Stay Independent! Don't Let A Relationship Ruin Your Life!

in #life7 years ago


It's hard not to let your lives get intertwined when you are in a relationship, Sharing incomes, Sharing most of your time together. And then hopefully COMPROMISING on some things, Like where you want to live, And what kind of car you'll share If you only need one.

But a lot of people throw their dreams aside for the relationship they are in, And I'm a bit guilty of this too.
I have this fire to travel, And to try new experiences. I was raised in a very poor and sheltered environment where I didn't have the chance to do much. I only had my imagination. As a result, I became a very adventurous kind of girl! Wanting to explore and learn about everything.
Dating is hard, Especially as I get older and I'm starting to meet men who are ready to settle down, And buy a house and such.
It's terrifying. While I feel ready for Marriage, Definitely not wanting to have a basic life of going to some job every day and never traveling or doing spontaneous things.

Unfortunately, the kind of life I want requires a TON of hard work and planning, Which isn't an issue for me personally this is how I'm wired.
But I'm quickly finding out, That finding a relationship with compromise is quite difficult. Also finding someone with similar goals to begin with!

People Don't Want To Compromise!

It's so easy to date these days. Go on Tinder, Find someone, Go out on a date.
While these options have made it easier to potentially meet some great people, It comes at a huge cost.

It makes you easier to throw away.
Many people don't seem to want to compromise in relationships anymore, So instead of finding that common ground they throw away the relationship and begin looking for something else.

This is why it's important to keep your independence with dating, Sometimes we fall in love and give away a lot of our resources, Our time and our money to someone who ends up leaving, and we are left with little. It's really sad.

Remember Your Dreams

I'm currently in a rocky relationship, And have been on and off for the last six years. I dumped a couple of months ago, And something dawned on me when we went through two months of ignoring each other...

I have been neglecting myself!

I had been ready to take the next step and get engaged for over two years. I waited patiently, and at moments, Not so patiently. I also had put my entire life on hold.

I have been thinking about traveling out of country for a while now, But haven't taken that step; I have been considering on moving out of Utah. Because I want to try living some place else.

I've wanted to go on road trips, More frequent hikes, While I grow my business at home.
While I successfully became self-employed. I realized that I have been putting some of my dreams on hold because I was waiting for my boyfriend to "decide" what he wanted to do with his life, To make goals for himself. I always wanted my goals to work with his so that we could compromise on things and we both could be happy.
But there was a problem with all of that, Either he has decided to never make goals for himself, Or he's not sharing those goals with me.

So instead of leaving, Or going through with what I wanted, I've been waiting.

That's when I decided to finally sit down and decide realistically what I want for myself, with or without him and make those plans. By "waiting" On him, I lost some of my independence, And gave up some of my dreams. Sometimes I'd want to see a movie, But he didn't seem onboard, As a result, I wouldn't get to see it in theaters.
Or sometimes an activity I wanted to do, Would never happen because I'd wait on him.

This was stupid of me, and I take responsibility. So now I have put my foot down. If I want to see a movie, I will decide when to go, Jump on a bus and go. Same with hiking! I have taken my happiness into my own hands! And this is what you SHOULD do whether or not you are dating someone, Or if you are married.

Relationships are supposed to enhance your life, Not be the sole responsibility for your happiness or your independence. Relationships are supposed to be a source of "Help" and support. One great aspect of your life, Not the whole thing!

Independence is Attractive

When you are capable and willing to do things alone, It's attractive. And will help you attract high-quality people. Sure, Being clingy might be a bit flattering at first, But that will quickly go away, and then you just become annoying.

Have friends

This is one of the bad things I was taught growing up, that your only friend should be your "boyfriend, girlfriend Or husband and wife."
That's not healthy! Have friends, Of course, involve your significant other, so they don't feel left out sometimes. Going alone to a restaurant or concert can be scary and less fun, When you have some good friends it makes things more fun! I'm in the process of finding some good friends right now! So I don't have to rely on my relationship for all the fun times and the emotional support, You can go to sites like Meetup and hang out with others who like to do the same things you do! I hope to start going to live drawing sessions for fun!

You'll Have Nothing When It Ends

All Relationships come to an end eventually. Either one of you dies, Or There is a breakup.
I realized when I had dumped a few months ago, That not only did I have to deal with the pain with my relationship. But many other areas of my life came crashing down that I didn't realize that my boyfriend had "ties" to.

Like he was working for me part time at the moment, And his position was empty. So not only did I have to deal with that pain, But I also had to find someone to replace him Or do the extra work myself. Which was stressful.

I relied on him, to give me a ride to the grocery store, Which I bought him a few things each time to make up for gas and his time.
So I now had to lug groceries in a backpack home.

He was mostly the only person I talked to. So I had no one In person for emotional support. Which I had to turn to Steemit, And @lauralemons for some much needed break up support! If I had a close relationship with family or friends, It would have been easier!

Little things here and there, took a hit. Which made my life 10x worse. So instead of just having a break up to deal with, I had to figure out how to live again. After six years, your life with someone starts to get really mixed. (Luckily we didn't live together too.)

Even If You Are Married

If you have one person doing all the finances Or working the job. This can be an issue if something happens. I'm not saying you have to have separate accounts. But at least know how to manage a budget and finances! This is a concern I have with my parents. My dad does all the financial stuff; He also works for all the money.

Statistics say that women usually will outlive men. So if something were to happen to my dad, She wouldn't even know how to manage a basic budget. So any money left to her would quickly be spent. This is something that needs to be kept in mind in every aspect. Not just finances.

It may be a rocky road right now, But I'm setting myself up for success!

Things are still rocky at the moment, But I'm focusing on myself and building up my OWN life. That way if something happens I can still be happy. And I feel so lucky because my new friend Denton is helping me get there.
I'm getting my first car soon! And I'm going to get better at driving (I Haven't driven since I've been 16). It will be nice getting around on my terms instead of using a bus or a bicycle. I also can go into the mountains for hikes, Which was something I wasn't able to do before. I can also start going to Meetups, For arts, Hikes And other fun stuff! Having a tight group of friends sounds incredible right now.

So just do it! Whether you are single, Or in a long term relationship, Don't take anything for granted. Just realize that at any moment things could fall apart or disappear. Dealing with a break up is hard, But dealing with 50 other things that have fallen apart in your life, Could drive you crazy!

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I definitely agree! Do things independently and whatever relationship you are in will benefit.

Just got my Steemit T-shirt I ordered from you on Amazon. It's awesome, thanks for designing it and offering it for sale!

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you like it hehe :) Independence definitely does help the relationship! Makes things more interesting.

Your post are thought provoking I enjoy reading them. I will be writing about the details of relationships, could be trade follows?

This is one of those reverse psychology articles that you always do, right?

It always blows my mind how different people's experience an views are based on the environment they grow up in. That line about your only friends should be you boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife is mind blowing too me.

I certainly was not taught that, in fact I had to learn the opposite because I liked to spend too much time with my significant other when I was younger.

Interesting post, they always our but this one was rose a bit above :-)

It's true! Sometimes you are raised in an environment that isn't healthy. I'm glad you were taught the opposite. Because I was taught that, I saw friendships as a waste of time growing up, Because I thought once I got married I would need to abandon those relationships. Which wasn't true! Haha. I mean I was able to get a lot done as far as my businesses go. But It's kind of hard starting from scratch on building relationships with people.

Well, I can relate to that piece a little too. When I moved to FL, I moved to an area I knew not a single person. Basically had to start from scratch building a network and making friends.

Helps you really get to know who you are and who you want to be when getting to do this in adult life.

This is soo true, it just can't be said enough!
In the first months/years of the relationship with my loved girlfriend we fought a lot about my passion for soccer. She couldn't understand why I was so obsessed about not missing any games or to many team practices - You have to know that I am, at the most, playing semiprofessional and not living of soccer. She always thought that soccer was more important than her - until she finally realized that this was not a thing to compare.
Now she understands it and loves that I am so passionate about it. Sometimes she even is jealous, because she doesn't have a sport she loves that much.

It was really hard for me - many friends made me feel bad about spending so much time with soccer and not with her. And some friends quit their sport to hang out with their girlfriends. And I had many doubts. But I am glad that my passion for soccer won and that I am still playing. I still love it.

When I look back I see many friends who quit soccer for their girlfriends and then got left - now they, harshly said - nothing. Some relationships probably just died due to the fact that the dude was so submissive and lost his passion. And some maybe just broke due to the dude having to much spare time and getting annoying over time.

You can substitue soccer with any hobby/sport/passion and it would stay the same. So, like kaylin said, be aware of who you quit what for :) Don't do what feels the easy way to avoid conflict. Hope this didn't get to long :)

Awesome text, keep it up :)

Wow!! That is way true! When you lose your passion you become less attractive and people don't want to be around you as much! I'm glad you stuck with soccer! A woman that truly cared would of been more supportive for your passion. Maybe attending your games and such :)

She is nowadays :) And in hiking we found a passion we both share and love - I posted about many of our hikes in the last days/weeks! When you have some spare time and want to feel some nature spirit, just check out some of them :)

Actually good advice. Find myself in this situation exactly. My problem is that I'm also carrying a secret for my other half that no one else knows, I'm the only one helping her through an addiction.

The other issue with relationships is that each party expects the other to somehow fix their issues. There's this expectation that a relationship is somehow going to make all the "bad things" go away, when in fact what actually occurs is that the relationship brings all the muck to the surface.

This is exactly how I think now too, two years ago I was breaking up a 3 years relationship, and I've made the mistake to "accept her conditions" her desires that end up making me far from my friends and things I like to do, such as mountain trails, go to the cinema and even to continue studying Japonese which is something I really like and think it will be useful to fulfill some of my life dreams.

After we breake up I was in a situation very similar as the one you said, I was literally dedicating my life to "try to make her happy in her term" even when I didn't agreed with then. so when we break up I had to slowly relearn to live, starting getting closer to my friends again, doing things for my happiness, and some weeks latter I start felling alive again.

There is nothing better than the fulfillment feeling when you are doing whatever you want to be doing, 2 years after this break up I feel like a brand new man, chasing my life dreams and making a promise to my self that will not let anyone push me away from the happiness to chase my life dreams and from having the pleasure of living.

A relationship which hurts our sense of individuality and dreams, are truly self drstructive one!!! But people who are into it often fail to realize! 😞😞

So true!! :( I hope this post will help others dealing with the same thing.

Indeed, hope people realize it asap! the sooner the better!

Exactly! I hope so too.

Now that's Steemit....that's humanity... something that actually makes me think and smile. Hoping we can connect and continue to evolve and learn from each other! Remember, be yourself, because nobody else does it better -- Full #Steem ahead @kaylinart :)

Much ❤ and respect!

Yup, my mom told me from a young age that I must look for a husband who will not only respect my independence, but appreciate it too...My hubby does just that! When you let someone be independent, it means you trust them, you trust them to do what they need to do knowing that they will still come home to you at the end of the day and love you most! Much love, @sweetpea

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