Battle against yourself

in #life7 years ago

To win the fight against yourself, to begin with, you have to comprehend what do you need most in your life? What would you be able to not go a day without supposing about? Presently you need to comprehend that the fight against yourself is the hardest fight. What's more, you most likely disclose to yourself that you can't do it. That it is too difficult to achieve. That you are sufficiently bad. Your brain continually comes up with a huge amount of reasons in the matter of why you can't do that thing to keep you where you are. Why?

Since you are apprehensive. You are intuitively apprehensive of the change that will originate from pursuing your fantasy. It doesn't make a difference whether the change will be great or terrible, your inner self is reluctant to change. Why would that be? Since your sense of self likes the norm. At the present time, at this time, you are perfectly healthy and your inner self needs to keep it that way. Advancement has given us a 'sense of self' correctly therefore: self-safeguarding. It had an intelligent reason back when people were seeker gatherers. We actually must fear everything that was outside with a specific end goal to remain alive. Not any longer.


We as a general public need to at long last move past those days of being apprehensive constantly. There is basically no explanation behind it. Our dread shows itself in a huge amount of various ways. Wars, criminal activities, not pursuing the young lady in the bar, and reasons all come from our dread. With a specific end goal to change all in all, we have to change independently. You should change! I should change! We as a whole need to investigate the mirror and say what are we extremely so apprehensive of? Is it accurate to say that anything is extremely that terrifying that we can't defeat it? Is moving toward that young lady at the bar extremely that terrifying that I have to sit in the corner and lament attempting to converse with her? Is pursuing my fantasy extremely going to hurt me so terrible on the off chance that I come up short that I can't recoup?

The appropriate response is an earnest NO! What do you think isolates effective individuals from non fruitful individuals? The appropriate response is that the individuals who are fruitful face their feelings of trepidation head on and defeat them. Effective individuals aren't anxious about change since they aren't controlled by fear! The individuals who are unsuccessful enable dread to conquer them and loathe when anything changes in their lives.

Change is unavoidable and the sooner we as people acknowledge it the happier we will be. You can't pursue your fantasies on the off chance that you are apprehensive. It essentially won't occur. You will always come up with pardons in the matter of why you can't do it or why you are no great. I positively did this for some time until the point when I settled on a cognizant choice and stated, F*** it. I will would what I like to do with my life and my dread won't stop me.


Try not to give your feelings of dread a chance to stop you. Be persevering in your way to deal with life and assault your feelings of trepidation head on. Win the fight against yourself and when you win that fight you will develop as a person and accomplish the life you need.


Seems to me that a lot of times perseverance is really the key to overcoming our personal struggles. I know that sometimes I know what I need to do, and yet I resist it for a while... perhaps because I have to think through all the possible outcomes before I am comfortable with moving forward... and so, I ultimately persevere even if my choice of action is merely following through on "what I was thinking, in the first place."

Change can be scary because it often involves DIS-comfort. We end up becoming very set and comfortable with our ways of doing things... even if they are not the best for us. Breaking a habit takes some determination...

I often found change to be really difficult challenge for me . Often it leaves me wondering the purpose of life and why things are the way they are

It sounds like you’re caught up in your thinking. Personally, I’ve found that when it comes to figuring out what I should do or what I want to do, thinking doesn’t suffice. Trying to logically figure something out, or list pros and cons, or step myself through a reasoning process, simply gets me feeling pretty entangled in the dilemma with no way out.

About five years ago a friend told me about “monkey mind” — the idea that our minds just go-go-go and never stop. This helped me put thinking in perspective. I could let the little monkeys in my brain do their thing, while not taking them so seriously. I think it’s worth developing other ways of considering important decisions. Some things I have found helpful?

I am always caught up thinking . And often I let things be and sometimes it’s really difficult to allow change to take place

You are right.
Struggle is way to be success.

Thanks for the inspirational thoughts. I believe that the only obstacle we have in life is ourselves and the fear of failure. I believe our mistakes and failures are the best teachers for us to become stronger, wiser and better fit to achieve our goals.

Stay strong and keep doing the good fight!

A very good post..
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Your blog is really abright spot for me and helps me put things in perspective. thank you

@journeyoflife I love this, it truly is a battle against self...

"Try not to give your feelings of dread a chance to stop you. Be persevering in your way to deal with life and assault your feelings of trepidation head on."

This is a lesson I am always trying to remember, thank you for the reminder today.

Upvoted and resteemed


yeah,,,struggle is the best way I think


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