't follow her, @suesa writes really deliciously dark science-based stories.

Finding a generous person on Steemit is like finding treasure. And since this is such a nice post, I shall direct you to funniest person I know on Steemit, @veryspider, who is not only entertaining but also talented and niiicee <3.
Thank you for being nice, that makes my day.


Well played. You passed it over to someone else. You're generous as well, so the next time you want treasure, look in the mirror!

I don't like looking at the mirror though D:.
But thank you.

That's some damn fine lookin fine print. I think of vote buying as paying for friends on Facebook or likes on Instagram. They aren't real engagement. They do perhaps help a LITTLE with the "monkey see, monkey do" factor that people are attracted to things lots of people are attracted to without even knowing why most of the time. "Social Proof" I think is the psychological/marketing term for it. I don't vote for myself, and although I've had to cash out some, I do keep all the SP I earn and bank it, so my vote is slowly creeping up in value! lol Organic is the way to go!

Tricks are for kids, man. How do you advance in life if you reach a certain point where someone is interviewing you for a magazine, they ask about your success here; you're finished if you bought votes and answer honestly. You're finished if you lie because it's all right out in the open unlike something like Instagram where that shady behavior is somewhat hidden. Career suicide.

So far so good, I did upvote myself for the first few posts I made on here but, I was still learning how things worked. Slow and steady worked form me on Facebook back when that was a thing that wasn't ultra super mega hyper frustrating. A couple of huge curie votes over the past 5 months were pretty darn motivating to keep doing things organically too! lol

Yeah, I like what curie does for you folks. I always make sure now; if I'm adding some value to a post, keep it under $5. If it goes over $5 then curie can't and won't vote.

Well I make music, do photography, write about music technology and connect / collaborate with a lot of community members including an upcoming music contest and my other profile that paints @mrblinddraw. I'm boring, definitely shouldn't follow me unless you want lots of creative and original content to check out and read. @nonameslefttouse

Don't worry, there's no need for reverse psychology stuff today. Just like most who stepped up today, I'll follow along, give you a chance. I'm hoping people catch on to what I did here today and start opening doors for themselves like this. It's not that hard to put yourselves out there and grow. Hit the pavement, flyer the parking lot, without annoying people and being spammy. Anyway, I gotta run.

“You are paying those people to look away. Simple stuff.” That to me personally is the best of the whole post. It’s one of the thing I figured out early here thanks to people who helped me because they liked my comedy posts. It doesn’t take a Dr. Phil (By the way bad example considering what his credentials turned out to be) to realize if you’re paying someone for something why would they do it for free.

I don’t really have anything else to say other than that. Nice post.

It's hard to make 'psychiatrist' sound dumb, because they're smart, so I used Dr. Phil-like human because as far as I know, nobody has ever said that before, and that's about as dumb as it gets. Then I ruin my dumbness by saying something smart. I don't know what I'm doing, man.

P.S. You are pretty damn funny.

Well I will throw my hat in the ring. I deal with humor sprinkled with only the finest sarcasm . I do use vulgarity and cuss. I do on occasion use bots but only a dollar or 2 here and there to get some viability.

If you are looking for new and funny content then check out comedyopenmic . They put on a weekly contest for comedy and one of the rules is NO BOT VOTES. so they may be just what you are looking for.

With that being said I will send those nudes over shortly as payment.

I'll follow along. Thanks for coming.

I actually contribute a bit towards comedyopenmic. I've donated towards the prize pool and from time to time I'll try to get out there and curate the content. I'm listed on their weekly announcement. They've asked me to enter but I refuse because when I did a long drawn out dick joke promotion for them, I insisted it's time for others to shine. I've seen great success here and I feel out of place stealing the spotlight from people who could use it more.

Please don't send nudes.

Oh that is awesome. I have made entries the last couple weeks and really like what they are doing. I guess I should say thanks for donating to them and promoting. They are quickly becoming my favorite corner of steemit.

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