Taking Advantage of Your Positive Vibrational Energy
Being aware of the virtues of taking advantage of your positive vibrational energies is a sure way to influence the universe to manifest those virtues into your life. It is an article about the various ways to cultivate the power of your positive vibrations. In this article we will be discussing the concepts of life, mind and spirit.
If you are aware of what your true nature is, you can take advantage of it through your thoughts, actions and life. The only way to cultivate your skills of taking advantage of your vibrational energies is to observe your thoughts and actions as they are directed towards attaining your goals. By making it a habit to observe your thoughts, actions and life, you will achieve your goals.
Thoughts are the first, the last and the only source of energy that keeps the universe going. Whenever you think about something, you create vibrations in your energy field. You can expect things to happen when you practice letting go of what you are thinking about. One of the best ways to stop your thoughts from controlling your energy field is to make a list of all the thoughts that get in your way.
Next, you have to identify the thoughts that are causing problems in your life. Once you understand the types of thoughts that are causing your problems, you can choose to replace those thoughts with more beneficial thoughts. For example, if you are thinking about a bad relationship, replace it with a thought of "better relationship". Let's say you are having problems with money. You can replace "money" with "helping other people"finding more money".
When you use affirmations as the basis for your thoughts, you are using your own psychic abilities to show your intentions. The more your affirmations are thought bythe Universe, the more powerful your intention will become. When you have stronger intentions, you are more likely to manifest your desires in your life. So using affirmations is a very good way to make positive vibrations in your life.
As for your thoughts, the best way to use them to manifest your dreams and desires is to make a list of all the negative thoughts that are plaguing your life. Go through those thoughts one by one and eliminate the negative ones from your life. Do not lose focus, instead just remind yourself that you have thought about it and there is no point in dwelling on it anymore. Repeating this exercise three times a day will help your affirmations become stronger.
As for your affirmations, put them on a card. Create a mantra for each affirmation. The mantra should mean something to you. The affirmation is the call to action. Whenever you repeat your mantras over again, you will start to notice the results and you will start to notice that you are using your affirmations to attract whatever you want in your life.
Taking advantage of your positive vibrations is the only way to change your life. The only time you will need to focus on negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones is when you're experiencing difficulty with your life. If you think that your difficulties are insurmountable, it's okay, just keep using the mantra, the affirmation and the affirmations for making your life stronger.