How To Alter Your Subconscious mind.

in #life7 years ago

It's amazing how powerful our brains work, and how much stuff can easily be going on behind the scenes without us even thinking about it!
Why is it that some people have more advantages than others?
While we may not fully understand the human brain completely. There are things we can do to help alter whats going in our subconscious mind.

"Average person has approximately up to 60.000 thoughts per day! But the astonishing fact is that 95% of those thoughts are the same from the previous day which leaves us only with 5% new and creative thoughts." - This quote was stolen from Simple Capacity.

Somethings to remember about your subconscious

It doesn't know right from wrong.
Imaginary or real.

  • It Gives you more of what you tell it to!
    So if you focus your life on negativity, Even your subconscious mind will pick up on it. Even when you may not realize it.

Your Inner world reflects your outer world.

Have you ever tried to make a meaningful change in your life?
You change for a while, And things are great. But you later go back to how you were before?
Sometimes when we make changes in our life, We make the mistake of only focusing on the surface of the problem. Instead of our belief system, Our emotions and why we are doing things.

I successfully lost 40 pounds at one point in my life. It was thin, And I looked incredible. But I didn't see a difference when I looked in the mirror. I also didn't take enough before pictures. But even after I got what I wanted, And I was thin. I was still unhappy, Because I had a stretch mark here, A scar there. I could think of a million reasons why I hated my body. The problem wasn't me being over weight.
The problem, I had a low self-esteem. Even if I had a "Perfect" Body, with that kind of low self esteem. I would have never been happy with myself. I would have found something wrong with the body I had.
In this case, I only scratched the surface of the problem... I thought I hated my body, Because of the fat. But I later ended up gaining the weight back.
Why? Because on the inside I still felt I didn't look good. While I lost the weight, my inner world had a low self-esteem.
This time with my weight loss, I have tried to learn to love myself, Scars, Stretch marks and all. And as a result, my weight is going down again. And I'm sticking with habits that are EASIER to maintain Because they align with my deeper BELIEF system.
When I first lost weight, I was buying hundreds of dollars of supplements, and well as other weight loss stuff. I was also eating a lot of food I didn't really like, Hoping to get the maximum benefits. I worked short term, But long term...
It didn't align with my frugal belief system. So It ultimately caused me to fail.

IF you want to make changes in your life, you have to change your beliefs. Or you have to align those changes with your belief system, so the changes come easier.

How to use RA's To your advantage

You can use this to narrow your focus to the things you want. Haven't you noticed, That you don't notice things until you focus on it? So If you started wearing glasses today, You might start to notice how many other people also wear glasses.
This can be used to get you closer to your goals. I always have a deep focus on looking for new ways to market my products, As a result, I usually notice hidden opportunities that most people may not see.

  • When you constantly Think about your goals, You are feeding your RA's The information you want it to look out for. If you think about how much this world sucks. You'll constantly be noticing more and more "evidence" that this world sucks.
  • Using this to your advantage can help you be more conscious of opportunities. People and information that could help you accomplish the goals you set.
    Think of all those "chance" encounters that people have had.
  • Fake it until you make it!
    Now I'm not saying, "pretend" to be rich by outliving your means. That would be ridiculous. But if you want to start a business, Take some risks. Jump in head first and keep going. You will learn fast.

Make Sure Your Goals Are YOURS!

This seems to be a common issue; People make goals to impress other people. Don't do that! Think about the life YOU want to have, and build it.

  • Focus on what you have to learn. Not what you need to prove.


Find out what motivates you on a deep level. Focus on what you love to do everyday. This will give you a good idea of what you should be pursuing.


Come up with your definition of success so you can live a happy and positive life! Not everyone's version of success is the same. Some of it may be similar. We all want a place to live, and food to eat. But some people may see success, as having 20 kids. While other people see that as not being successful.
So that's something you have to decide for yourself.

Avoid Contentment

There is nothing wrong with being content with what you have. But when you feel this too strongly, You call into a comfort zone. You will always have this nagging feeling that you're meant to do more with life than what you are doing. And as a result, You'll live with regret.
Sometimes is better to keep yourself somewhat on edge and uncomfortable. Because it encourages you to keep going, when you otherwise would stop.

No Risk, No Reward.

This Neko Cat T Shirt is pretty cute!

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


When I was in the process of changing the direction of my life, I found that being disgusted about who I was and where I was headed became all of the motivation I needed. I then had to divorce myself from all communication and influences that were contrary to the direction that I wanted for my life. I am very thankful for God's Word and His Spirit teaching me. I found that as I looked upon those single verses of His Word as personal letters to me from my loving Father. I hung onto what He said about me and His promises for my life , then I just focused on them by meditating on scriptures one at a time until I was comforted and had understanding. It's amazing what can happen to your life once you decide that you want to change and your spirit, soul and body all come into agreement with God's will for your life.

I'm glad that you found something that made you feel much better about your life :) The way you feel comforted about God is the way I feel about my art, and books.

100% agree. Also what helps drastically is to afirm to your self over and over again, through repetition. Simply repeating to your self "Astronomical success flows to me immediatly" covers all areas in a small scentence. Repeating this 200 times a day to your self for a few months will have the biggest impact of your life. Your surroundings change shape to your thoughts and vibration.

HOLY COW LOVE this comment! It's so true! YOu need to practice outside of your mind as well.

If you are refering to mine, then thank youu :')

BOOM I will be reading your steemit @impeccabletoor this is a potent statement. Astronomical success flows to me immediately. thanks!

Ah thank you! Its good to keep it Precise and short! That is the best I could get it! That way, regardless of what you do, you will be successful no matter how big or small!

I appreciate your support !

Awesome comment once again :)

I love this. I wrote something similar, that it all starts with the mind. Because truly, when we alter the way we perceive this world, and ourselves, everything else changes.

All the problems turn into opportunities. As I age, I find this truer.

Come up with your definition of success

I like this part because a lot of people rely on someone else's definition on success. To some, money is success. To others, it is the feeling of perhaps spreading peace and happiness.

Ultimately, this is our journey, isn't it? As humans, I always consider myself lucky that choice exists. I can choose to be anyone, regardless of the circumstances.

There's joy in understanding this simple fact. :)

Exactly! Wonderful comment Heheh :)

@sidwrites @kaylinart Duuuuuuude we like the same stuff sid ... lin you're dope!

AWW Thank you :)

Digging your content, you know!

Following you. So you can expect more of my comments! :D

Yay :) Following you as well


We are in for a ride!

Thank you. Have a great day! :)

Heheh You too :)

4 days to reply?

And you still replied?

Guess who is in LOVE! :) :D

Great post. I recognize these things from my own life. As I grew older these problems vanished for the most part.
I have a friend who is always feeding his subconscious mind with negativity. He has financial problems and tells himself that it is because he hase some health problems. I often try to help him realize that he can do much more than he thinks he can. But for that to happen he needs to change something. He needs to stop feeding his subconscious mind with all that negativity.
This week he opend my eyes by doeing and saying certain things. He told me (withous actually saying) he does not want to be helped at all. Somehow his subconscious mind tells him he likes to be unhappy, poor and sick. Maybe he is in this situation too long and somehow feels comfortable with it.
I gave up on him. Might not even be my friend anymore. I am not willing to feed my own subconscious mind with all that negativity.

The act of trying to avoid negativity throws your subconscious into a spiral of anxiety. This is how and why the positive movement came to fail. There is nothing bad with feeling negative. It can actually be more helpful than forcing yourself into positivity all the time.

Here are my detail thoughts on the subject

Positive Thinking Is Overrated

I love that you are taking another stance on it! I agree that being too positive can be harmful as well. But so many people are negative these days positive is a good thing to encourage.

I believe, today, the western trend is to be positive all the time.

I read your post! It was deep. and is making me think about a lot of things. While your post was right in so many ways, Like about how we cannot all be successful. And how many of our lives are just random factors in which we sometimes get "lucky."

Wouldn't this world be a worse off, If everyone focused more on negativity? If we all focused on how unlucky we are, and the fact that we can do little to make a massive impact in our lives, I feel like this world would be a dreadful place to be. People would often contribute less to a society as a result.

Kyriacos, while concious positive thought may not have a direct instant effect on your life... but your conscious mind CAN train your subconscious. The power of your subconscious actually manifests your reality. So while your eyes actually prorate (alter without respect to time) the path of a light wave, your subconcious mind affects the sea of quantum possibility around you. It's quickly becoming science.

The quantum world doesn't exactly work the way you think it works. People like Chopra overstepped their way with sensational jargon in regards to science and spirituality. I believe that the subconscious and the conscious are much more complex and intertwined to limit to those simplified relationships so that we can "control" them.

how do u conceptualize things that are non-physical? its information, a code

Your Inner world reflects your outer world. that is the point which do remember to motivate others and to success if you have positive inner and no negative thoughts in your mind and hearts for others.

Our habits and beliefs are stored in subconscious mind they come with our past experiences if we go in depth they are come from our past life.

So true!

Very interesting perspective, I think its an akashic experience ...

Focus on what you have to learn. Not what you need to prove.

Most people make the later mistake..

EXACTLY! I make this mistake sometimes.

Thank you

great post!

Thank you :)

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