How to find your business?

in #life8 years ago

This article I want to address, primarily women. If you have just graduated and do not know what you have, or the current work is boring and painful, and you - the future or young mother, this material will be useful to you.

His work - is not just a business, it's basically what you want to do in life, job or hobby. But, of course, first of all, we are talking about something that you enjoy doing, and it will bring you satisfaction and income.

Here are five questions that you need to answer in order to find its cause.

1. What do you know?

2. What do you really enjoy doing?

3. How much do you have time?

4. How much money are you willing to invest in a new business?

5. What is your goal?

Take a pen and notebook and answer point by point.

Question 1: What do you know how?


List all of your skills and abilities. Virtually all: the ability to draw, write texts, make-up or fine hair, cooking, programming, building drawings, to sew, to drive a car, to gather information, take pictures on your phone, so that everyone is asking how you do it. Make the most comprehensive list. Not yet try on these skills to any vacancy that may sit in your head. Just write everything you know how. You never know what will come in handy in life.

Question 2: What do you really enjoy doing?


Cross off the list that are able to do good, or even good, but not like this. Even if I know how to cook well and I can knit scarves, it does not mean that I would like to do it all my spare time. Draw a bright marker that you really enjoy doing.

I recommended reading the book: Barbara Sher Annie Gottlieb, Dreaming is not bad. How to get what you really want.

Now get some rest and think that the list could be your case, if not for life, then in the next couple of years. Much of what you know and love to do, you can turn into a source of income and their job. The simplest example: many housewives moonlighting that photographed cooking and spread to the Internet, getting money for their daily work.

There can be a lot of applications, because every man and his abilities unique.

Question 3. How much do you have time?


How many of you have real-time and physical strength to his work? Dreaming and desire can be any number, but before venturing something big, you need to figure out whether you have enough free time there, to regularly spend it on a new beginning?

Regularity - is the key word to success in any business. If you now feel that there is little in time, or in the evening valites down, it will take place as soon as the enthusiasm and ardor of the first days, you risk to give up and quit. Therefore, a sober assessment of their time and energy, which are located or come up with that change in their life, to free up more resources.

Question 4. How much money are you willing to invest?


The answer depends on where you start. Let's say you are good at sewing or knitting and decided to create a shop of author's clothing and accessories. Should you just spend money on a separate online store, its advertising, support and so on? And if you need to immediately buy a ton of fabric, thread, wool and accessories, take the time and make the collection? The answer to all questions is no. The world has changed and the internet has changed. Now, to start a business often needs to have only an account in Instagram and a little money on its promotion. Or the account at the Fair of the Masters.

I recommend the book Marketing: Andy Sernovits, sundresses Marketing

A common mistake novice entrepreneurs - to do everything at once, "grown-up". Just think about the boutique or showroom, warehouse, interior design and so on. In reality, any business associated with making and selling things perfectly organized via the Internet.

Some products, like it or not, just require investments: in the professional tools, fittings and materials. Then, in order not to be ruined, should be gradually and slowly put off by the cost. And do not forget to include the value of goods the value of their equipment and their time spent.

Needlewoman recommend reading the book: Svetlana Military, created and sold.

If money is very, very not, perhaps, is their first to save or make money where it is not needed investments.

Question 5: What is your goal?


What do you want from your business, your profession? The goals may be different. Get rich, easy to secure extra income feel that self-realization, feel the joy of creativity, to become famous. For example, I have my blog - it's a hobby, a way to part-time work, as well as the opportunity to share their thoughts and findings. This is not the way to get rich, but the possibility of self-realization, that makes me happy.

Choose the business, focusing on what you need right now: fast money, constant work which need to continuously develop self-realization. And even, perhaps, your business will not make you the main successful, more importantly, make you feel happier doing it.

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