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RE: The Darkest Part of Me is Hatred
Very cool self-introspection @robertandrew!
In my experience, when I changed, my reaction towards others (those bullies and Type 'A' personalities) also changed. Either I did not react the same way to them, or they actually changed around me because I was giving off a different vibe in my presence, sound and words.
It's definitely worth it to test it out for yourself, and the first step is considering that hey, this might be possible for me!
That makes sense @kimzilla It's hard sometimes to restrain those knee jerk emotions towards these people. But I will try to see it from that angle of changing my reaction around them.
I'm getting older so I think it is probably about time for me to mellow when it comes to this scenario and those type of aggressive people. thanks for your response
A pleasure @robertandrew