Awakening to New Paradigm Parenting

in #life8 years ago

So I wonder, who put the damn cookies on the serving table? We have an abundance of things here including at times cookies. Most want their children to eat only the best things as that helps create a healthy body. But if someone put the cookies in sight of the children, what do you do?

Here you have choice, there's always a choice For children, you can allow the cookies, as they had a choice to eat something else and that’s what they chose, so what do you do? What I would normally want to do is control the amount of non-serving foods that makes its way into their experience to remove temptation. To put the snack food away where the children can't see it.

The thing is, there is nothing wrong with their choice to eat the cookie as it's their desire, their alignment, their choice. It's through my own perception I believe that eating these foods could be bad for their bodies. I know most of main stream food is not real, ( and artificially flavored re-hydrated, re-constituted, acronymed, fluorinated and probably injected with anti-life) but based on my own understanding of the truth of the existence that we are currently living, I have to acknowledge that they still have a choice. I have to understand and accept that. I can't manage their vibration or habits or beliefs. They have to.

No matter what I do, if they want to eat that cookie they will find a way and possibly even sneak and eat the cookie anyways. IF I hide the cookies, their desire will be stronger because they will know I am hiding the cookies because lets face it, you can't hide your energy. You can try to cover things up with words but your energy always tells the truth and no matter what they will align with the cookies either way. That's the nature of existence soooo…yea.

It's tough wanting my children to take my guidance and since they know they have a choice and they can do what they want, they actually don't have to take my so called guidance which in my mind is super great information, but, we are where we are. They have the right to find their own truth/alignment.

It's very interesting actually to have that balance with your children. To let go of feeling like I am here to guide them. I used to feel that they chose to come here with me because I am here to guide them and help them connect to themselves AND THENwhatever comes after that is their own use of the knowledge I helped provide. But then the idea of well maybe they chose to be here with me because I won't do that at all. Only when asked hahahahaha, still working on that one.

They are sifting through all of the information they are receiving. Yes, I can easily control the environment but maybe its better for them to go through the "junk food" phase now while they are in an environment to really feel and connect to their bodies. If a child eats something that is not preferable and ends up getting a tummy ache, I always ask about what they ate. It’s a perfect opportunity to show them and have them tune in and connect to cause and effect, energy and manifestation.

Allowing myself to let go of possession of my children and allow them to be the perfectly aligned beings that they are is freeing for me. They know so much. I have seen them act and speak in ways I have never heard or seen from a child their age. They are so much more aware then they are not aware so what am I worried about.

Plus, none of this matters if I am holding on to my own truths:
Everything is in alignment
Remember to breathe
Focus on what ever the bottom line is to manifest my desires

I have to remember that I must keep myself in alignment. I can trust that they will be fine. And so it is!


You are so beautiful. Kids are amazing and I am blessed to become their student. Well said@mmcrae

How kind of you thank you. They are truly amazing beings.

LOVE YOUR STUFF SO MUCH! Followed Thank you for this

Thank you for sharing this - Im 23 years old, I don't plan to have kids for awhile but its so nice hearing form other parents about this exact thing so when I get to the age I want to have kids I kinda can take these lessons. You stated saying you thought you chose them to come with you, but what if in reality they actually chose you - I have this thought all the time wondering if I chose my mom - did we chose each other or was it destined to just happen this way. Its one of the most interesting concepts and sometimes I feel like a mother to my mom and my mom is like my daughter that Im teaching haha

maybe one day your kids will see all the nasty stuff that is happening to the food industry and come back to your advice as they get older but as of right now this is what they need to grow themselves into the humans they are :) Followed you awesome article

Very wise words. Happy to have shared such conscious possibility with you.


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