Call to Action : What AUTOVOTE - VOTINGBOT do You Use?

in #life7 years ago

In the great war between good and evil, only the united will stand. So I stand here before you and beckon the brave, the tech savvy, the steemit community, to join me in finding one of history’s greatest treasures….


I am on a quest to find the rare and elusive, sturdy and reliable, Auto Voting Service!


In the ocean of blogs, we will all find our favorite islands upon which to pause and admire the view. And the auto voting service was my dependable navigator who time and again guided me back to friendly shores. Often referred to as a “Voting Bot”, a reliable Auto Voting Service has served me well in voyages past. It had allowed me to support those I believed were creating quality content that I personally enjoyed reading, watching, and seeing each day.

I would set an autovoting service to follow and vote on those I had first met on steemit, and whose content gave me great joy. @Meesterboom, @Papa-Pepper, @gringalicious,@velimer, @Seablue, The Viking, @Samstonehill, @Sykochica, @LordofTruth. I enjoyed @sirlunchthehost, @steevc, @mckenziegary, @surpassinggoogle, @happyphoenix, the great @richardcrill, @michelleniles, @improv, @road2wisdom, @battleaxe, the mighty @virtualgrowth, the helpful @dwinblood, talented @locoestaban, @sweetsssj, and kind @varunsangwan, @inertia, @pfunk, @steemtrail, @instructor2121, I enjoy that @KennBosak and the list goes on and on of the interesting souls encountered on upon this voyage. I would then check, or each day to see what the autovoter had given my vote to, and I could then read their article and appreciate their adventures and talents.

I used to use Streemian. I had encountered trouble with them from time to time, but alas, as today, it has been over a week without any success. The voting service no longer works. Their support team has not answered my messages in nearly a week. I understand people are busy, and I wish them all the best, but it looks like Streemian is no longer in service, of providing me service. If it works for you, congratulations, but it no longer works for me. I have deleted all those that follow and tried to start over. But nothing has helped. I was gone for months and thought I left it voting on @Steemtrail’s curation trail, but even that looked like it stopped somewhere months ago. Cest la vie. Life goes on.

I have looked at Steemvoter. But looks like I only get to choose 5 people for whom to vote on. They call them “Rules”, which is a strange word in referring to friends. Either way, I will be able to autovote for about 5 people. I think. I have yet to see it start working. It asked for your private posting keys. I don’t know if I did that right because on steemit you have posting keys and you have private keys. So which is it? It never surprises me that many projects that are dense with brilliant tech savvy minds, still continue to get upset when confronted with their lack of clarity in communication. That’s why you hire creatives and copywriters friends. We are in this blockchain thing together. Let’s work together.


Which brings us back to my call for your help. For I know that I am lacking in the technical awareness and need assistance in this manner. I am man enough to know I can not do this alone, nor do I want to. Nor do I need to debate the rights and wrongs of so called voting bots. I am not talking about setting up an army of ghost accounts. I am talking about services that require a "Pay to Play" model that goes against the spirit of the blockchain. I am not looking for a pyramid scheme. And while I welcome assistance in setting up something with someone like MinnowsSupport, I am simply looking for a service that will vote on my friends while I am offline, so that when I come back online, I will have helped a friend AND I will be able to use steemdb and steemb to catch those interesting articles and read later. Quick note, I do indeed support groups like MinnowsSupport. I welcome any help with that. But that's not the purpose of this here battle cry!


Do you know of an Auto Voting Service?

Where can I find this Auto Voting Service?


If you and I have never met, then of course my bounty is to add you to my list of those for whom I will vote. I will especially be happy to do so if you currently blog on a regular basis and share interesting stories and articles. And as a special bonus, I would be willing to offer you some improv services for free. That in itself is a valuable bargain. I am teaching classes at St Louis’s Improv Shop and they will not be cheap. As a side note, I offer improv consulting to blockchain companies on how they can improve innovation, creativity, and communication. And I provide content writing and editing services. And while my going rates are going up, I will be happy to offer my services for free to whomever can truly connect me with an Auto Voting Service that is reliable and sincerely affordable.

I thank you great warriors for taking the time to read this call to action. I trust you are fighting the good fight and winning your own great war. May you always rise above the fray and live again to fight another day!

Be blessed, JacobTS



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THANK YOU ~ UpVotes, Resteems, & Follows ~ JACOBTS | | | | | | | Coinbase | Nano Ledger S


I made my own. You can choose a username to upvote, and it will upvote for you. First enter all the usernames you want to upvote, then your username, then your posting key.
You can use the source, or use some pre-compiled files I've made (with pkg):

If you want, you can try it with username "guest123", and posting key of "5JRaypasxMx1L97ZUX7YuC5Psb5EAbF821kkAGtBj7xCJFQcbLg".

THIS, is precisely what I been looking for. I have to figure out a lil code, which is not so easy for me to understand, but i do respect others who do. And I thank you fir sharing all this. See ya round soon.

great a picture ,,, but Unfortunately I don't know about it ...

Thank you for stopping by all the same :) Cheers and thank you for the resteem!

Yes, you are welcome ,,, I am also happy if you want to stop at my post but without comment but stop by the power of voice you give :) thank you very much....

Now i understand about the autovote tnx for shareing friend..☺

I hope it helped. If you find one that works for you, please let me know. I am on the hunt. All the best to you and see you more down the road.

I'm a fan of steemvoter. The rules are limited, but they work for me.

Posting private key is what your are looking for! There's a posting public key and that won't work for them.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I agree, things are limited. I think we get like, 5 accounts, to vote for. But will at least get those few going. Cheers and see ya round.

LOL, not many people liked this post. I actually saw the voting numbers go down. I am guessing there is a real push for groups where you have to allocate / give your voting power to the group which then votes on others and gives a cut to the creators. I have no problem with those groups, they are essentially Bitcoinnect type ponzis-esque and again, there is nothing wrong with that but that is what they are: anything whose success depends on other users joining and constantly promoting other users joining, that's ponzi and that's ok. Steemit has a chance to be something legit on it's own. The service should sell itself if people use it like normal social media. I'm not looking for a get rich thing. I was looking for a bot to help me keep track of the people i like, and therefore keep giving back to the community, because I am in essence a gateway to the improv community and want to keep them safe and realistic in using steemit. i appreciate any helpful advice with bots and maintainin a watch on posts and people we appreciate.

This is a new one, "mighty @virtualgrowth" ... Thanks! :)
Steemvoter accepts your private posting/voting key to be able to vote if I recall correctly.

Thank you VG. The "Voting Bot" helped me not miss your posts in the past. Setting this up soon this week.

Most welcome and good to hear.

Without any doubt, bots make life much easier, but there is one important thing about voting bots: when you support a certain narrow circle of people, it turns out that you are as if closed "within 4 walls", not letting new people into your world and not giving them a chance to surprise you...

May I ask a question are voting bots bad or good can the help your reputation get up?

Well. Some people do not like them, and I understand why perhaps. They can be abused I suppose. But I found it useful. I have a busy life. And I am not always online. So I would check @steemdb or @steemd to see what i voted on while away. That way I would not miss an interesting article from someone I liked. And yes, they help you not miss voting on people you are supporting. And yes the more you support others, the more you support yourself. Does that help?