10 reasons why people feel lost in life

in #life7 years ago

Have you ever asked yourself why you feel so painful? Often your soul is lost in the mazes of life and you do not feel that your heart relaxes everything you do and you feel that you often chose the wrong way if you originally chose this article will contain as much detail as you need.


1-Loss of contact with soul and heart:

One of the basic reasons why a person feels lost in life is that he does not become in good contact with his heart and spirit because he pays much attention to what the mind does of logical things and what everyone around him says when he can not hear his inner voice and can not hear the voice of wisdom from his soul.

2- Life lives on the beliefs of others:

There are some people who believe in the beliefs of those around them that are too important to live a life that is not their life. They take the views of those around them and apply them to their lives only because they believe in the views of those around them, such as family, friends, teachers or society. Religious)

You should not believe in anything that you may take from the minds of people easily and do not listen to what they say and do not imitate what they do before they cross the barrier of thought, restrictions and filters that you put in your mind. You should analyze, think and put your mark on everything you do to.

3- Give value to the opinions of others higher than your own opinion:

Even if you have many people with reliable opinions and wisdom that do not disappoint you should not let their opinions outweigh your importance.

I do not say do not take the opinions or advice of others, but do not implement without thinking or analysis just think about everything that is said to you or interest you simply because they may not be in the same position or do not see the same scene that you see. You may take their views and adjust some things to fit with what you think .. Simple !!

4- Fear governs everything in your life:

For those who feel lost in life and disappointment this is one of the most important reasons that may make you feel this is fear. The hearts of these people are closed, surrounded by fear from all sides, and the ruler who controls their lives at home, at work, and with their friends, and at any time needs to make a decision that simply makes your life restrained and unhappy.

Although one of the most important engines in the life of human beings are love and fear, but this fear is satisfactory and inappropriate to coexist because if you want to feel better you must get rid of your fear and there is an article about this in self-educate and do something to fear him every day.

5- Distorted internal voice:

Sometimes your inner voice is the cause of distorting your life and everything you do not want. The problem is that human involvement in the living too much may distort his inner sense so that he sometimes deceives him and does not have the light that should follow him and does not reflect the truth then must return to the assets and the main objectives so it is preferable to write every day, Or anything that may remind you of what you should do from the start. You do a computer restore in some cases.

6- Surround yourself with people who make the situation worse:

Spend a lot of time with the wrong people one of the reasons for your sense of loss. When people yell at you, they pull you down. They are the ones who complain constantly. They blame and feel that they are victims. They broadcast a lot of negativity, doubts and fears.

Always try to surround yourself with positive people who are full of vitality, vigor and passion. You must surround yourself with those who inspire you in the spirit of creativity and challenge and help you in a positive and effective way to overcome all the obstacles that face you, whether psychic or realistic.

7- Believe every bad idea that comes to mind:

The brain is a great tool, but if it is used well and if you use it wrongly, it may turn life into hell because the mind works with a very simple logic: "Mind sees what you want to see" and enough. It puts in front of you only what you want to see whether bad or good This does not mean in the end is the implementation of your decision you alone and whatever you are the owners of positive ideas may occur and are exposed to some negative thoughts such as fear of failure or loss and this in itself can destroy your world so it must not Listen to the negative thoughts that the devil sends to you.

8- Thinking that logical things are more important than horses:

Imagination is often better than reality and may give you a lot of positive solutions to your problems, but sometimes it is about reasons and logic so that you forget the imagination and what you can do and ask yourself a lot of questions about the reasons and the logic of things happening. But in fact we seek in this world to look for ourselves. And we do not have the result or even may not see the end of the road clearly just do what you have to do and leave all the reasons and results on God is all of us.

9- Attachment to the past:

The past may be so beautiful that we forget the present, but it is not often true. All you have to do to make a change in the future or even to become happy in the future is to take care of the present and make it better. In the past something happened and we can not change it anyway. Is present you should remember it well.

10- Try to control everything and reach perfection:

We must agree that perfection and perfection are for God alone and not for us to be perfect. God has created us as sinners. We must repent of our actions. But the problem begins when we believe that we can control everything and each person creates a lot of disruptions in life anyway.

  • You must resort to God a lot and learn that we will not achieve perfection in any way just analyze your actions and learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them and imagine yourself the interest of everyone, we all carry enough of the world.
  • When you feel disappointed and lost you have to resort to God at the beginning then begin to calculate yourself and read the article and analyze your actions to get rid of your life and make you out of control.

The past may be so beautiful that we forget the present, but it is not often true. All you have to do to make a change in the future or even to become happy in the future is to take care of the present and make it better. In the past something happened and we can not change it anyway. Is present you should remember it well.

Of course my past was so beautiful, my present life with lot of tears and my future is so unsure!!!
I am a mom with a special need son ...

The past is a lesson, the present is the chance and the future is the outcome.

I wish you a lot of strength! I know that's hard.

God will always be your strength! Our future will always be better and a kind of consolation for our past, we just need to be positive about it in all rounds!

If person full their mind with negativity and replace positive thoughts with
the negative ones then he would become uncomfortable for their whole life.

I think a very simple and effective way to start seeing more positive things in life is to have a journal and every day before going to sleep to think about 3 (or more) good things which have happened that day and write them down! It seems like a super easy thing (but who said only difficult things work? Maybe this is the issue we normally face.. We tend to over-complicate life...) to do but it really works.. I think sometimes we don't appreciate all the good things we have/experience since life is quite hectic.. but we have to take these few moments every day and try to reflect.. it can be anything... maybe someone smiled when gave you a cup of coffee, maybe you saw a rainbow or maybe your favorite song was playing when you entered a shop. We just have to learn to capture these magical moments and we will see that every day there is smth to smile about! :) I don't know you but I am sending you some smiles virtually! :)

There are many good points here. I particularly agree with the part "Attachment to the Past". Whether it's a good or bad past, being too attached to a previous situation either makes me dread it or miss it that I feel bad. We can't be too attached to the future either to the point that we worry about what may happen tomorrow. Living everyday as if it were your last is the best advice I've heard, though its far from literally thinking it's your last day. I mean panic may ensue if you knew it's true you'd die tomorrow! Haha. -That only means you need to keep worry and obsession to a minimum and do the best you can today in order to live your life to the fullest in he long run.

Spend a lot of time with the wrong people one of the reasons for your sense of loss

Yes, you are right about this. I've been in a wrong friend before and i regretted it. But at least I learned my lesson. :)

i know that feeling too...

It makes a world of difference who you choose to hang around in your life! Glad you learned your lesson!

I like your work .. well done
Yes only perfect for God .. Must be patient
thank you for the advices

Don't live in the shadow of others but just collect their advices and suggestions and decide for yourselves what you think is right and just. Learn from experience but don't live with it, move on and set your goal in life.

You need purpose and confidence - that's all you need to stay happy and motivated

I am so addict to Steemit until no time to desperate

Often, people feel lost in life, when loose beloved person(((

To be lost and then found, life’s lessons are profound. :)

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