The Year of Resilience OFFICIALLY Begins!

in #life7 years ago


Fresh from my recent trip to the Land of the Morning Calm...

"He's back!" shouted my hype man.

How is everything? I see that I've missed quite a lot since my year away (well, technically it has only been a week, but...) and it's quite sobering to discover that the whole of Steemitopia has progressed without me. STEEM has risen, posts have been posted, votes have casted and payouts have been paid. I mean, who am I, right? My absence won't make the world stop. After all, I am but an old minnow lost at sea. That really puts things in perspective.

I tried to comment here and there during my exile from my natal land, but I am so inept at using Steemit from my mobile phone that I've had such a difficult time trying to balance commenting with my trip. But now, I'm back He's back!! and I'm ready to officially kick off my Year of Resilience.

Well... not just yet.

You see, I have tons of errands to catch up on, and I'm still getting used to being back. The heat here feels unbearable compared to the cold environment I've gotten used to. Also, I feel like a stranger both here in the real world and in the STEEM blockchain. I don't know if it's because I've spent the turn of the year away. It may be just a psychological thing though.

Time to do some housekeeping


First of all, I want to apologize to those people whose comments I have yet to reply to. It's quite uncharacteristic of me to not reply and I've been feeling so guilty. I will get to all of the comments soon. That's a promise. Secondly, I want to apologize to the people whose posts I have yet to comment on. I have 50+ tabs opened on my mobile but, as I said, I've had trouble reading and commenting for some reason. The sheer amount of things I need to catch up on is piling up by the day, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully catch up on everything. I am going to prioritize the people who did took the time to comment on my posts, of course. Now that I'm back on my trusty pooter machine, the catching up is under way.


It's quite odd starting off the Year of Resilience apologizing, but old habits die hard. Trust me, I tried whacking it with my trusty hammer but it kept getting up. Yes, the euphemism isn't lost on me.

For my rabid fans waiting with bated breath for my next series, I'm happy to say that I will start working on it... the day after tomorrow OMG so near, yet so far!!. Unlike my Singapore trip, I decided to throttle it down a bit and focus on recharging my batteries during my time away. I've been experiencing writer's block for quite some time now, and I thought it would be best to step away from the digital world during the entire trip. Also unlike my Singapore trip, my posts about it won't be a series of standalone fiction. I spent nine days in South Korea, and I want to fully capture it using different types of writing. I'm quite excited to set my plan into motion and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

I'm easing my way back to avoid getting burnt out. There's a whole year ahead, and it won't help my resilience if I keep dealing with burnout. I'm going to take my time and let nature run its course. Right now, the keys feel heavy and everything just feels foreign. But, I guess this is a good first challenge to building up my resilience. Tally-ho!

Help solidify @lukestokes.mhth as a top STEEM witness. Vote now! :D

Join me as I tackle the Year of Resilience!


A whole year!!! I know you will slay the burnout beast!! SLAY!!

It is good to see you back on the steem blockchain bro, even if you are a long bearded stranger now with odd ways

From an old minnow to an eccentric hermit, and it only took a week and change. STEEM time really moves so quickly! I'm just happy that my Boom Brother and my other fam (as the kids say) welcome me back with open arms. Wait, why do they look like tentacles? Have I been living under a rock for so long that I missed multiple nuclear winters? Or, am I, in fact, just living in a Japanese animation?

definitely no worries on my end, i definitely won't be able to catch up on everything I've been missing.
I did see your comments on my chapters..but here's something fucking awesome for you, my back went out. Yep, not enough to deal with other kinds of issues, physical ones have to join the party. I haven't been able to type more than a few words for days, I'm damn lucky I set up a few chapters ahead of time. I could read and watch movies, so that's been my life which is getting old super fast, as is this heating pad I'm using like an old woman lol.
Feeling better tonight, so hopefully that means good things for tomorrow.
Year of resiliency I really love the fucking ring to that.
x to the motherfuckin o my bro. Yeah, swearing a lot, it makes me feel kind of better hahaha.

I commented about your back on a different post. I'm sure you've already replied to it, so I'll delay my reaction for that. I just hope that you're feeling way better now, sis. Backs are a real fickle thing. Don't feel down because of the advancing age. Some people aren't lucky enough to get to where you are, so consider it a badge of honor! :)

Swear away, sis! Whisk the pain away! X to the motherfuckin O!

Steemit isn't the same without @jedau around. Well it isn't for me anyway :)

Glad to have you back, but no apologies needed. You were having R&R (I hope), and you are entitled to that. I'm dedicating myself to a more regular, but sustainable posting schedule this year. Health issues aside, I always feel better when writing and sharing here. And you've been a very big part of that.

I look forward to reading and following along with your writings this year. Have a wonderful year, full of success :)

I'm still apologizing all the same. Rested, relaxed and raring to get the ball rolling. I'm so happy to hear that I'm able to contribute to your recuperation. Lots of positive R's to start the year. Ready to rev up our engines and ram through the year?

'The keys feel heavy' I remember when I got back here to Arkansas from NYC, for the first time in my life I realized I had no keys in my pocket; no car, no apartment or house, not even a bike. That changed quickly, but it was a weird feeling for a bit there.

I was talking more of the keyboard keys haha! But, that works too! I drive a keyless car, so that's not a problem there, and I don't usually lock doors. Still definitely weird to be back in an environment where I don't need three layers of clothing. Heck, one layer of clothing already feels too hot!

It's funny how quickly the internet seems to move when you're away, but you were not forgotten!

I look forward to your writings on South Korea. We're considering going there this year since I have a lot of friends there and my all my boyfriend's clothes are Korean haha. (Not trying to make your backlog longer - you don't have to respond to this!)

STEEM time moves so quickly! Nine days in the real world feels like weeks here! But, I've been slowly closing the gap, and I'm hoping to get up to speed soon. I'm looking forward to writing my chronicle, and I appreciate your enthusiasm about it, Katie! How could all of Nash's clothes be Korean!? Must be a nightmare in his drawers, especially when they intermingle with non-Korean clothes. The language barrier is real. You should definitely pull the trigger on that! It's such a cool place to go to! Would be helpful if you know a lot of Korean though, or you have the translator app available always.

Welcome back!

Glad to be back!

Glad to hear about your resilience plans! I totally relate to the odd balance between keeping up with the things you love about your everyday life with the actually taking a break from it all. I hope this year brings you nothing but good feeling.

Hey, man! Nice of you to drop by! I think that's something everyone who is passionate about something relate to. It's a tough nut to crack, but once we do, oh man, I feel like it's all going to be worth it. Here's to a more resilient us!

Let us be the nuts that are tough to crack!

I was thinking more of being the nuts that soldier on no matter how many times we've been cracked.

We're butter than the rest!

I agree! This is exactly my jam!

We'll Nutella nyone else.

Let's keep it hash hash as best we can, but I feel like the word has already spread.

No need for apologies, everyone understands, now full throttle ahead.

Pedal to the metal, mon frere! No looking back now!

Yay you're back :D Did you have an awesome holiday? I feel you on the checking from your phone and having trouble doing so. I know there's people out there who are posting and doing everything from their phones and I don't know how they do it, it would drive me insane XD Ahh first world problems.

Don't stress too hard about catching up on absolutely all the things, too bloody hard. Be much easier to just go from where you jumped back in (or back 24hrs if you absolutely have to). Otherwise you're just going to be dealing with burnout and lost time that you could have spent doing other things XD (I say because if I just go I will take 4hrs to go through all the tabs I opened and considering I am lucky to get 2hrs art time on any given day that's way overkill).

Looking forward to hearing about the holidays when you're ready to write about them :D


I think it's a matter of familiarity. Some people rely on their phone for everything because they don't have a laptop or desktop anymore. That in itself makes them more adept out of necessity. I've been catching up only on my favorite coins people, so it's not too (Okay, it's super hard, but I'm trying my best) I'm not stressing if I missed some though. If I feel the onset of exhaustion, I just switch tasks and come back whenever I feel like it. I won't feel as obliged as I did a year ago. Thanks for the suggestion though, I appreciate it!

I've been slacking off on making my 9-day series, but I'm looking to start n...ext week haha!

Me and screen keyboards. We just do not get along XD

Actually when I had an iPhone I could bash random crap on the keyboard and somehow the words I wanted would magically form. With my current Android I have swype which I love but the stupid thing keeps insisting on inserting words it thinks should be there instead of what I actually want, does my head in XD Might switch back when I need a new one.

Sounds like you're handling just great :)


Ditto! Touch keyboards are my worst enemy. Sometimes I long for the old analog ones just because of the sheer number of mistypes I make.

So, the start of the year mysteriously vanished into thin air, or did it just remain stuck in South Korea? Now you have a big patch of snowy winter instead on that place. So, how did you like the whole winter bubble that surrounded you there?

It was nice! I plan on making a post about it, so no spoilers here haha! I'm glad that people haven't moved on while I was away!

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