Bready Biscuity Beers!

in #life5 years ago


Bread? Biscuit? What is this, an 18th century voyage to the Americas?

No! It's Beer Saturday!! Hurrah for the beer!!

This week we have a couple of dope bangers to try. That's right, I actually said that.

We have a bread pudding amber ale followed up by a chocolate wafer pale ale!

These flavours wouldn't be too surprising in a dark beer. Perhaps a Porter or a Stout but, oh my goshness, in an amber and a pale ale!?

Non dark madness!!

Let us dig deeper and when I say dig deeper I mean throw them down my neck and see what comes out the other end!


A bread pudding beer, I mean how? Well, apparently it's brewed with surplus bread from a local bakery, with vanilla, cinnamon and get this... brandy soaked currants to make it extra special! I'm bloody excited.

You could literally soak a dog's Heehaw in brandy and I would give it a lick.

Yeek, alright, maybe not...

Let's get stuck in!


Mmm, what a salty looking sea-dog! It's got my kibble in a bibble just looking at it.

Massive giant white head like the breakers on a Californian beach and the amber-brown of the ale itself is cloudy as if the sands are being stirred by the pounding waves.

Say no more!

That was quite the chap. I enjoyed it very much despite the overall lack of bread pudding-ness to it. A hearty amber ale with hints of raisins and a slight toffee'ness, 7.5/10 booms!

Just think, a little more of that bread pudding and it could have been up there with the greats!



Have a Break... Well, I don't mind if I do. Right see you chaps later...

Ho ho! As if I would just have a break and fuck off somewhere!

No, no. I will stay and do my time, as it were.

This was the beer I got given for free for helping the Bear-Man lift a couple of boxes. It might be the only beer I have ever earned for humping some old boxes about.

I promise I won't let it affect my judgement. Although, it has been noted before I am notoriously susceptible to a good bribing.

It's a beer that is based on the flavour profile of a chocolate wafer... Lol, ok then.

Let's get this braying donkey of a beer out of its stable and into my glass.


This one is meant to be the pale ale but it out amber's the last one which was the amber ale.

It's like watching a ginger tom cat beat down a light brown cat called Honey.


Well let's get drinking and see how chocolate wafer this beer really can be.

What the humping hippo!? I'm staggered. Yet again Fierce Brewing have pulled off some crazy flavour combo in a beer and actually made it work. It tastes like a milk chocolate wafer backed up by some proper beefy beer flavour.

I'm in choco-wafer heaven!

9/10 booms!!

Aye, caramba!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!




dope bangers

Could mean so many things, but I will assume you are talking about the beer. On to the vids!......

It's all about chocolaty beer number two in the big can, and we do like big cans!

I was wondering, as you have an ever-growing back catalog of beers, if a best of the best tasting session could be in order at some point to find the very best of the many beers you have sampled?

I have thought about that. It's a great idea. Stone of them though are one is our limited edition ones so I would struggle to get them again. Fucking craft beer brewers and their inconsistency :0D

I think I will try though as it would be fun to taste some right crackers again

It's a massive can that second one, the way big strong beers should be!!

Yeah I wondered about difficulty getting some of the old crackers - worth a try though to have a nice of luxury ales.

Big can and four of them, sorted!

I will definitely do it though. I would be able to get a hold of some at least. It would be a fine way to get pished one Saturday :0)

I was minding my own business, watching Joe Rogan on YouTube, when a notification popped up saying Meesterboom just posted a new video. That has never happened before!

Looks like a couple good ones, too. Good for you. I'm nearing the end of a week of voluntary sobriety. It has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I am looking forward to tomorrow evening, though.

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Ha, fancy me showing up as a notification! Awesome!!

I have always looked forward to the end of a voluntary soberness! They were great ones tonight. I am a happy man!

My doggie likes biscuits, perhaps he would like this?

I think your doggie would be a very happy doggie with this!!

Lmfao. You're a hoot.

You could literally soak a dog's Heehaw in brandy and I would give it a lick.

Got pics?

There are never pics because as soon as there are pics then it happened!!! :0D

Bloody hilarious and God knows how they get a chocolate wafer taste in a can of beer. I remember the Chelsea bun beer so it is quite incredible what they can do.

Yeah, I am quite baked at how they do it as well. It's always a great feeling when I taste or and it does taste like they claim!

"Never met a bisquit, I didn't like". -W.C. Fieldds
And in a beer, even better. I've always been prone to very large bags of chocolate chip cookies after a long night out, so this would take care of it right nice. Hmm....

Imagine the hangover if these were to be taken after a night on the sauce!

Ha haa. So true. One might just follow that one song by that one group, from one country or another, you know, that goes something like "stay drunk ALL the time". What a continuous cycle, and monster headache in a year or three, when you finally got back to real, late night, post-drinking snacks and normal breakfast to follow. (AKA: your beer made of breadstuffs). Yikes, a cycle to end all cycles. I hope they invent a broccoli beer soon... would certainly stave off this insanity of fictional quaffage I've just created.

I would try a broccoli beer although I can't imagine it being anything but awful! I must admit, I am looking forward to those days where the late night quaffing good on and the next day I can have a proper breakfast!!

No matter how healthy, I fear most vegetable based beers would be a bit funky. If not downright bleah. Breakfast in the middle of the night is definitely underrated after too many sudsies. Why else does Denny's even exist? (Do you have such breakfast chains of grandly greasy goodness, in your corner of paradise.)

You will be applying for a permanent job humping boxes with results like that one.

Ah, the sweet job of no responsibility. I like it!

You really have good taste buds - I like wine but I NEVER taste the chocolate and nuts and wood and stuff they talk about - I do not like beer and I always wonder while watching you what my take would be on the specific beers .... maybe I must start trying a few. I may be surprised.

You would be surprised if you got a good one like the second one the flavours were really apparent. Madly so. I am the same with wine, all I ever taste is fruit! But the beee if done well works superbly!!

Careful you may end up working for beer in Bear Man’s shop 🤣

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Lol, these days I can think of worse jobs!

Oh sweet! The chocolate wafer came through! I was pulling for that one even though I can't imagine the taste lol. It simply sounded good! Also glad to hear all that old box humping finally paid off lol

Who knew box humping could be a profitable endeavour!! Not me!! It was fab thou! :OD

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