I'm losing myself....

Where is the sacrifice in eating that? I'll tell you where... nowhere. There is no sacrifice at all and I think that is why it works. I get hungry, or hangry (hungry + angry) and I have a meal that slaps me in the face but not in the conscience without a second thought. How awesome is that?
Now, just before you say to me... "Does it work??" I'm going to do something I don't particularly like doing. Well, honestly, because I'm not about selfies and what not, and truth be told there is nothing too fancy to be showing, but I want you to believes meees. So lookit...
Yes, that is my shirt, I did not borrow it from a Walmart 2am shopper for the purpose of this blog. I've been a bear for a long time and thus own some clothes according to that fact. So this shirt fits me like a pijama today and I find that to be fascinating, I freaking love it.
Can I continue this Keto craziness fo eva? That's the best part, the best part of this whole experience with foods and yummers. Yes, you don't have to stop, it's not like those other diets where you do it for some weeks and then you slide back into the ice cream slowly. No, on keto you can ketify your life for eva.
Little Disclaimer
The first week sucks big time, and I do mean bigtime. Do not think that you are going to go chill poultry with no struggles you are in for a rude awakening. As a matter of fact, I'll tell you something you might not know about yourself. You are an addict. Yes, that's right, you just don't know it, but I can guarantee that you are.
By the third day of not having any carbs, none, no sugar, not a tiny piece of bread, nuffin... I was contemplating murder techniques for random bypassers, it was that bad. But now, almost two months in, I can see a piece of bread and be completely chill about it. It does not make me lose my cool...
Oh, before I forget, I've heard that this doesn't work for everyone so consult a nutritionist if you struggle, don't just listen to this dude @meno, What does he know?
• Helpie meeting, just being silly
• Well... that's irregardless of nothing
• Open Mic Week 98 - Top 5 Selection and Honorable Mentions
• No more duckface for me...
That is impressive after only 2 weeks. I don't know if I could do it as I would rather go for a run than diet or change my eating habits. I cut sugar out of my diet and it's amazing the weight loss.
Congrats man! There are a lot of benefits to the keto diet for most people. Something I want to experiment with is fasting. I've been reading about a lot of benefits with that as well.
Here's some quick podcast notes from one of the Joe Rogan podcast where they were talking about the Keto Diet. Some interesting stuff in there.
That is so true! That first week is the worst. I had 3 "first weeks" when I started Keto because I couldn't get through it that I ended up eating spoonfuls of jam. Lol!
ooh you know.. to me right now berries (which is the only fruit we eat) are like candy.. i'm more sensitive to sweets, so i bet if i have some jam, it would drive me nuts.
Lol! I definitely felt like a crazy person eating the jam. I don't even like them that much on regular days, but I remember it was the only sweet thing I could find.
Congrats on getting results with Keto. Like you said, its not for everyone.
I've made some effort to move more in that direction, but it seems unlikely I'll ever go full. Maybe when the gelato machine breaks, since it seems nobody's making a good affordable one anymore.
I've learned a lot about roasting meats and vegetables, and cooking for keto is more fun and easier for me, which makes it more likely that I'll actually do it rather than sticking in some frozen concoction. So that's helpful.
But giving up sugar means giving up making gelato, and that ain't happening.
Poly bro... one week of sacrifice and you be good to go... 1 week....
Hey, if you don't want any of this perfectly-fresh, no-fillers, homemade apple and brown sugar gelato that I just made, that just leaves more for the rest of us.
picture or is all a lie!!!!!
hahaha omw....
Love the title, and it immediately launched into this in my mind...
It works!!!!
hahahah it does fit!!! hhahaha Meninem
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Congrats! Looks like it's working. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to consider when I decide to go on something like that, hehe. Cheers
its the ninja's way... I'm telling you
I'll need to be a ninja! lol.
En mi país Venezuela, muchas personas bajaron de peso por la situación económica colectiva, yo pesaba 95kilos y llegué a pesar 65kilo, lamentablemente tuvimos que bajar de peso sin aprender a comer, así que en este momento "nadie sabe como pasó" jajaja Yo he ganado 15 kilos, ya peso 80, pero en esta oportunidad te aseguro que estoy comiendo con cuidado, haciendo énfasis en lo saludable y balanceando la dieta, tienes razón "somos adicto"
In my country Venezuela, many people lost weight because of the collective economic situation, I weighed 95kilos and I weighed 65kilo, unfortunately we had to lose weight without learning to eat, so at this moment "nobody knows how it happened" hahahahaha I have gained 15 kilos, I weigh 80 already, but this time I assure you that I am eating carefully, emphasizing health and balancing the diet, you are right "we are addicted"
Well I read the title of your blog and got worried and rushed over immediately because I thought I needed to cheer you up, but turns out you're already there! So happy for you you look great and I'm sure you feel so much better, too! I straight up admit I don't have that willpower but I certainly do admire yours. I'll always be here to give you my guilt-free cookies and carbs! ♥ Cheers!
Anka made us some carb free cookies yesterday... not bad, not bad at all..
I lost a lot of weight a few years back on a similar diet. I can tell you though that carbs make you feel good. Sometimes removing them can make you feel really bad. Everyone's body chemistry is different.
In my opinion if you've already lost a lot of weight you shouldn't continue to remove carbs because your body needs things like potatoes to keep moving. If you are several pounds overweight though it's probably okay unless your body is telling you differently.
I got a long way to go before I feel like a true ninja... so I will continue, but yes, no doubt some people might feel like crap if they do this.
I still don't know what keto is though (well, you've got google). Anyways, congrats on your progress. Some of us can't even stick to exercising 3 times a week. Big ups!
p.s you take the meaniest selfie grins