Some Weekend Humor - My Challenges as a Home Maker
Weekend is here and I am sure with all the festivities around everyone is in high mood these days. I hope that all my friends across the globe had a good Thanks Giving celebrations.
Today I want to talk about the challenges of a home maker, as funny as it may sound but then there are somethings that gets to my nerves as a home maker. I am not a full time home maker, but when all your work is from home, it is taken for granted that you need to 100% dedicate yourself to the home chores as well. Till the time I was going to office, I never realized these challenges, but today I can empathize with my mother in law who was a full time home maker.
So what do you think are these challenges? First of all let me tell you, as a wife or a mother the most tedious task is to decide what has to be cooked today. Do you think the same? Or is it only Me.....hehehe.
Every morning when I wake up, the first thing that comes up is what has to be cooked today, and I find this more challenging then the cooking part itself, and the whole house looks upto you to make this decision.
Today morning when I woke up, my hubby asked me this question and I blew off, this also made my realize how intolerant I was to these very little things. I blasted him, saying, why is it only me who has to decide this daily, why cannot you take this decision. After that I gave some options, and everyone was like, not this and not that, and that made me all the more mad...hehehe.
The other challenging part for me as a home maker is doing the Laundry and ironing, ohh I so much want to run away from this task, but then at the same time I do not want to delegate it to anyone else also, because I feel they just cannot manage it the way I do it. And the another task is of cleaning the dishes. When someone else cleans it, I feel like it is unwashed and then I am just waiting to do it all over again. I am never satisfied with anyone doing my laundry and dish washing task, and hence how much ever I do not like to do it, it still remains with me.
Now this is another challenge of a home maker, we get so used to doing things our way, that when someone else does it, we never feel satisfied and we are on our toes. This is me, I am not sure of others, but when I talk to my friends they are more or less the same, so I understand that the same sentiments run across in this particular role.
The another one task I do not like to do is winding up everything and cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. Once I am done with my meals, I like to relax, but then that's not the privilege I can have, else everything will be lying dirty all around in the kitchen.
Phewww, when I was working, I felt life was much more I have to put my brains into these home tasks as well as my work. We women for sure are better multitaskers then men....what say?
Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸
One of the most difficult tasks is meeting the requirements of each of the family members.
So true, everyone has their own demands
I am very glad to hear that women is mightier than men in all respects:-) I hope the whole world is improving in a fastest phase
Hahaha...yes women for sure have a lot of potential and power it's just about igniting this power.
One of the most difficult challenges, I consider it to be keeping the house clean, I think it is a job not of one person, but rather of all.
Yes, to keep things in it's place is also one challenge specially when you have people who keep throwing around things...hehehe
It all happens to me, I too wake up with the question of what to prepare that day if I think about making any dishes, and the available goods might differ from my thought, moreover, we have a big challenge to satisfy all the members of our family who has different likes and tastes. Oh yes cleaning .. huff i can't say how difficult, Anyhow I enjoy being a HOME MAKER hahahaha
I do not mind the cleaning part, rather I enjoy doing it, for me the cooking part is not very pleasing. I too enjoy being in this role, but then I believe that nowadays the whole house needs to jump in and distribute all the work.....right or not?
Doing ironing and laundry might be challenging to you but I don’t think cooking does😄
Cooking too is....hehehe, I am not a kitchen person :-)
Hehe, okay, nicd to know.
Housework sometimes seems to be endless. Greetings.
You are bang on, it just never gets over
I really liked the post you wrote about your feelings and the most liked thing is that you mentioned about your mother-in-law will make your life partner very happy.
Thank you @khang572
I always really appreciate the work of housewives, everything can be done with patience, sacrifice is very noble work of a mother. @nainaztengra
Thank you so much sister for sharing 👍