
in #life7 years ago

Have you ever felt so low you cant see a way out, feeling ill on the inside and outside, nothing has any meaning anymore. Things start getting on top of you, even checking your emails is to much.
You go to bed hoping tomorrow never comes as you are fed up of feeling like that, wishing not to wake up wishing you could just disappear.

Fed up of feeling like a failure fed up of feeling useles fed up of being me.

Depression my best and only friend.


My emotions surely go up and down...

Hold on, friend... There are lots of folk here who know you and care. ;)



Thank you, I came down pretty quickly this time, once minute fine the next all I want to do is cry and sleep, I can usually shake it off but this has zapped all my energy

I pray you'll come back up quickly and get back to tending that lovely garden of yours!

We see those big spiders in front of our house once in a while; we call them "fruit spiders," I don't know why...

I can't get rid off that spider, I brush his web away the next day he is back.
I'm trying to shake this off but to tired so sleepy at the minute got not energy not even for my garden :(

A big fat hug and maybe even some tickling to get a smile out of you,
Then a big potted plant with blooms galore and a slice of pie...
But most of all I'll sit down and listen to you when you need a friend.
I'm across the ocean but I promise to always be here for you, even if it's only online. <3

Thank you sweety, I really have no energy at the minute, I can't be bothered to write anything for here, :(

Hugs, I hope today is a better day for you my friend.

Happy to chat if you want.

Thank you for your kind offer :)

I know that feeling...but try to focus on the positive things. It can even be a small thing like you have a lovely home. The flowers near you smell good....take it a step at the time and it will get better.

Thank you, I am trying really hard but this time its zapped all my energy

Your welcome :) ...just take little babysteps. All those babystep will become one giant step. Don't force it to much on yourself or else it will backfire and you really don't want that. But how are you doing today??

I am taking one day at a time, not writing for a couple of days as my head can't focus, hubby dragged me out today as planned to stay in bed all day, glad I went as enjoyed myself but now in So much pain.

I know this feeling very well. I have sat inside it all day and many days besides. Wishing you well.

Thank you, Its not a good feeling

Hi @shawnamawna - if you are also suffering deep depression as Karen, I am very sorry to hear this - so can I give you some advice I gave her -
If you are prepared to give 10-15 minutes of your morning to a process I have been doing for years now. Give yourself to it daily for just a week or two and tell me it hasn't changed you - I challenge you - I want you to be happy in yourself every day even if outside of your personal body things aren't looking too good - inside of yourself you can be strong and at peace.
This is life changing if you just give yourself to it completely as an experiment - no bias feeling whatsoever.
It is NON RELIGIOUS - just science of how bodies work and respond to what they are given. Cheer up now and check this out and download - listen to through headphones.

xxx Sending you LOVE LOVE LOVE xxx

stay up, Karen!
I know, nothing more useless than saying "stay up" to someone who is down.
Nevertheless, it's not useless. :)

Thank you, I am trying really hard but haven't got the energy to fight at the minute

Know this feeling...keep your head up! Go by the hour and try to find positive​ things in every hour.

Thank you, I am trying just not working :(

I've been having a hard time lately. Yesterday I was SO in this head space. And I had this wave of feeling more alone than I've ever felt in my life. Fortunately, I know that, at least for me, it's my hormones that are all effed up and it will pass...which it finally did. But yes, I do know what it's like to feel sick inside and out. If you ever need to talk and share your misery for a little while with someone who can relate at least a little bit don't hesitate to send me a message :0) You're not alone in this crazy world.

Thank you, My hormones aren't helping with hitting the menopause, taking me a bit to shake this one off, Thank you for your kind offer :)

Oh, my dear ... I understand you so well. I had a long period of about two years, when my only desire was to hide from everyone. I did not have any other desires, no aspirations, I could hardly work. It's a terrible feeling. Ask the doctor, it can be our female hormonal problems. Then everything can be corrected.

I am on anti depressants have been for years. Usually I can Shake this but this time it feels different. I am going through the Menopause so that wont help either. Got no energy, cant even sort a post out

I understand. This is our female nature, nothing can be done about it. You will certainly cope with this. We are with you wholeheartedly.

I am trying my best hopefully it will leave soon , Thank you :)

No Karen I do not know it and I hope I can inspire you to maybe try something that will help you came out of this unfortunate state of being. If you are prepared to give 10-15 minutes of your morning to a process I have been doing for years now. Give yourself to it daily for just a week or two and tell me it hasn't changed you - I challenge you - I want you to be happy in yourself every day even if outside of your personal body things aren't looking too good - inside of yourself you can be strong and at peace.
This is life changing if you just give yourself to it completely as an experiment - no bias feeling whatsoever.
It is NON RELIGIOUS - just science of how bodies work and respond to what they are given. Cheer up now and check this out and download - listen to through headphones.

xxx Sending you LOVE LOVE LOVE xxx

Thanj you for your lovely reply. I Am busy using mindfulness meditation but nothing seems to be shifting this :(

well I have been using this method for years now and can say it has has amazing effect on my body and spirit - far beyond my expectations! I urge you to try it xx

I will def give it a go I am open to anythinv that can help. Thank you :)

Oh Karen that is wonderful. Thrilled to hear you are giving it a go. You don't even need to have expectations for it to work, but try and stay open minded nonetheless. Keep your breaths smooth and deep as you go - and drop me a line after a few days - sunrise and sunset are particular conducive to this sort of work but really any time of day will work. Outdoor is a great place to experiment if not bothered by weather or insects =) Inside works too though.
I am sending you all the love and healing vibes I have! Go girl!!!
This brings tears of joy to my eyes xx

I will be starting it tomorrow morning when hubby gets up as he gets up way before me on a Sunday, then I'll carry on every morning from then when ge goes to work. Ill let you know in a few days
Thank you :)

so proud of you!

I downloaded it couldn't follow it precisely as can't cross My legs as am. Disabled can't bend a leg do did the best I could and I did it on the garden. Feel very relaxed at the minute. May do it again before it gets to dark

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