Smart people don't believe in science. Here's why.

in #life6 years ago


It has become commonplace in the last few years to gather about and mock those that "don't believe in science". After all, only the stupid of our society don't believe in science, right?


If you "believe" in science, you're doing it wrong. You're thinking of faith. Science is a method, not a fact.


Notice that in the above chart that "belief" and/or "trust in scientists" is not listed. Any good experiment is repeatable. The point of this is that you should attempt to repeat an experiment and see the results for yourself. Maybe you come up with a better... or even opposing... conclusion.

Sometimes "science" gets highjacked for political or monetary reasons. You've seen it. Pharmacuetical companies come out with a medicine. The federal government then sends the FDA out to "make sure" their science is accurate. Fast forward a bit and then you see a sad commercial asking if "You or your loved ones" have taken that medicine and how you can join the lawsuit.


This whole nasty process is cloaked under the word "science" but really it's a con. If you dress a con up with the word "science", it becomes more credible. After all, only the dumb would dare stand up against "science", right?

We also have the flat earth issue coming back up in popularity. Now, I know the earth isn't flat. But I've also spent a lot of time investigating "flat earthers" claims. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking the flat earth movement is only science illiterate people getting played. They have surprisingly articulate arguments for their claim.

There is one guy that actually built a rocket to shoot himself high above the earth to see the evidence for himself. It was popular on social media to mock this guy. However... the man built a rocket. Let that sink in. He had his hypothesis and tested it. As much fun as it is to mock flat earthers, he was much more of a scientist than those mocking him.

So, the next time someone tries to close an argument by saying "science", ask questions. Where can you see the tests for yourself? You don't want to see the conclusion... you want to see the results of the experiments so that you can draw your own conclusions. Always keep in mind that science is never voted on. Most people used to laugh at the guy saying the world was round. Just because most people think something, doesn't make it right. Find things out for yourself whenever possible and ALWAYS assume bias (innocent or not) in conclusions.



Much of science is still a theory. The theory implies belief in the statement.

Right. Theory implies belief, but demands evidence. Every hypothesis is a belief being put to the test... Not just accepted.


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