No JOB for 4 Years? I Left Home (Broke) to Follow My Heart and it Paid Off! 💖

in #life7 years ago

Steemit is my first "job" in over 4 years!

I'm what they call a "digital nomad" only up until recently, I was just a nomad- nothing digital about it.

I was flat broke but recklessly ambitious and passionate when I left my home for this new life that I couldn't even dream of at the time!

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Me at the office 😉

Google says that a Job is: "a paid position of regular employment."

Hmmm, I guess Steemit is kind of like a job with no guarantee of salary, no specified hours of work and no boss... I LIKE IT!

Nomad according to Wiki means:
"a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer."

That about sums it up. I have been all over the place in the last 4 years and not any of them was home and there certainly was no typical, cubicle, traditional job.

Kind of strange eh? Beach office, no one telling me what to do and time off to do what I want. Can you believe it?

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My father just visited me in Bali from Canada (mostly to check up on me and make sure I wasn't starving) and his big question was:

"HOW ARE YOU SURVIVING (without working your @$ off)?"

Well, honestly, thought out life choices, combined with constantly expanding knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and a side of crypto.

I knew I had to live differently!

I have seen too many people give up their lives, being slaves to something they don't even care about just to pay the bills. It doesn't seem right to me.

After entering the work force too young and melting my creativity away being stuck behind a shitty counter for all of my weekends, holidays and time between getting home from school and going to bed, I developed this need to escape the control and power our society imposses.

I was this neat, tidy, pretty in pink princess who only knew how to say yes. There was not a 'no' in my body. I'd do anything to make my bosses happy and to feel approval and satisfaction from acknowledgment (cough, daddy issues, cough.)

For years I did what I was told, no questions asked even when I knew it was outside the perimeters of my expectations or role.

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I put up with so much harassment and sexual abuse in my younger years that no one that age should ever have to experience let alone endure which spiraled into a host of other issues. I tend to like to do my job without the licking me, thanks...


I was young, naive and never learned how to stand up or defend myself. I watched my docile mother always heeding at the foot of my step father. Always trying to please. Always saying 'yes.'

So there I was, too young to know what was coming and raised in a home with high expectations and value placed on the family's reputation and status within the community. So, I smiled big, held my head high and I would never embarrass my parents. Yes, yes, yes. Smile, nod, be obedient and always, always, pretty, well groomed and properly well behaved.

(Excuse me while I go throw up now...)

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I bet you can see how this ended up turning into a full 360 of utter rebellion down the line ie. my story of being in the drug gang in Dominican Republic. (Oh, have I got more of that story for you!)

Yep so anywhooo... let's skip ahead.

Here we are now, I'm in my second half of my twenties and I refuse to allow anyone to dictate how I spend my time or short, fleeting, precious life ever again and if anyone thinks they're going to pull one over on me and have me "yessing" when it's completely out of bounds, they're going to get a big, fat no coming at them!

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That brings me here: Steemit!

I used to refuse to blog because people expected me to and I'm a defiant brat. (Just kidding, I'm not, I am a self respecting, confident woman who knows her worth!)

It wasn't until I found Steemit and just started letting whatever I wanted pour into my keyboard that things changed for me.

I have so many conversations where I'm told what would be better, what would gain more views, more followers, more upvotes and I know guys, I know. I have a back ground in marketing and more than enough experience promoting successfully to know how to do this big time but guess what?

This isn't actually my job! I mean sure, it could be considered so as it brings me an income that allows me to participate in our society and all that jazz but I certainly don't see it like that.

Expectations and rules get me all curled up in a ball like my heart just fell out of my body.


It has to be a choice, freedom, fun, inspirational!

I love creating from my heart and soul. I love responding to you when I genuinely feel the want to. I love reading your posts when they interest me. I'm not going to be the girl who sucks up to you if I don't want to. I'm soooo incredibly terrible at brown nosing and making my way through being fake.

There is a lot of talk nowadays about rules and systems on here that are taking all the fun and freedom away. Nawwwn-uhnnn my friends, not this gal.

It's incredible to me because I can get accused of being inauthentic because I can be really over the top friendly and engaging but the truth is I can't do it if I don't want to so it's impossible for me to be fake. At the same time, there are some expectations floating around.

Well that's not going to work for me! I came here to play and inspire and love! I can't force myself to do anything I don't want to without a break down, then you'll see through it and we will be in all sorts of awkwardness.

Sorry guys.


I suck at doing what I'm told now after all the abuse of power in my life. I'm insatiably rebellious and so when 'boss' says I'd like a story Cece, I post a picture of a sunrise and laugh. When I don't want to come to work, I just don't. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with ideas and retreat into solace. Sometimes I'm filled with energy and vigor to post 'til my hearts' contentment.

I'm such a free spirit and it's so vulnerable but I love it!

Instead of obligated, coerced and trapped I'm passionately motivated and inspired!

It took me a long time to become this way and it drives my father crazy now (he was just visiting me and hates when he wants me to do something and can't just make me do it anymore just because...)


So anyways, what was I talking about?

I'm a wild fire, my loves.


I can't promise you what you're going to get from me but I can promise you some generalizations:

Who I am:

  1. I love story telling and have more stories than I could tell in a life time!
  2. I have lots of free time (when I'm not doing really cool stuff like exploring or creating vegan delicacies to take over the world!)
  3. I am authentic, vulnerable and genuine with my interaction which means if I don't respond to you, it's because I don't have anything to say/have enough time to/have enough energy to but if I do respond, trust it's from my heart.
  4. I love food. I actually am motivated entirely in life by food so there will always be food shared here.
  5. I like interacting and sharing with you and it brings my soul happiness to be able to express my creativity instead of letting it fester and rot inside so I appreciate more than you know, your supporting me!

Right now I'm living off my personal savings (wahoo crypto!) and anything I get in SBD meaning, the more I earn, the more cool stuff I do and share with you, win-win haha :)
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Cheers to more adventures, vegan food, crazy stories and LOVE!

Sending you love today and everyday!
Yours truly,
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Congrats on your living , sorry I mean L.I.V.I.N.G !!!! You know I think there are a lot of haters out there and people can say its cause of your looks or cause of this and that . However I know I enjoy your stories , your drug one was an epic it was like mini series or to be more contemporary a net flix series. More importantly you do respond to people's comments and do check out their posts. I see a lot of people reach the 60's and then talk about not having time to comment or vote , which I am sure is difficult but it is your bread and butter on here . So well done you I am fan and you are an inspiration . Keep it up and I will keep commenting and voting .


Blah. 50 Cent says it's a good thing, money piling up and all that so if there are haters out there, I certainly welcome them ;)

Thank you for sticking by me whatever the reasoning for me being here is! I LOVE telling stories but that one you speak of sometimes gives me the heebie jeebies trying to remember it... gotta go to some counseling or something for that I think haha I know I keep promising but I do have the next chapter written, it's just that formatting thing that gets me every time! I shall pull through and share it though, it's terrible to have a cliff hanger looming!

Hmmm... as for the responsiveness... well, I can certainly attest to that. It's incredibly difficult to do all that is expected of someone on here but I think we all just have to pave our own way in that case. Sometimes I'm off in the jungle for weeks at a time, I can't possibly also Steem at the same time. The time factor has got to be individual and case by case but in any case, I think we should all only do what we sincerely want to do and stop making this into such a damn job with so many expectations!

I do try my best and I appreciate you noticing <3

I will continue to Steem On as they say :) Thanks for the motivation and support @stickchumpion!

No problem you deserve it look forward to sharing some vegan food and chats at some point .

thanks for being an inspiration! lol my family were on my back for being unemployed for one year cant imagine wot would happen if it was 4 LOL but im the same cant hold anything down, routine is suffocating. nice to see u in happy place. :)

Oh my goodness my dear! My family FLIPPED! They thought I was like the worst menace to society ever until they saw me managing on my own financially as in not asking them for handouts and surviving on my own capabilities. Don't worry about friends/family ... they just want what's best for you and will come around when you prove it to them 😘

Thanks for sharing and even if I can sense huge commitment issues here, you got my interest. This was a fun read and you just got a new follower. 😀

Hahaha you made me actually laugh out loud @atmosblack I think the commitment issues are very vocal here, I mean I'm not trying to hide them at all ;) I guess I'm committed to being uncommitted? Does that count? ;)

As someone being over-commited and feeling responsible for the whole of humanity in a boddhisattva way, I realized, that I was already committed into following you before I wrote the comment above. This also speaks for itself. 😀
I guess, I'm just curious to find out, how life on the other side of the rainbow looks like and so far I like it and I can't look away - I don't want to come up with the analogy of being unable to look away from a traffic accident - damn, I did it... ok, before I say things even worse, I applaud you and cheer you on! Go girl! Yeah! 😀

Haha well despite my rebellion against people who wanna tell me what to do with my life, in a way I do relate to you. I find the whole responsibility for humanity kind of buried deep inside thus my passion to try to inspire change and make the world a happier place ;)

You are really funny! That's twice now I've actually laughed at my screen like a lunatic! Most people just type 'lol' and move on. Not this girl when you're around apparently! I don't know that I feel great about laughing at the analogy... I'm hoping the laughter was a response to how you went about it. Let's go with that :)

Hmmmm.... I like that you're captivated by my freeness and reckless writing here but let's hope this is a little less horrific, more fun than your morbid example <3

I've got cool drones videos and stuff to show you what I do when I'm not doing that regular thing my dad wants me to do so bad =D I'm looking forward to having you cross that rainbow @atmosblack this is gunna be fun!

Well, thank you, it's my pleasure to make you laugh. I'm totally looking forward to the bird-view of your life beyond any borders!

Actually, if you would ask my parents, they would also tell you, that I'm so totally not doing what they tell me to do. Some weeks ago, my mother called me and told me, that she has now discovered her power of creating her life through asking the universe for what she wants. That's quite an esoteric thought for my mother, if you'd know her. Who knew...

So she recommended me, to try this "cosmic ordering", which of course is nothing new for me, but doesn't work - at least for me.
I told her, that obviously I'm some kind of cosmic abnormally in the universe, because the Law of Attraction doesn't work for me this way in my life.
She was quite for a moment - also something ver unusual for her - and then stuttered: "Yes... now as you say it... I really seem to make the law of attraction work, with you being the only exception! You are never doing, what I say!"
"Well..." I said, "there you have it! This universal law fails here in an epic way! Think about that...Good talk!"

I guess, she will never again talk about this with me again. Lesson learned...
So you see, dear @heart-to-heart, we may not be that different at all and maybe soon I'll see, that your end of the rainbow is my end of the rainbow. Much Love! ❤️

You're going to get it so stay tuned ;) 💖

OK, so first of all silly, this is what I told my dad... the belief that it doesn't work for you is exactly why it isn't working for you! You have to put it out there and let it go without attachment ;) I am willing to bet there is some thoughts holding you back however your mom's reaction is more funny so let's go with that! 💖

I love the rebel in you! I have it too, I'm happy to find where our ends meet 💖

Ohh think we left about at the same time. Best decision ever indeed. Though we are less a wanderer because of our lovely furry friend that is getting a bit old. I can relate to most things you mention. Yeah for crypto and SBDs who provide us health food hehe!

Really? Must have been something in the cosmos around that time ;) 💖 I had a love hate relationship with the wandering, it drove me crazy but taught me a lot. It does take a lot of courage to do it because our society says it won't work but you are a shining example of how it can! I agree with you, crypto helps with the specialty items to make the specialty recipes so it all goes around 💖

Your story of your brave decision to uncompromisingly be yourself actually touched my cold, dark heart. Well done, young lady ;)

Cold, dark heart you say! Well that just lights me on fire with excitement! That's one of my ultimate goals in life! I hope you're willing to let me do it again sometime! =D

it was nice to read :) Thank you!

What a great story. Very motivating, once again it is demonstrated that time always rewards perseverance

You are right! Sometimes things can be incredibly difficult but if you stick through it all, in the end, it'll pay off :)

I love your story, I love your spirit.

For much of my life I have been able to do what I want. Comes of a really salable skill, and the wish to see what's over the next hill. I just love that you are doing what you want by using what's available to you. Just keep on keeping on, kid.

The world is a better place with you in it.

You make me blush :)

You are an inspiration to me as well! Every time we talk you amaze me with comments of more freedom than most can dream of! It seems you have set yourself up in a situation away from all the negative I mentioned here and that is incredible! I told my poppa bear about you =D

Thanks for being here with me and being you! :)

Ah that success story :)

Oh, it's my first Steemit love <3 How are you doing @drakos? I actually wanted to catch up with you- I was having a big talk the other day and how I met you came up :)

The one and only ;)


You are an inspiration! I hope to be in that position in the next year or so. Keep rocking!

You for sure will be, you are dedicated and where there is a will, there is a way! I know for myself I found myself nervous at times, trying to push things off but there is no better time than now as cliche as that sounds. Anything can change in the blink of the eye but you just have to trust yourself that you'll be able to weather any storm and conquer any challenges. I'll be here to help you whenever you take off on your flight <3

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